We are always happy to showcase our members and their accomplishments, either through our monthly e-newsletter or through our member publication, Golf Teaching Pro. If you would like to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or magazine, please submit a brief biography (half a page or less), along with a picture (no hats or sunglasses, and a smile works great) to info@usgtf.com.
By Joseph P. Bermel, Jr.
I am a USGTF Level III member from Sayville, Long Island, New York, originally from Islip Terrace, Long Island, and the first son of 15 Children. Readmore
The USGTF has signed on as the presenting sponsor for the Space Coast Pro Golf Tour, based in Orlando, Florida, for the rest of the 2014 season. Readmore
If you happen to be in the Port St. Lucie, Florida, area in the near future, stop by! The USGTF national office has undergone some renovations to better utilize the space in the office, as well as making some cosmetic changes for aesthetic purposes. Readmore
He wasn’t the best player on his college team. He wasn’t even the best player on his high school team. Most players in this situation would not be dreaming of success as a professional golfer, but Zach Johnson has always been somewhat of an underdog. Readmore
USGTF Southwest Region director Bruce Sims has announced that the inaugural USGTF Southwest Region Championship will be held Sunday and Monday, March 16-17, at Ridgeview Ranch in Plano, Texas. Readmore
Is your teaching or coaching one-dimensional? Dr. Gregg Steinberg, the USGTF’s sports psychology consultant, will be hosting a free webinar on Wednesday, February 26, at 7:00 p.m EST. Readmore
The 4th annual United States Professional Hickory Championship will be held Monday, February 24, at Temple Terrace Country Club in Tampa, Florida. Readmore
Boulder Creek Golf Club in Boulder City, Nevada, just outside Las Vegas, will once again be the host venue for the19th annual United States Golf Teachers Cup, Wednesday and Thursday, October 22-23. Readmore
By: Geoff Bryant, WGCA President
In a recent study, as individuals, we average hearing seven criticisms to every one compliment. And most of us remember the negative comments far longer than the positive statements.
As we often see ourselves through the eyes of people who discourage us, many of our limitations become self-imposed. This is why Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote: “Most of us die with the music still in us.”
The World Golf Coaches Alliance challenges all competitive golfers to remove those self-imposed limitations in order to play your best golf.
Believe that you can win. Work to make it happen.