Just recently, say, two weeks ago, I felt very proud of one of my students.  She was playing in a two-day ladies’ tournament, and after the first day’s play, she came to me and said, “Coach, I need to say something to you concerning today’s play.  While marking my ball on the green, I accidentally pushed the ball forward.  No one saw what transpired, but I replaced my ball and called my marker to inform her of what had happened.  I then called a penalty shot on myself.” Golf shows who we are, what we are made of, what values our parents have instilled in us, and what our coach or teacher is teaching us. I hugged her and said, “Well done!”  She shot 78 with the penalty on that day.  On day two, she played very well and shot 75, thereby tying for first place.  There was a playoff, and in the playoff she three-putted the first hole and lost, but yet, there was a smile on the young lady’s face.  I again hugged her and said, “Well Done!  Did you learn anything from all of this?”  She replied, “Yes Coach.  I feel good about myself.” All of us as golf instructors have a special role to play in the lives of our students.  Whatever we teach them can have an effect on their golf game and on the rest of their lives in general.


By USGTF member Anthony Benny Trinidad and Tobago Being involved in the game of golf for the past 57 years, I have noticed that once you are poor, there is no chance of making it at this game. But sport is for everyone, every walk of life, rich or poor. The greatest sportsmen and sportswomen come from the “grass roots” people. In an attempt to give back at my place of work, St. Andrews Golf Club, a decision was taken by one of the past managers to offer the nearby schools the opportunity in the game of golf. What a vision by this lady in helping to improve the life, skills and dreams of these young people! I am learning every day what an opportunity can do. Golf is not only about clubs and a golf ball; it is also about decisions, rules, friendship, discipline – and a chance at something different, or better. As the one who works with these kids, it brings me great joy to see the light in their eyes and their willingness to participate. I may not always produce golfers, but when I walk the streets and see what these young people have become, I am the happiest man in the world. To my fellow golf teaching professionals, it is our duty to give back. Let’s make this world a better place, because we can make a difference. Maraval_RC_School_-_Golf_Programme_-_Class_of_2013-2014 Anthony Benny poses with the Class of 2013-2014 from Maraval RC School on the chipping green of St. Andrews Golf Club.