Do I Need A Website As A Certified Golf Teaching Professional®?

By Kenneth Weaver, USGTF Contributing Writer

Do you need a website? For most golf teaching professionals that operate independently, the answer is typically a resounding yes, although there are a few exceptions that I will address shortly. On the other side of the coin are the golf teaching professionals who are employees of a golf club or golf school who may or may not have the responsibility of bringing students into the business. As we move forward, I will address the variables of these scenarios.

If you are responsible for sourcing your students/customers, you must keep in mind that in this day and age, if a person is looking for goods and/or services, the first place they turn to is the internet. The most common place for them to start their search is to “Google” their query. If you don’t stand out in the search results, you won’t be found, and they will contact the business/person that has a website that answers their basic questions and validates the sought-after qualifications. Others might do their search on social media platforms, looking for golf teachers, golf Instructors or golf schools etc. For most, your website is the face of your business, and often your one moment to convince a potential new customer/student to take an action with your business. It doesn’t matter if you are an individual giving private lessons, a golf school/teaching facility, or a driving range; this is often your one opportunity to show off who you are, what you do and to present your qualifications. Having a professionally designed website that provides potential customers/students with the answers that they seek can give you a competitive advantage in your market niche.


I am an employee at a golf club working as a golf teaching professional

• If your employer does the marketing and provides the students, then the simple answer here is no (website not needed). The only reason you would want to establish a website is if you are wanting to augment your employer’s marketing efforts and to build your own personal reputation/following as a golf teaching professional.
• If you are an employee but have the responsibility of recruiting students, then the answer could be yes, but only if your employer doesn’t have a website for the business. If they have a website and you need to help with recruiting, they could add a “landing page” to their existing website that you can use for recruitment relative to your services. You could drive traffic to that landing page through social media (see my previous article, “Which Social Platform should I use?)

I am and independent golf teaching professional that provides private and/or group lessons

With this scenario the answer is most likely yes, with a couple of exceptions.
• I already have a large following and my teaching schedule is always fully booked! (Website not needed.)
• I have a Facebook business page with a substantial following where I have a reasonable level of success with recruiting new students, but my teaching calendar still has openings! In this scenario, you could set up a targeted Facebook ads campaign to recruit students from your geographical area, which is a well-proven and cost-effective marketing strategy. You could direct respondents from your Facebook ads to call you, although the ideal strategy would be to direct them to a website where they can learn more about you and your services. (Website recommended but not absolutely necessary.)
• I am just getting started and need to build a solid student/clientele base! (Website is needed.)

I have a physical business location that I own/operate (driving range with teaching services, indoor teaching facility with or without a pro-shop, golf school, etc.)

With this particular scenario, the answer is a resounding yes. It would be a great challenge to build a successful business of this nature without a solid online presence. I also highly recommend developing a solid social media strategy (see my previous article, “Which Social Platform should I use?”)


For each of the scenarios above, I recommend that you give serious consideration in regard to your social media presence. Regardless of the scenario where a website is either necessary or recommended (and you choose to do so), you should have a solid social media marketing plan that helps drive traffic to your website. This is a major part of developing your “brand” and your reputation as a business professional. Internet marketing through your website and social media is by far the most cost-effective and affective method to promote yourself and your business.

This information is provided as a guideline to assist you with the thought process in regard to marketing yourself and/or your business. There are numerous variables that can come into play, and I suggest that you consult with a marketing professional before you make any final decisions as to the marketing plan for your business.

Note: This is the third in a series of social media/website marketing articles. Be sure and click on one or more of the social media icons at the top right of the page to follow the USGTF on your favorite social platform. I monitor all USGTF social platforms and will be posting additional articles through those channels. If you have any questions or need assistance in regard to social media marketing or website development, feel free to contact me through either USGTF social channels or directly via email:

If you would like a free consultation session with me, you can follow link to schedule: CLICK HERE to schedule.

In my next article, I will address “Website content and how do I acquire Traffic.”

There Is No One Exact Method For Teaching Golf

By Mike Stevens, USGTF Contributing Writer

I don’t use Facebook nearly as much as some people do. I especially don’t get on to see political opinions. If and when I post, it is light stuff about things I find interesting, places I visit, or to see what friends or family are up to. Despite that, general topics seem to find their way into my stream whenever I do pull up the site. Mostly I ignore them, but one popped up the other day that caught my attention. It was titled the “Reverse Slice Sequence.” Apparently, one can cure their slice in 15 shots, according to the author. They claim a 99% success rate. It may be entirely true and is probably one of many ways to help fix a slice.

What bothered me, though, is that within their promotion they spent much of the time disparaging golf instructors and how they have been teaching incorrectly for years. Told golfers to stop wasting their time with incompetents and get on board with their right-brain method. I helped a lot of people correct a slice over the years, and the reason for the slice was not always the same in each case. People are different and their swings are often different for many reasons. Sometimes your approach must be based on what the person can or can’t do.

Most of the golf teachers I know are pretty good at what they do and not all teach the same, but they get results. If a person wants to teach a certain way and it works, great, but don’t denigrate others that do it differently and have success.

U.S. Cup And Pro-Am Update

Oak Creek Country Club in beautiful Sedona, Arizona, will host the 24th annual United States Golf Teachers Cup Monday and Tuesday, October 7-8. New to the tournament this year is a concurrent pro-am, and USGTF members are encouraged to bring an amateur partner to team up with. Amateurs are required to have a verified USGA GHIN handicap and will receive 80 percent of their course handicap. The team format will consist of a four-ball format, using the best score between the pro’s gross score and the amateur’s net score.

The entry fee will be $475 for both professionals and amateurs, and participants will receive: Two tournament rounds of golf with range balls before and after play; prize money, gift certificates and chance to win daily prizes; a clinic featuring USGTF teaching professionals; a welcome party with a goody bag and closing banquet/awards ceremony. Entry information will be made available shortly, as will information on a recommended hotel.

Abraham’s Team Wins League Title, Tournament

USGTF member Walt Abraham, head golf coach of Athenian High School in Danville, California, led his squad to the BCL-East league round-robin regular season title and also the league post-season tournament title. The team finished 9-1 in match play and next heads to the Division 2 championship tournament. The league title marks the seventh time in Abraham’s 11 seasons as head coach that Athenian has taken that honor. Athenian fields a young squad of three freshmen, one sophomore and two juniors, with three players earning all-league honors.

usgtf logo

USGTF Regional Action Begins This Month

USGTF regional championships are a great way to compete and enjoy some camaraderie among your fellow members. Regional championships offer a way to get together without traveling extremely long distances, in most cases.

Southwest Region – The USGTF Southwest Region Championship will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 4-5, at Ridgeview Ranch Golf Course in Plano, Texas. Region director Bruce Sims is the host. A practice round is available Friday, May 3, for a cart fee, and a dinner will be held that evening. The entry fee is $225, and an optional $20 skins game is available. For more information and to enter, please contact Sims at (214) 475-5168,

Southeast Region – May 18-19, 2019, at GlenLakes Country Club in Weeki Wachee, Florida. This private course is challenging, beautiful and impeccably maintained. Mature stands of oak and pine, water features, undulating hills and sand traps provide endless variations of play. A prize fund of $1,000 and the Southeast Trophy is assured with a field of 12 players. Entry deadline is May 10. Send entries to

USGTF National Office 200 S. Indian River Drive, Suite #206 Fort Pierce, FL 34950

If paying with credit card, call the office directly at (888) 346-3290.

Questions? Please contact USGTF Southeast Regional director Mike Stevens at

Central Region – The 2019 USGTF Central Region Championship, a 36-hole stroke play event, will be held Sunday and Monday August 4thand 5th at Pheasant Run Golf Course in Canton, Michigan. For more information and to register, please visit Questions can be referred to region director Brent Davies at or (248) 701-6843. The Michigan/Ontario Golf Teachers Tour also boasts a complete summer schedule. Please visit for more information.

Northeast Region – The 2019 USGTF Northeast Region Championship will be conducted Friday, June 21 at Mercer Oaks West Course in West Windsor Township, New Jersey. Region director Bob Corbo serves as the tournament host. The entry fee is $165. For more information and to enter, please contact Corbo at

“PRO” File – Touring Professional Marilyn Smith

She made her last public appearance in March, greeting LPGA participants as they left the 18th hole green during the Bank of Hope Founders Classic in Phoenix, Arizona. A couple of short weeks later, Marilynn Smith passed away at the age of 89. Smith was one of the founding members of the LPGA Tour in 1950. She would go on to win 21 tournaments and two major championships. As an additional claim to fame, Smith became the first woman to work as an announcer on the broadcast of a men’s tournament. Today, the familiar voices of Judy Rankin and Dottie Pepper can be heard on the airwaves, but Smith was the pioneer. According to, “As one of the 13 women who founded the LPGA in 1950, Smith filled so many roles vital to the organization’s growth. She spent time as tour president, secretary, business manager and public relations specialist. She fulfilled sales and marketing duties and tournament operation responsibilities.” Smith’s passing leaves only two LPGA founders still alive, Shirley Spork and Marlene Hagge.

From The USGTF Pro Shop

Mental Rules for Teaching Golf by Dr. Gregg Steinberg is on sale for $12.95, which includes shipping through the end of May. This invaluable guide to the mental side of golf and teaching is a must-read for all USGTF members. Please contact the USGTF National Office at (888) 346-3290 to obtain your copy today.

Editorial – Is Slow Play Really A Problem?

Slow play seems to be a big topic these days on both Golf Channel and PGA Tour Radio on Sirius/XM. Groups routinely take around five hours to play on Friday and Saturday, when play is in threesomes, but the pace does pick up considerably on the weekend when twosomes are the rule.

It is said that the average golfer models their playing habits after the professionals and adopt their habits, but in all the places I’ve played nationwide, on courses both public and private, I really have yet to see this. Slow play, in my opinion, mainly stems from too many players on the course at one time. This is not to say that there aren’t slow players, but I seriously doubt that they are mirroring what they see on TV every weekend. I am lucky in the regard that where I play, mainly in courses around the Savannah, Georgia, area, slow play is really not an issue. If I get stuck behind a group taking 4 1/2 hours, that’s a long day by our standards here.

There are two things that courses can do to speed up play if slow play is indeed a problem at their facility: 1) Use a more reasonable tee-time interval. Yes, I know revenue is all-important, but many courses of all stripes have 9-minute intervals. Courses who use anything less than this are inviting trouble. 2) Empower course marshals and rangers to take care of the problem. When I rangered in Tallahassee, Florida, when I lived there, I would approach the offending group in a very diplomatic way, asking them to either pick up the pace as groups behind were waiting, or let them through. Not once did I receive any pushback.

One thing I would urge courses not to do is tell groups to pick up their ball and move ahead. These people paid to play 9 or 18 holes, not 7 or 16. As I mentioned before, diplomacy and awareness go a long way.

By Mark Harman, USGTF National Course Director

Reach Over 25,000 Golf Teaching Professionals!

How would you like to get the word out about your products to people who can actually help sell your products? Golf Teaching Pro® magazine goes out to every USGTF member and interested parties twice a year. This publication has articles and advertisements specifically geared towards teaching professionals, who are influential in their students’ purchasing decisions on equipment, training aids, apparel, etc. Ad space is still available for the upcoming Summer issue, click here for more details or contact our national headquarters at 1-888-346-3290.
Keeping Connected to the USGTF

Keeping Connected to the USGTF

We are happy to announce that the United States Golf Teachers Federation is implementing a new social media marketing program. Through this program, it is our goal to provide an increased level of engagement and support of our members via our primary social media platforms. In order to facilitate this new engagement program, we would like for all members that are active on social media to take the following actions:

• Like us on Facebook:
• Follow us on LinkedIn:
• Follow us on Twitter:
• Follow us on Instagram:
• Follow us on Pinterest:

It isn’t necessary to have us or follow us on all social media platforms. If you have one in particular that you use as your primary source, then that would be the best platform for us to interact with you on. If you already follow one or all of our social media platforms and we aren’t following you back, please send us a direct message through the relevant platform and we will follow you back.

It is likely that most of you are already Facebook members, so it certainly makes sense to like and follow our Facebook page. Be sure and let us know through a direct message if you have a golf page that you would like us to follow back. Once we are following, we will, from time to time, like and share relevant posts/stories from your page to ours!

For LinkedIn followers: When you follow us, we will receive notification and will follow you back. If you already follow us, please send us your business page URL and we will follow you back. We will like and/or comment, and/or share relevant posts that you make on your business page. It would be greatly appreciated if you would do the same for us!

For Twitter followers: Once we follow you, we will add you to a Twitter list titled USGTF Members. This is a great tool for us be able to view your posts and interact with you without having to scroll through thousands of posts of others that we follow. When we see relevant and appropriate tweets that you make, we will like and/or retweet your posts. It may also be beneficial to you to add one of the three following hashtags to your profile and/or relevant posts: #usgtf, #usgtfpro, #usgtfmember

For Instagram followers: You should consider adding #usgtfmember or #usgtfpro, or simply #usgtf to your profile. Not only does this help us find you, but it may also help a potential customer or friend find your profile! We highly recommend that you add one of the above hashtags to any posts that you make that you believe are relevant to our relationship. We actively follow the three hashtags that are listed above, and will like and engage with posts that we feel are beneficial to both yourself and the USGTF in regard to advancing our goals as golf professionals.

For Pinterest followers: Once we have followed you back, please be sure and include a #usgtfmember, #usgtfpro or #usgtf hashtag to any pins that you create and that you believe are relevant to our relationship. We actively follow the three hashtags that are listed above and will like and engage with posts that we feel are beneficial to both yourself and the USGTF in regard to advancing our goals as golf professionals. We will add relevant professional quality pins to one of our appropriate boards given the subject being addressed. Just as a heads-up, we are primarily looking for pins in the categories of Golf Tips, Golf Fitness, Golf Teaching, Golf Coaching and Golf Psychology.

We look forward to interacting with you out in the virtual world. We believe that through our joint interaction we can more effectively reach out to future golf professionals, and help our members reach out to more potential clients.