Back in a simpler time, golf courses were run by the owner/owners of the facility, and golf course management schools weren’t on anyone’s radar. As the game grew into the 20th century, the golf professional became the mainstay of the operation, and golf course management schools still didn’t exist..
Fast-forward to the 21st century, and the business of golf is one that would not be recognized by those of 100 years ago. Receiving training in all facets of the golf business has become necessary for those who wish to work in the industry, and golf course management schools have cropped up in order to satisfy this demand. Golf course management schools first gained traction in 1975 at Ferris State University, and the success of that program has led to others.
One of the benefits of these other programs is that there are programs tailored to individuals who have various needs. A four-year program designed for 18-year-olds might be best for that particular age group, but most people come into the golf business later in life, and such a program is ill-suited towards these individuals.
Most people would benefit from golf course management schools that have a streamlined process. Some offer programs of a year or more in length, but only one of the golf course management schools – the United States Golf Management Association – offers a training program that takes only a few days. All topics pertinent to the business of golf course management are covered, and the program is ideal for those who already have real-world business experience and have no need to take a year or more to re-learn what they already know.
Managing a golf course is a very specific activity, and various golf course management companies have sprung up throughout the years in order to satisfy a demand. Perhaps the owners of a particular course are not in a position to manage the course themselves. Perhaps they are looking to outside experts to improve the bottom line, or maybe they simply don’t want to run the course. This is where golf course management companies can provide a valuable service.
Those who own golf course management companies know that they have to do an outstanding job and provide great service, or else they will find that they will not survive in a very competitive business. Golf course management companies are looking for candidates who are well-trained and qualified, often seeking out candidates who have furthered their education in the field.
Programs such as four-year college curriculums have been developed to meet this need, but also there are other programs that take less time. Perhaps the most notable of these programs is the one run by the United States Golf Management Association, which uses individuals actively working in the field of golf management as instructors at its certification courses.
Successful attendees have found employment with various golf courses, not only around the nation, but around the world. And, golf course management companies seek out successful attendees of the courses, too, because they know that they have been given a well-rounded education in the business of golf management.
The business of golf is quite varied. It might be thought that the general manager or director of golf at a golf course have the only golf management jobs in the industry, but the fact is that golf management jobs come in all sorts of varieties.
Your off-course golf shop retailer also comes into play when discussing golf management jobs. How about the lead superintendent of a golf course? Certainly, it might be said that he has one of the best, but perhaps also one of the most stressful, of golf management jobs. How does one get started in working their way into upper golf management? Well, one way is to start at the bottom.
The old-school method was to land a job as an assistant professional, or even as one of the pro shop staff. You learned the business well this way, but it would take years before someone could work their way into a golf management job that was considered upper-echelon. Younger people might gravitate today towards a four-year program offered by an accredited university, but again this takes many years. As a result, the certification course offered by the United States Golf Management Association has been well-received by those who may not necessarily have the time or inclination to wait years to achieve their goals.
Candidates who have successfully gone through the USGMA program have found a variety of golf management jobs in a variety of settings. As the program is conducted by those currently in the golf business, those who are looking for a way into the many golf management jobs available are finding the USGMA program the very thing they need to give them that extra edge over others in the business.
When one thinks of the phrase “professional golf management, ” one might have the vision of managing a professional golf event. While that is certainly the case, professional golf management is much more than that.
The business of golf continues to thrive in these difficult economic times. While the participation rates have leveled off in recent years due to the economy, people who play the game are some of the most ardent participants of any recreational sport.
Professional golf management becomes vital in order to make these participants happy. Golf courses know that they have to put out a good product in order to retain the customers they have, because if they don’t, they will simply patronize the course that does put a great deal of care into their facility.
Courses that are successful know that professional golf management of their facilities goes a long way in assuring a product that golfers will seek out. Facilities that fall into disrepair are ones that quickly lose their player base, and these are usually the ones that do not have any professional golf management staff – or, at the very least, managers who are ill-suited for the job.
Those seeking a career in professional golf management should look into a learning curriculum that prepares individuals well for the challenges ahead.
The United States Golf Management Association has done that, using individuals actively working in the field to conduct its training and management courses.