8 Feb 2011 Corina Pelloni GOLF ON TELEVISION In our modern iPad, iPhone world, it seems that information overload is everywhere. This also seems to apply to golf on television. Readmore
8 Feb 2011 Corina Pelloni AFFILIATES/ASSOCIATES GOLF TEACHERS CUP UPDATE The inaugural Affiliates/Associates Golf Teachers Cup will be held Friday, Readmore
8 Feb 2011 Corina Pelloni USGTF MEMBER NAMED GENERAL MANAGER USGTF member, Young Hu has been recently named the Readmore
8 Feb 2011 Corina Pelloni GREAT AMERICAN TOUR PLAYER RICKIE FOWLER There’s a perception that today’s tour players’ swings all look the same Readmore
8 Feb 2011 Corina Pelloni FEATURED USGTF GOLF TEACHING PROFESSIONAL Each month the USGTF features an individual profile of a teaching professional Readmore
8 Feb 2011 Corina Pelloni $500 PRIZE FOR BEST GOLF TEACHING PHOTO! The USGTF is always on the lookout for great golf teaching photographs, Readmore
8 Feb 2011 Corina Pelloni USGTF MEMBER WINS DUES FOR THE YEAR Congratulations to USGTF member Poon Kon Hoo from The Woodlands Readmore
8 Feb 2011 Corina Pelloni RULES AND CLUBFITTING COURSE AT WORLD GOLF TEACHERS CUP® A 2-hour rules and a 2-hour clubfitting clinic Readmore
8 Feb 2011 Corina Pelloni UPCOMING USGTF CERTIFICATION COURSES As a reminder for those of you who are interested in upgrading your membership, Readmore