Why I Teach Golf

Why I Teach Golf

When I was 21, just after I began my studies in education, I had a brief conversation with a close friend that altered my life. A couple of years earlier, with a small degree of enthusiasm, I decided to pursue a career as a schoolteacher. It ran in my family and it was a profession that did hold some appeal: summers off, decent benefits, significant opportunity, reliable income, etc. But in my heart I knew it wasn’t really what I wanted.

The game of golf had been a passion of mine since I was a young teenager. My appetite for the game showed up in a number of ways: reading whatever I could about the best players, daydreaming about golf, playing as much as possible (mostly in a field outside my front door – in the middle was a large oak tree which served as the perfect target), and learning the ins and outs of technique – most of which was self-taught (I couldn’t afford to take lessons).

I started playing some competitive junior golf and turned things up another notch with my desire to get better and better. It became the driving force in how I spent my free time. I went to college and played some more competitive golf, won a tournament, and continued to improve. It was at that point that I decided to turn my back on the game somewhat and pursue my career as a teacher. But then I bumped into a friend and we had the conversation which resulted in my “path of life” doing a 180.

His words were simple, and I suppose, not all that surprising: “You love the game, Andrew. It’s what you should do. It’s your passion. You should go for it. See where the game can take you.” As soon as he said these things I knew he was right. It was all I wanted to do and it made sense. Why not go for it? You only have one life, right? Why not roll the dice and follow your dreams.

To make a long story short, I went for it. I relinquished my spot in the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba and I enrolled in a Golf Management Program in Alberta that was geared to train aspiring golf professionals. I obtained a job scrubbing clubs at a course the following summer. I was on the road. Not for one second have I been sorry I made that decision.

Bottom line, I teach golf because I absolutely love the game. I love to play. I love to be around the game. I love learning about it. It’s a huge part of me. There probably isn’t an hour that goes by when I don’t think, in some way or another, about the game. I’m hopelessly addicted. I’m sure many of you can relate.

But, unfortunately, for a golf teacher, just loving the game isn’t enough. You need to be able to connect with people in order to make this profession rewarding. You need to understand people, to be able to get outside your own scope of thinking and delve into the minds of others – with sincerity. Thankfully, through my upbringing and life experiences – some good, some bad – I’ve developed a love for getting to know people. It’s another major reason why I teach the game. I enjoy getting to know the quirks, the insecurities, the weaknesses, the strengths, the character, and the faces of others. Getting to know others and observing how they cope, learn, adapt, laugh, and get angry, allows you to learn a little more about yourself.

Of course, with this profession we are also given the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. It may not grant them the fortitude and the wisdom to overcome the most challenging issues facing them. However, engaging them in a pastime can have a dramatic effect, not just on their golf games, but in how they live their lives. It frees their minds for a while. Because everyone – doctors, housewives, electricians – needs to rest, take a break, from the “real” issues of life. It’s healthy. It’s how we were made. It’s what we need. To be able to offer that to them through teaching them something about the greatest game on earth is an honor. It’s a privilege – and I’m thrilled to be able to do it every day.

From Humble Roots We Have Blossomed In Our Profession

From Humble Roots We Have Blossomed In Our Profession

As golf teaching professionals we have it pretty good. Our students put us on a pedestal just because we can hit a little ball straight. We’re thought of as highly as their doctor, financial adviser or lawyer (well maybe not lawyer). Let’s just say we hold a pretty lofty position in the public eye. Ah, but it wasn’t always the case. In the 500 years that golf has been played, it has only been about 70 years that professionals have been allowed to enter the clubhouse of a private course. In the early days of golf, pros were considered to be less than second class citizens. To trace the roots of our profession, we must return to the year 1740, a period of relative prosperity in Scotland. Many a merchant made fortunes trading wool and cotton and began to enjoy the privilege and respect of their new found wealth. Bonding together and having the time and money to spend on leisure activity, they began playing golf on weekdays, something humble townsfolk could never afford to do.

Golf itself was an expensive proposition primarily because of the cost of the feather balls used at the time. Thus, only the wealthiest played regularly. Naturally, such a class of citizen would not do such menial tasks as take care of the golf course or carry clubs. They hired townspeople to serve them. For many of the locals it became a useful way to supplement their incomes. Eventually, the more enterprising, took to caddying regularly, tending to the course, making balls and building or repairing clubs. It was only a matter of time before the servants began playing golf themselves. I mean if you hung around a golf course all day, could you resist the temptation to try playing? Unfortunately, earning a living off something as frivolous as golf did little to elevate the status of the men who did. On the scale of social distinction such people were lower than common laborers. As golf grew more popular among the elite, golfing clubs began to form and more new courses began to appear across Scotland. The growth required more equipment, balls and people to service this expanding economy. Enter the golf professional.

The father of our grand trade is widely acknowledged to be Allan Robertson of St. Andrews. Robertson was best known as a producer of feather golf balls but he was also the finest golfer to break 80 on the Old Course. One of the ways professionals made money in those days was in head to head challenge matches. Legend has it that Robertson never lost such a match. It was during Robertson’s later years that the popularity of golf exploded due to the introduction of the inexpensive gutta percha ball in 1848. More people than ever began playing but only a handful, the professionals played it well. Their superior ability however, did nothing to improve their social status. Golf professionals knew their place and abided by the expectations of the general society.

It would remain so for another seventy years. To their discredit a lot of early pros did not help their image. They were often hard drinkers and generally unkept. In fact for the British Open in 1860, practice round spectators were so appalled at the appearance of some of the pros that the tournament committee bought each a suit of clothing to wear on tournament day. Fortunately, the golf played by the eight contestants in the inaugural Open was outstanding, bringing large crowds and high praise from the local newspaper.

As the game grew, more sophisticated professionals appeared on the scene. Old Tom and Young Tom Morris, Willie Park and the great triumvirate of Harry Vardon, James Braid and J.H. Taylor dominated golf from 1860 to 1915. Taylor was the first of these golfers to take the lead in trying to elevate the social status of his fellow professionals. He was instrumental in forming the first Professional Golfers Association in 1901 calling for improvement in wages and working conditions. Things started to get better but amateurs or sporting gentlemen as they were referred to still controlled golf and the fate of their hired hands.

The American touring golf pro was probably most responsible for raising the golf professional’s status to the lofty position we currently enjoy. I would have to say it was primarily one man, my personal hero – Walter Hagen. At the 1920 British Open, Hagen was rebuked by a steward for entering the clubhouse to change shoes. Apologizing for not having known the rules, he then told the steward that for the remainder of the stay, he would be changing in his limousine, which would be parked in front of the clubhouse each day. It was a bold move but typical of Hagen. The British people fell in love with him, yet in subsequent trips he was still banned from the clubhouses. Then at the ‘24 Open he finished second and for the first time was invited into the clubhouse for the presentation of the trophy to Arthur Havers. He politely thanked the committee and declined. He then turned to the crowd and told them that in the entire time of his stay he was not allowed in the clubhouse, so instead he was inviting everyone to the pub where he was welcome all week for a drink and to thank them personally. The gallery followed him to the pub leaving only the tournament committee and Havers. Certainly there were a lot of factors that changed the fortunes of golf pros besides Hagen, but he was probably the first to expect a certain level of respect. For that I think we should all be grateful.
Random Musings

Random Musings

…I pulled out my old 1961 Walter Hagan laminated driver the other day and compared it to my modern high-tech titanium/composite driver. Guess what? I hit the modern driver all of 10 yards farther than my old one when both were hit solidly.

…Speaking of distance, the median driving distance on the PGA Tour in 2012 at the time of this writing is 288.4 yards. In 2000 (beginning of titanium era), 273.2; in 1990 (beginning of metal era), 263.1; and, in 1980, firmly in the persimmon-balata era, 256.7. Let’s use 1990 as the benchmark, because at that time few thought distance was a problem in the pro game. Over the course of 14 drives, today’s players have a 354.2-yard advantage over their counterparts of 1990…so someone please explain to me why we are lengthening courses 500 or more yards.

…The talk is that the USGA, apparently under pressure from the R&A, will agree with the R&A to ban anchored putters starting in 2016. It seems the R&A doesn’t like people using these putters win majors, as Keegan Bradley, Webb Simpson, and Ernie Els have done…and it’s not helping matters when Adam Scott says how great he putts with it. But, if you look at the most accurate way of measuring putting prowess on the Tour, strokes-gained, Bradley, Simpson, Els, and Scott rank 38th, 31st, 68th, and 80th, respectively. The top putters ranked 1st through 12th all use conventional putters. Need I say more?…

…Our flagship event, the United States Golf Teachers Cup, is my favorite tournament of the approximately 5-7 I play every year. Every USGTF members should play in it at least once in their career. The camaraderie, friendships, and just plain fun are not matched anywhere.
The Olympic Mindset of Golf

The Olympic Mindset of Golf

Everyone gets nervous: You, me, and even Olympic athletes, including the great Michael Phelps. We all get butterflies when the situation is important to us. That is human nature. The difference is how we view this nervousness.

There is a wise saying in sports psychology: “It is okay to have butterflies; just make sure they fly in the right formation.” Successful Olympians in London this past year needed to have command over their butterflies. All it takes is reframing the situation. When you help your students to develop this skill, they, too, can take home the “gold.”

Case in point: Aly Raisman, part of the USA’s “Fab 5” on this year’s gold medal women’s gymnastic team. On the night of the finals, the pressure was immense. The women’s team was in a close battle with Russia for the gold. All they needed was one last great performance by Aly on the floor exercise to lock up the gold for the US team.

Talk about pressure – the world’s eyes were upon Aly – and she came through with an amazing performance, nailing one jump after another.

What is Aly’s secret to handling the pressure? Aly Raisman turns pressure into pleasure!

Aly has stated that she sees pressure-packed situations as exciting. With this type of viewpoint, she channels her nervous energy into a positive form of motivation. Instead of being overwhelmed by the situation at hand, she relished the moment. Her reframing of the situation led to her greatness on the most important night of her life.

Unfortunately, many of your students do the opposite and turn a pleasurable golf experience into an excruciating pressure-filled moment. If they miss a green, they worry about not getting up and down and ruining their score. They should be enjoying their day on the course, but instead are worried about what others are thinking of them. They turned pleasure into pressure, and subsequently, their play is negatively affected.

Have your students think like an Olympic champion

Teach your students to do what Aly Reisman does: Reframe the situation and see it as exciting and a challenge. When they miss the green, help them think of getting up and down as a fun challenge. If the hole is tight with water on both sides, help them to focus on the challenge of hitting the fairway, instead of worrying about hitting it into the hazard.

Teach your students to switch their thoughts from worrying about scores and outcomes, and instead see golf as an amazing challenge. When they make this mental switch, their mood will be boosted and they will remain calm in the heat of battle.

The philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson knew that a twist of viewpoint can turn moments of despair into moments of triumph when he wrote, “To different minds, the same world is a hell or a heaven.” Any pressure situation can be a wonderful experience or a dreadful one. Golf can be seen as immensely hard or a fun, exciting challenge. When your students focus on the excitement in the game, they will be a champion under any circumstances.

Dr. Gregg Steinberg is ranked by Golf Digest as one of the great golf masterminds. He has been the sports psychologist for the USGTF for more than 20 years. He coaches many top elite college and PGA Tour players on the mental game. You can reach him at mentalrules24@msn.com and see more about him at www.DrGreggSteinberg.com.