Legendary teacher Bob Toski never got on board.  Nor did the late USGTF teaching professional Julius Richardson, a member of Golf Magazine’s Top 100 Teachers list.  There are a number of other teachers who didn’t, either.  To what am I referring? Technology.  Things like video, computers, the K-Vest, etc.  “Old school” teachers like Toski rely on their eyes to tell them everything they need to know about what’s going on in the swing – even finely honed swings like a tour player’s. So, we see it’s possible to teach at a high level without technology.  This brings up a question:  Which is better, old school or new school? A few years ago in one of the golf magazines, they attempted to answer the question of which school was “better.”  The writer first went to a traditional old-school teacher in Scotland who taught by feel, and then he went to a teacher in the US who used high-speed photography, training aids, and launch monitors.  The “new-school” teacher was apprised of what the old Scot’s instruction had been, and he dismissed it by saying it wasn’t going to fix the problems that the launch monitor had identified with the writer’s ball flight, nor would it fix the problems with his swing that had been identified through video analysis.  In the end, the writer said he got better results from the old-school methods. I’ll also never forget watching Julius give a lesson one day to a lady who was struggling.  It was easy to see mechanically what she was doing wrong, and so I figured Julius would focus on that.  Nope.  Instead, he simply told the lady to “soften your shoulders through the swing.”  Huh?  I never saw that coming.  Well, the next shot she hit was a beauty, and she was thrilled.  She continued to hit shot after shot much better than what she was doing before. Let’s keep something in mind.  Both Bob Toski and Julius Richardson were great players as younger men.  Teachers who were legitimately tour-level, or even plus-handicappers, know what a truly sound, fundamentally correct swing feels like.  If you’ve played to this level and have taught for many years and made a concerted effort to study the craft, you can probably find great success with teaching through “old school” methodology.  If you don’t have all that going for you, you probably need some help through technology.  That’s not to say teachers who are/were fine players who know a lot can’t benefit from using technology; many do.  I prefer it myself.  The key is to be able to transfer the numbers and video images to feel. The definitive answer to the question, “Which is better, old school or new school?”, is elusive.  What do you think?


The following are solid principles to follow that will help to develop your teaching skills: Only perfect practice makes perfect Golf is a skill; therefore, practice golf in pressure conditions.  This is the major difference between learning a skill and learning a technique.  Keep practices sessions short and frequent when working on a new skill.  Use practice time efficiently.  Students should experience a reasonable amount of success at each practice session.  Make practice fun as well as challenging. Positive Attitude towards Learning No matter what the standard of the player, a good instructor will make him or her better. It is important that any learning situation should focus toward success. The attitude of the teaching professional and student should be characterized by two qualities:
  • An open mind to receive new ideas.
  • An enquiring mind to question new ideas.
Organization Learning is based upon memory and students will recall more information when the material is organized.  Think of our memory system like a file cabinet.  The more organized the material is filed, the easier it is retrieved. Thus, instructors need to devise their lesson plans.   This allows the student to easily organize the material. Teaching is about creating environments that enable players to develop at their optimal rate.  

Golf Managers Must Understand and Manage Marketing

Pat Montana, Contributing Writer, US Golf Managers Association

One of the biggest concerns of golf club managers today is retaining current members or customers and attracting new members or customers. This is a marketing problem and golf club managers must understand and manage marketing in our changing world.

Marketing in its broadest sense is a concept for running the entire business. It puts the customer at the center of the business universe and not the organization. In other words, we must start in the marketplace and work backward from customer needs to develop our products and services – not the other way around. This so-called “marketing concept” is based not only on being customer-oriented, but also on doing it profitably. We are not interested in volume for volume’s sake, but in volume at a profit which flows as a result of meeting people’s needs effectively and solving their problems with our products and services. In its broadest sense, the purpose of marketing is to cause change in your favor. It takes a conscious pre-planned effort and requires that top management first set a specific measurable objective for the golf club facility which will serve as guidelines for the functional areas to do their planning and their research aimed at discovering opportunities for causing profitable change in their marketplace.