It’s an unfortunate fact that many professional tour players don’t know the Rules of Golf all that well. Unfortunately, it’s also a fact that many teaching professionals aren’t up to speed on them, either.  Readmore
Let the Belly Handle the Pressure

Let the Belly Handle the Pressure

In the last issue, Mark Harman insightfully illustrated in his article “The long and Short of it” that the incredibly popularly belly putter did not sink more putts than the conventional length putter when yielded by a PGA pro. While it looks like most pros are turning to the belly putter, Mark statistically proved that Keegan Bradley did not fare any better than Steve Stricker from 10 feet.

While putter length may not matter at the professional level, I do believe the belly putter will help any amateur sink more putts under pressure. The reason is simple.

Our core big muscles (such as our trunk and abdominal areas) are less susceptible to anxiety than our small muscles. The core big muscles are primarily used with the belly putter whereas the conventional putter uses our fingers and hands. Using your core big muscles when putting will help you sink more putts under pressure.

Why then would this not be represented in statistics with the PGA tour? The answer is simple. The PGA tour has the best putters in the world who can putt amazingly well under pressure. Pros who cannot sink key putts under pressure, have weaned themselves off the tour or, in most cases, never made it to the big show.

However, and interestingly, in some cases, we have seen some PGA pros go to the belly putter because it allows them to handle the pressure better. The best instance which comes to mind is Freddie Couples who has been a terror on the greens since he switched. His long game never left him, only his ability to make the key putts. We have also seen the same phenomenon with Billy Mayfair and Vijay Singh-to name a few. Perhaps the belly putter is best for the graying population.

To determine whether or not your student (regardless of age) should go to the belly putter, give them the pressure cooker test. First, have your students make 20 putts from four feet in a row using the conventional style putter. If they miss any, your students must start over. Next, do the same practice drill with a belly putter. See which technique can handle this pressure packed drill the best. I would predict in most cases, it will be the latter drill using the belly putter.

However, if your students want to only use the conventional style putter, it is still a good teaching strategy for them to practice using the belly putter. This technique will show them how to use their core muscles when putting, which I believe is essential to handling pressure.

As you and I both know, your students will be very happy with your teaching if they shoot about the same scores in practice as they do in competition (or when playing with their friends for a nassau). And there is a greater chance of this happening when they use their core muscles when putting.
Should the PGA Merchandise Show Open its Door to more People?

Should the PGA Merchandise Show Open its Door to more People?

In a few weeks the golf industry will hold its annual gathering of merchants displaying their goods and services. Every possible item from tees to range rovers will be on display. Golf pros, retailers and service providers with proper credentials are admitted to show floor to view the extravaganza. The folks manning the booths greet their buyers and troll for new customers in hopes of increasing their market share and growing their particular business. I have been attending for about ten years and not much has changed. To be honest it has gotten a bit stale. The main reason I go is because I run into many friends I have made over the years. I’m sure a lot of attendees feel the same way. That in my opinion does not sound like a recipe for longevity.   Companies spend a lot of money trying to convince shop owners to stock certain products. It is kind of a top down approach. Basically you try to get one person to buy a lot of stuff and hope he can sell that stuff to a lot of customers. Some companies allocate additional money in advertising to show the buyer of their stuff that people will be breaking down doors to get a hold of that stuff they just ordered. On and on it goes, year after year. Yet I keep reading that sales are down.   Maybe it is time for a new approach. If I were the boss of the show, I would shake things up a bit. The event is three days. On the first two it would be business as usual. On the third day however, I would allow the general public to attend. The companies can put away all their wholesale pricing catalogs and just show their goods. I believe when those people go back home they would go to their retailer and say, can I get one of those new drivers I tried out at the PGA Show. Imagine thousands of people doing that all over. That will create demand and like it or not that is how capitalism works best – when there is demand for goods and services. How one creates that demand is the questioned that will need to be answered as we go forward.