Learning Golf Should Mirror Skiing

By Mike Stevens A sane person would never tackle a black slope on their first venture on a snow-packed mountain when skiing, although I have seen several broken appendages proving me otherwise. Remember, I said a sane person. Generally, one starts on the bunny hill to get a feel for the stance and posture and how to turn and stop without crashing. Then, maybe something a little more exciting, but it might be months before attempting a black. Ski slopes are set up to allow a progression, and the industry promotes learning in that manner. Instructors would never take an inexperienced person to an advanced run right off the bat. I wish golf took the same approach. It would be so easy to have a short course within a course and designate a plan for new golfers to progress to so-called championship lengths. I have seen a couple of courses do this, but it is not something pushed at the industry level. Instead of all the new golf initiatives formulated each year to grow the game, we should concentrate on helping the individual progress in smaller steps. Tee it forward was a good idea, but meant for experienced golfers. If I were running a course, I would have 18 tee boxes within the course with a maximum distance 175 yards. Then, I would have new golfers play from there with a target score to achieve before they could move back to a farther length. I believe newbies would enjoy it more and feel a sense of accomplishment once they graduated to a regulation length course.
Teaching Hacks That Work

Teaching Hacks That Work

We all know that there is no substitute for teaching proper fundamentals. They are the bases of forming a good swing and overall game. There is no doubt that the finest players in the game have mastered the fundamentals, and the closer our students can do the same, the more they will improve.

But there are times when gaining proficiency in the fundamentals is rather difficult for some of our students. There are some teaching shortcuts that can be used in conjunction with the fundamentals that can expedite the learning process. Keep in mind that these won’t work for every student, but they’re worth trying when a student’s progress is stalled. Here are a few that cover the basic errant ball flights:


Many students have a hard time squaring the clubface because they don’t understand the feel of the proper release through impact.

Using an extremely strong grip –Most students employing this grip will have no choice but to square or close the clubface at impact.

Back to the target drill – The student sets up with a stance that is at least 45° closed to the target line. Since they can’t turn very well through the impact area, the arms and hands will tend to release properly through impact. This drill works for the vast majority of slicers.

Try to hit the ball with the toe of the clubhead – USGTF Hall of Fame teacher David Vaught emphasizes that the student must do the opposite of what he or she is currently doing in order to effect a change. This feeling of trying to hit the ball with the toe of the clubhead (not the toe of the clubface, but the actual toe of the clubhead) helps many slicers realize how much clubhead rotation is necessary through impact. And if you’re worried about the student actually hitting the ball off the toe of the clubhead and ruining their $500 driver, relax. Members of the USGTF Technical Committee have yet to see one student do this in our collective years of teaching.


Hooking, of course, is the opposite of slicing, as the clubface is closed to the clubhead path at impact. This is more of a good player’s problem, but we still see average players and novices struggle with it.

Drag the grip or clubhead inside through impact – USGTF teaching legend Bob Toski has been quoted as saying, “Swing in the direction of your miss.” So, if the ball is hooking left for a right-hander, it is imperative that the clubhead and/or grip be swung hard to the left through impact. Some may get the feeling of “sawing” across the ball.

Feel the lead shoulder move down and behind the golfer through impact – Golfers who hook often drop the clubhead too far inside starting down, the result of the lead shoulder moving too far out and up. Cultivating the opposite feel can do wonders.


Golfers can top the ball as the clubhead is either ascending or descending. Regardless of the angle of attack, many toppers “chicken-wing” the lead arm through impact, the result of not turning properly. But until that fundamental problem is fixed, a simple solution is to get the student to try to hit underneath the ball instead of trying to hit the back of the ball. Having them take practice swings where they brush the grass, or even take a slight divot, gets them to feel where the bottom of the clubhead is in relation to the ground.


This is the opposite of topping, as the student is hitting the ground before hitting the ball. Both topping and fat shots can have their origin in poor posture, but those hitting it fat really need to emphasize a more proper posture as they are likely to be too hunched over at setup. Also, as in topping, it is helpful to get the student to try to do the opposite of what he or she is actually doing, and this would involve trying to top the ball. And this bears emphasis: Knowing where the bottom of the clubhead is at impact is a crucial skill that must be mastered for any sort of proficiency in the game.


The best advice here might be the old saying, “Take two weeks off…then quit.” Seriously, shanking is a problem that has a number of causes, but the result is the same – hitting balls off the hosel of the club. A quick fix is to place an empty water bottle just outside where the toe of the clubhead should be at impact. Another quick fix in extreme cases is to have the student address the ball off the toe of the club and actually try to either hit the ball off the toe of the clubface, or even try to whiff to the inside of the ball. Sometimes all it takes is for a student to see his or her perception doesn’t match reality, and this can get them going in the right direction.


These teaching “hacks” aren’t substitutes for emphasizing the proper fundamentals, but they can help get results where other traditional methods may have either failed or are taking a long time to implement. It’s our job to get our students hitting the ball solidly, and sometimes that may mean taking shortcuts until the root cause of the problem is corrected.

Playing The Game: What Were You Thinking?

Playing The Game: What Were You Thinking?

By David Vaught USGTF Teaching Professional, Bradenton, Florida

So often, average golfers struggle on the golf course after taking instruction. This can be frustrating for the student and the instructor alike. Therefore, how do we address this issue, understand it and eliminate some of the golf course struggles that arise when it comes time to hit the links?

Let’s set up a common scenario for the golf instructor and their student. An obvious change needs to be made for the golf swing or stroke to produce higher quality shots. The instructor uses his or her knowledge to identify an issue and attempts to implement the change to the student’s motion. So far, an easy situation. The challenge comes when the student plays the first few rounds after taking a couple of lessons. In our theoretical situation, the student understands the issue and can implement the change while working with the instructor. The student then goes out to play, and sure enough, informs the instructor they played horribly and had a miserable time. Aren’t lessons supposed to make the game more enjoyable?

Here is the issue: Focusing intently about movements, especially small muscle movements, interrupts the natural pathways, or flows, from the brain through the central nervous system. From the first movement away from the ball to the millisecond the clubhead strikes the ball, the total time is less than 1 second (.92) for good players and slightly more than 1 second (1.15) for the average golfer. The last 3 feet of clubhead movement just before impact takes only .03 to .04 seconds! Talk about quick thinking!

In a controlled learning environment, with the guidance of the teacher and with no pressure to perform, it is possible to hit good shots while focusing intently on a muscle movement. But out on course, everything changes, as most of us know all too well. The student that attempts to force or think their way through a motor-skill change will make poorly-timed, bad rhythmical swings, often resulting in a worse result than they were experiencing before the instruction. Can you imagine mechanically thinking your way through throwing a ball? The result would not be good!

Therefore, what is the remedy? Some swing changes take time and some changes can be implemented much quicker. The solution is to communicate well with your student. Train them to not think their way through the swing on the course and to allow time for the changes to take place naturally over time. Concepts like “think box/shot box” are very valuable to teach your student. A free flowing, non-thinking swing that is flawed will work better on the course than a mechanical, tied-in-knots swing. A simple think box/shot box concept can be practiced on the range. During a practice swing away from the ball, the student is permitted to think “mechanics,” but once set up to the ball (shot box), they will not allow themselves to think about specific movements or mechanics. The focus should just be the target or something simple like tempo or rhythm.

Some players can use a common concept referred to as a “swing key.” This is something very simple, involves only one thought and usually involves a “feeling,” not necessarily a very technical thought. A swing key is acceptable if the player can perform it without interrupting the natural flow of theirs wing. Some male and female tour players will make some very strange practice swings in the “think box,” but rarely will a successful tour player “think” their way through the swing while hitting a shot.

It is up to the instructor to monitor and teach their student the difference between a simple swing key and a robot swing that can make the round of golf miserable. Flawed swings have to be altered to produce better shots, but the process of change can take time. During that process, the student should be taught to play on the course with a clear mind. Save thinking for the practice sessions and play with a free mind. The game will be much more enjoyable.

usgtf us cup golf teacher certified golf instructor

US Cup This Month!

The 24th annual United States Golf Teachers Cup and the 3rd annual United States Senior Golf Teachers Cup will be played Monday and Tuesday, October 7-8, at Oakcreek Country Club in Sedona, Arizona. You can follow all the action at www.USGolfTeachersCup.com. Participants can also get their tee times by visiting the site. Tee times will be up and running by 5:00 p.m. EDT (2:00 p.m. Sedona time), October 5th. This year’s events, combined with a concurrent pro-am and one of the most beautiful locations in the entire USA, are sure to be among the best ever held. We look forward to seeing all competitors soon!
usgtf members forum

USGTFMembers.com Is Your Communication Portal

USGTF members can have their say and communicate with their fellow members at www.USGTFMembers.com. Registration is free and is open to all members in good standing. Topics include instruction, equipment, USGTF events and general discussions. Employees of the National Office will also offer their input on a regular basis so you can see what is happening with your organization in real time.

If you haven’t registered, please do so today and get in on the conversation!

Did You Know?

The phrases “Certified Golf Teaching Professional” and “Master Golf Teaching Professional” are United States Federal Registered Trademarks owned by the United States Golf Teachers Federation.

Anyone not a current USGTF member using these marks in the United States is infringing on our trademark.

“PRO” File – Touring Professional Jin Young Ko

The pipeline from Korea to the LPGA Tour keeps growing all the more impressive with the addition of Jin Young Ko. Ko is currently the #1-ranked player in the world with a sizeable points lead over the second-ranked player, Sung Hyun Park, herself a formidable player. Ko first made waves by finishing second at the Women’s British Open in 2015, and wound up being a 10-time winner on the LPGA of Korea Tour. Her rookie year on the LPGA Tour came in 2018, already a seasoned veteran. She actually won an LPGA event in 2017 prior to becoming a member. In 2018, she scored 13 top-10 finishes and was named Rookie of the Year. Ko picked up right where she left off in 2019, earning four victories (as of this writing), including two major championships. Her ascendancy to #1 was meteoric once she reached the LPGA Tour, but it was built upon years of fine play in Korea. Ko is sure to become a household name like the other Ko on tour, Lydia, but with perhaps more staying power. Time will tell.

Editorial – Memories of US Cups Past

I write this a few days before the 24th edition of the United States Golf Teachers Cup will be played in Sedona, Arizona, at Oakcreek Country Club. Oakcreek is one of the most beautiful courses I’ve ever played, and I’m sure everyone there will have a fantastic time. This year we are combining the event with a pro-am, and we’ve had good participation on that level, as well.

But in reminiscing about the U.S. Cup, I go back to 1996, where it all started at Ponce de Leon Resort in St. Augustine, Florida. The course no longer exists, sold to a developer, but we had somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 players for that one-round event. Edward Lee of New Orleans, Louisiana, playing out of the Senior division shot a 74 on a cold and windy day. Faisal Qurechi nipped me in a playoff for Open division honors. The next year the tournament moved out west to San Luis Rey Downs in Bonsall, California, where 23 intrepid souls made the journey. Shawn Clement fired a 73 playing both right- and left-handed! At the time, Shawn was a disciple of Moe Norman and used his method.

The tournament really took off in 1999, when we combined it with the World Golf Teachers Cup at Ballentrae in Port St. Lucie, Florida, at the time the home city of the USGTF National Office. 130 players participated and we took over the course for the entire five days. Players from all over the world were there, and many friendships were made. Somehow, my good friend Ken Butler also won the individual World Cup that week (hey, I gotta tweak you somehow, Kenny!). But Kenny is a great player in his own right, so enough said.

Some of my best friends not only in golf but in life have been made at these events. I won’t list them because I’ll forget someone, but for anyone who has spent some time with me, you are definitely on that list. I look forward to Sedona with great anticipation and adding to that great history.

By Mark Harman, USGTF National Course Director

The Rhythm of Golf

The Rhythm of Golf

The Rhythm of GolfRhythm is an often overlooked aspect to the golf swing. Since the invention of the camcorder, teachers have been enamored with positions in the swing. They want their students to be in certain positions at certain times, all in an effort to get the ball to finish somewhere near its intended target. But today, savvy teachers know that there is more to the swing than just positions. They realize that the overall movement is important, and that good rhythm is very much a part of that.

It’s not just the golf swing where rhythm is important. There is a certain rhythm playing the game that is completely different than practice. There are also certain rhythms playing the game present one day that are different than other days. Indeed, an individual round of golf might feature several rhythms.

In playing vs. practice, it is important that our students somewhat simulate the rhythm of playing as much as they can when they practice. This might include hitting one shot with one club, putting the club back into the bag, drawing out another and playing another shot. To better simulate the rhythm of the course, going through the same pre-shot routine used on the course is of paramount importance. It doesn’t have to be used for every shot, but it should be used often enough so that when the player gets on the course, it doesn’t feel like such a foreign experience in terms of rhythm.

The rhythm of a round might be dramatically changed, too. For example, a group of golfers may be sailing along without delay until they run into a logjam of players up ahead, drastically slowing their progress. This can lead to a change in play, often for the worse. However, it can be no less damaging to be playing slowly when the group ahead suddenly decides it’s time to let your group through. Players often rush their routines in an effort to be courteous to the yielding group, but most of the time they’re only saving a couple of seconds. Although, those couple of seconds seem like the routine is cut in half, and the result is usually a poor one. And playing out the round with the newfound “freedom” of not having to wait can mean taking several holes to once again find a comfortable rhythm.

Teaching has its own rhythm, as well. There are days when things seem to flow and our students are progressing well. Other days, it seems we just cannot find the rhythm of our teaching, and we struggle with our message, our presentation, our quality of instruction. Perhaps it’s best to slow down when we find ourselves in this position and take some time to simplify our approach. You might think this malady would affect only new teachers, as they are still trying to find their footing, but experienced teachers have their off days, too.

Those of us who run a golf course or who work in the pro shop will find that a workday will often have several rhythms, and very rarely will there be a consistent rhythm throughout the day. There might be an early-morning rush, followed by a lull, followed by a consistent flow of players after lunch, tailing off again until the after-work crowd appears. There might be unexpected problems cropping up which divert our attention.

Think about all the aspects of golf besides playing, teaching and running a golf course. There are equipment manufacturers who need to be keenly aware of the rhythm of the golf marketplace. Retail golf stores have a rhythm all their own, as do the employees who work there. Tournament administrators find that running a competition has ebbs and flows of rhythm.

Rhythm may be one of the most important aspects of not only golf, but life. Those who are best able to recognize these rhythms and are able to “go with the flow” usually find the most success and contentment.
The Demise of a Great Tournament

The Demise of a Great Tournament

By Mike Stevens USGTF Teaching Professional, Tampa, Florida

Of the four majors, the U.S. Open was my second favorite, right behind the Open Championship. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case. For most of its history, it was a tough but fair test, especially when played on an historically classic old course. However, the USGA’s obsession that under par is bad has led to ridiculous setups that don’t challenge the best players in the world; they just tend to make them look foolish. Instead of leaving the course as it was designed, the blue jackets swoop in and change the character of the course as it is played daily and as it has played for most of its history. All to preserve sacred par.

A lot of it has to do with how far the pros are hitting the ball these days. If they feel a course is too short, they then add new tee boxes to lengthen it. Barring that, they grow the rough to unplayable lengths. Take Merion, for example. They could only add 500 yards to get it up to 7,000; nothing for today’s fellows. Answer: Grow the rough to knee-high in many places and have the greens rolling around 13. Afterwards, they bragged how the old steed held up because the winning score was +1. This was far from the Merion that David Graham won on at -7 with much inferior equipment.

This year they return to Pebble Beach, where Phil Mickelson won in February with a score of 19 under par. If the winning U.S. Open score is high due to iffy weather that can roll in on the Monterey Peninsula, fine. But if it is due to tricked up pin placements and 12-inch rough, then on my scale of importance, you can move this major behind the Players, Ryder Cup and even the Tour Championship as far as I’m concerned.