What’s Your GPA?…And The Myth Of Modern Technology

By Thomas T Wartelle, WGTF Master Golf Teaching Professional and Examiner 

Some of today’s golf instructors have gone over the top with the use of technology, terminology, and their claim to science.  To be clear, I am a science guy.  I have a degree in science.  I have always loved mechanics, engineering and science.  However, when you hear or read some of the propaganda that is being promoted by some of the “Top Teachers,” it is almost laughable. The invented terminology about the golf swing would make almost any true scientist or engineer cringe.  This phenomenon continues to perpetuate.  Many of these instructors seem to enjoy listening to themselves expound on their knowledge and their level of scientific expertise.

I have witnessed instructors rattling off launch monitor numbers to golfers (including many Tour players) who couldn’t care less about spin rates, angle of approach, and the D-plane.  As someone who was secretly working with the so-called D-plane over 30 years ago, I certainly am a fan of the science.   I have been involved in several projects on the very subject and was an early proponent (so was Ben Hogan over 70 years ago).  But, in most cases, such information should be kept in reserve and should not be relayed to students or clients.

Brooks Koepka, one of the top PGA Tour players today, recently said that he bought a launch monitor and used it only once. Koepka is an athlete and is known for some serious workout routines. For his golf practice routine, he said that he basically takes his mobile phone and videos a few swings.  Then, he monitors and works on grip, posture and alignment.  That is all he basically works on for mechanics.  If you go to any PGA Tour event, most of the players are monitoring these three things during practice sessions.

Golf is a reaction sport, the same as shooting a basketball, throwing a ball, hitting a baseball, or playing tennis.  If a player tries to think about too many moves or positions, speed and quality of contact diminishes.  With my students, we spend a lot of time on the process of proper grip, posture, and alignment (GPA).  We work on methods to make this repetitive.  All of this happens before the clubhead begins to swing.

Launch monitors are great and I love the data.  But if you ask most golfers, including Tour players, they just want to perform to some expectation.  They do not need terminology or data or the P-6 position.  They really do not care.  They just want a process to get the ball somewhere down the fairway, on the green, and in the hole.

Remember, as golf instructors we must always embrace technology and science.  That being said, temper the science and use it for your own knowledge.  The golf swing is not static.  Work on the swing being more reactionary.  Does everyone have the same grip, posture, and alignment?  Of course not!  Our job as golf instructors is to maximize each individual student’s physical parameters to achieve the best and most consistent results.

By the way, how is your GPA?
Making Sense of Modern Wedge Design

Making Sense of Modern Wedge Design

Years ago, picking a wedge was simple. In addition to your normal iron set, usually 3-PW, you would buy a sand wedge to complement the set. Companies usually had only one choice of sand wedge, usually 56° in loft, and one bounce and grind option that wasn’t even stamped onto the clubhead. Professional golfers who desired a different grind would manually grind down the sole themselves, or have a clubmaker do it for them.

That has all gone out the window today. Walk into any golf store that has a decent selection of products, and you will find wedges anywhere from 46° to 64°, with all sorts of bounce angles and sole grinds. S-grind, M-grind, W-grind…it’s enough to make anyone’s head spin. Let’s dig in and try to make some sense of all of this so you can help your students select the wedges suited for their games.

Be aware that many of your students will not even have a sand wedge in their set. A sand wedge is important because the proper bounce angle on the flange helps to get the ball out of sand. In addition, it’s a versatile club that can be used around the greens and even for full shots.

Here’s a brief description of the names of each loft:
• Pitching wedge: 46°, 48°, 50°
• Gap wedge: 50°, 52°, 54°
• Sand wedge: 54°, 56°, 58°
• Lob wedge: 58°, 60°, 62°
• X-wedge: 64° and higher

You will notice some overlap in lofts between descriptions. That’s because that particular loft can serve multiple purposes, depending upon the set makeup. There is also an angle of bounce of the flange, as we mentioned earlier. Normally with pitching and gap wedges, this angle of bounce is fairly low, perhaps in the 4° to 8° range. Sand wedges are usually in the 10° to 14° range, and lob and x-wedges have bounce angles similar to those in pitching and gap wedges.

As a general rule of thumb regarding bounce angles, the steeper the angle of attack, the greater the bounce angle is needed. If we have a steep angle of attack with a low-bounce wedge, it can dig in to the turf and decelerate quickly before the ball has had a chance to leave the clubface, negatively affecting the shot. As another rule of thumb, the softer the turf and ground, the more bounce angle is needed.

Sole grinds and flange sizes are another aspect of wedge design. The bigger the flange and the more the sole is exposed to the ground, the lesser the versatility it provides. The smaller the flange and the less the sole is exposed to the ground (something shaped like a “half-moon”), the more the versatility is available.

A dilemma in selecting a wedge can occur for someone who has a steep angle of attack who plays on firm turf, and someone with a shallow angle of attack who plays on soft turf. This is where sole grind and flange size come into play. For the steep angle/firm turf player, a higher angle of bounce with a smaller flange and a sole grind that is more of a half-moon might be a good option. A player who has a shallow angle of attack who plays on soft turf might benefit from a lower bounce with a fuller sole grind. However, as with many things in golf, these are preferences and may not necessarily work for a particular golfer. If a player is going to hit mainly full shots with a wedge, the bounce angle and sole grind become less important, as the ball is likely to be off the clubface by the time the clubhead interacts with the turf.

Most golfers, despite their attack angle and turf conditions, would likely benefit from playing wedges with more bounce. Wedges used in the sand, in particular, should have bounce angles of at least 10°, and bounce angles of 12° to 14° should be strongly considered.

Wedge design today is a highly involved science and art that has resulted in a dizzying array of choices. Make sure your students have loft gaps of no less than 4° and no greater than 6°, and then help them select their arsenal based on the advice given here. And since many golf retail stores offer 90-day playability guarantees, if the wrong wedge selections are made, they can easily go back and get the right ones for their game.
The New Fundamentals of Teaching The Driver

The New Fundamentals of Teaching The Driver

Okay, so in full disclosure, these fundamentals may not exactly be new, but hey, this catchy headline grabbed your attention, didn’t it?  And we  are  going  to  introduce  a  thought  that  may  be somewhat  controversial.  In  any  event,  there  are distinct  differences  between  what  was  taught  a number of years ago with what is necessary today to get maximum effectiveness out of the driver.

Back in the persimmon wood and balata ball era, the desired ball flight started low and then all of a sudden climbed up into the sky. This was due to the dimple pattern on the golf ball, the construction of the ball itself, and the downward strike that most good players employed, which resulted in much higher backspin rates than we see today.

We know now that to get maximum distance, the ball flight must be fairly high and the backspin rate fairly low. It wasn’t too long ago that a launch angle of 10° to 12° with backspin under 3,300 rpm was considered ideal.  Launch monitors tell us that launch angles of 15°, 16°, and even 17° and 18° are required for golfers of average swing speeds to carry the ball its maximum distance, and spin rates should be under 2,500 rpm.  TaylorMade Golf, a USGTF industry partner, tells us that the holy grail of driver ball flight is 17° of launch angle with 1,700 rpm of backspin.  Today’s driver and shaft combinations make that possible, although it can be difficult for many golfers to achieve.

Golfers tend to make the same mistakes when it comes to the driver. They don’t tee the ball high enough and they don’t set up properly. They then tend to swing outside-in in relation to the intended target line with a downward strike and an open clubface, further robbing them of distance.

To correct these problems, the first thing is to make sure at least half the ball is teed above the top of the clubface. As traditionally taught, ball position should be opposite the forward heel. Many golfers suffer  from  a  stance  that  is  too  narrow,  and  it’s recommended  that  the  stance  be  wide  enough  so the insides of the heels are at least shoulder-width.

Here is where things get interesting. The USGTF Technical Committee sees golfers who, time after time, set up with open shoulders in relation to the feet and a back shoulder that is far too high. This results in not only improper alignment, but a center of  mass  and  a  body  tilt  that  is  too  far  forward.  It is imperative that these golfers set up with square shoulders and a lower back shoulder, with the center of mass centered between the feet or even slightly back. Most golfers who are put in this position will tell you that they feel really closed to the target line with their shoulders and that they are leaning too far back, but a simple picture or quick video should convince them otherwise.

We’ve  long  been  taught  that  a  backswing  that is  too  far  to  the  inside  will  result  in  an  over-the- top  swing,  but  the  Technical  Committee  has  been seeing more and more golfers who incorrectly take the  club  back  too  far  to  the  outside.  Members of the Technical Committee have found success in encouraging players to take the club back more to the  inside  and  returning  the  club  from  the  inside with  an  upwards  strike.  This  might  go  against what  you’ve  been  taught  or  even  your  personal experience  with  some  students,  but  we’ve  found this is a necessity with many.

In order to return the club from the inside, students should be encouraged to keep their back to the target on the downswing much longer than they are used to. Many of these students spin their shoulders  out  prematurely,  which  throws  the  club to  the  outside  and  results  in  the  dreaded  outside-in swing path through impact. Another image that has worked well is to get the student to drive the butt end of the club into an imaginary target that is to the right of the target line. While technically the direction of the downswing path is determined by the quality of the transition move from backswing to downswing, getting a student to move the hands and  arms  in  a  certain  direction  can  be  a  path  to success. Please be aware, and we are not ignorant of the fact, that these tidbits of teaching instruction will not work on everyone. But when it comes to getting a student to deliver the clubhead to the ball in a certain way, we must be open to ideas that we may not have thought of or are different than what we may believe.

Equipment-wise, some students don’t want to go out and buy a new $500 driver every year, but the fact is that there are incremental improvements with each  iteration  of  driver  introductions  by  the  major manufacturers. So while it’s not necessary to buy a new driver annually, a driver should be updated at least every 2-3 years.  Manufacturers keep making the effective sweet spots on drivers bigger so that mis-hits will lose very little distance compared to sweet-spot strikes. Spin rates are being optimized and equipment makers are also finding ways to, in effect, get around the USGA limits on spring-face technology and have produced drivers with more ball speed the last couple of years.

The bottom line with teaching the driver is the ball flight must be fairly high with low spin rates. Through equipment and innovative teaching, we can get our students to take part in the driver distance revolution that has consumed the golf world the past several years.

Harman, Team USA Win World Cup

It took 21 years, but Mark Harman is finally back in the winner’s circle at the World Golf Teachers Cup. Since capturing his second individual championship in 1998 at San Roque, Spain, Harman watched other outstanding golfers like Dave Belling, Christopher Richards, James Douris and Ken Butler hoist the trophy. But this past February at La Iguana Golf Club in Herradura, Costa Rica, Harman emerged victorious by shooting 71-75 – 146 to edge Costa Rica’s Alejandro Duque by two shots. Overcoming an opening-hole double bogey, a four-putt on the third hole and three-putting two of the final three holes during the final round, Harman played the other 14 holes in three-under-par. Belling, the 2003 individual champion, finished third for the overall title and earned the World Golf Senior Teachers Cup individual title in the process, shooting 74-79 – 153. Ray Holder’s two-round total of 172 on scores of 85-87 defeated runner-up Peter Louis.  Mary Wolf captured the Ladies title with 87-84 – 171.

Employing a round-robin team match play format, Team USA swept all its matches to emerge victorious in the team competition, with Canada second and Asia third. Competitor Louis summed up the feelings of the participants when he said, “Fabulous golf course, unbelievable facilities. It was a pleasure to meet you all and to play with some of you. You are all exceptional and I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it. Thanks to Mark and the rest of the team for organizing this treat.”

Florida Pro Wins 2019 US Pro Hickory

February 25, 2019: The Temple Terrace Golf & Country Club, opened in 1922 and laid out by noted architect Tom Bendelow, was described by the Tampa Tribune as a brute of a course, stretching out over 6,400 yards. Probably not worthy by today’s standard, but a stout test for the century-old clubs used back then. The links held up well against some excellent modern-day hickory golfers with Boca Raton, Florida, professional Jeremy Moe carding a 77 to have his name affixed to the John Shippen Cup. Using a 1908-replica ball, Moe shot the same score that Willie Smith did the first round at Myopia Hunt Club in the 1908 U.S. Open. The winning average for four rounds in that Open was 80.5.

The USPHGC is sponsored by the United States Golf Teachers Federation and is open to all golf professionals, male and female. Players compete for the same $5,000 prize fund associated with the original Florida Open won by Leo Diegel. The golf course is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and one of only three in the state.

USGTF Regional Tournament Schedule

Southwest Region – The USGTF Southwest Region Championship will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 4-5, at Ridgeview Ranch Golf Course in Plano, Texas. Region director Bruce Sims is the host. A practice round is available Friday, May 3, for a cart fee, and a dinner will be held that evening. The entry fee is $225, and an optional $20 skins game is available. For more information and to enter, please contact Sims at (214) 475-5168, bsimspro@hotmail.com.

Northwest Region – USGTF Northwest Region director Nathan Guerrero has scored a real coup with his securing historic TPC Harding Park in San Francisco for the 2019 USGTF Northwest Region Championship, to be held Wednesday and Thursday, May 15-16, 2019. The entry fee of $295 includes two days of golf and prize money, and division play will be based upon the number of entrants. To enter, send your name, age, gender, telephone number, email address and a check for $295 to Nathan Guerrero, USGTF Northwest Director, 736 Guerrero Street, San Francisco, CA 94110. The entry deadline is April 20, 2019. Please contact Guerrero at prtime.ng@gmail.com should you have any questions.

Southeast Region – May 18-19, 2019, at GlenLakes Country Club in Weeki Wachee, Florida. This private course is challenging, beautiful and impeccably maintained. Mature stands of oak and pine, water features, undulating hills and sand traps provide endless variations of play. A prize fund of $1,000 and the Southeast Trophy is assured with a field of 12 players. Entry deadline is May 10. Send entries to

USGTF National Office

200 S. Indian River Drive, Suite #206

Fort Pierce, FL 34950

If paying with credit card, call the office directly at (888) 346-3290. Questions? Please contact USGTF Southeast Regional director Mike Stevens at ams1127@msn.com.

Central Region – The 2019 USGTF Central Region Championship, a 36-hole stroke play event, will be held Sunday and Monday August 4th and 5th at Pheasant Run Golf Course in Canton, Michigan. For more information and to register, please visit http://www.mogtt.com/central-championship. Questions can be referred to region director Brent Davies at btkadavies@comcast.net or (248) 701-6843. The Michigan/Ontario Golf Teachers Tour also boasts a complete summer schedule. Please visit http://www.mogtt.com for more information.

Northeast Region – The 2019 USGTF Northeast Region Championship will be conducted Friday, June 21 at Mercer Oaks West Course in West Windsor Township, New Jersey. Region director Bob Corbo serves as the tournament host. The entry fee is $165. For more information and to enter, please contact Corbo at simductivegolf@gmail.com.

Pro Shop Closeout Sale

USGTF logoed solid short sleeve shirts by Nike with Teaching Professional on the sleeve.

Available in red, white or navy – $40.00. Can be purchased by contacting the USGTF National Office by phone or email only at (888) 346-3290, suzy@usgtf.com.

New – USGTF Member Benefit

Request your free “Golf Business” website speed test and evaluation! As a member benefit, we have made arrangements with Weaver Enterprises Business Services to provide one free “Golf Business” related website speedtest and evaluation for any USGTF or WGTF member who desires this free service. We realize that there are elements to your golf business that go beyond being a golf teaching or coaching professional. In order to stay ahead of your competition in your business, you need to place yourself on the cutting edge of technology in how you present your business services to potential clients/customers. A vital element of this is to be certain that your website is professional not only in appearance but in function, as well.

In light of a recent algorithm change by Google, website load speed time has become more important than ever. Mobile devices now outnumber desktop, and Google is giving higher web rank status to sites that are optimized for mobile devices and have rapid site loading.

All you have to do to receive this free speed-test and evaluation report is to follow the link below. You will be directed to a form that will require your USGTF member number, so be sure and have that available when you submit your request. Once the request is submitted, you should receive your evaluation report within 72 hours.

Your evaluation report will include recommendations as to how you can rectify any factors that might be affecting your website speed, mobile optimization and overall function. In the event that the report indicates that adjustments/corrections need to be made for your site, you can then develop an action plan. That plan can be to make the adjustments/corrections yourself, have your website administrator handle it for you, or Weaver Enterprises can provide you with a quote for completing the necessary tasks.

Please Click Here for Your Free Speed Test

“PRO” File – Touring Professional Dan Pohl

He led the PGA Tour in driving distance in 1980 with an average of 274.3 yards, a distance that would have ranked dead last on the Tour last year. Yes, the game has changed that much. But Dan Pohl’s claim to fame as the first to lead the official driving distance stat is secure. Pohl’s career wasn’t great by professional standards, but he almost won the Masters, losing in a playoff to Craig Stadler in 1982. Pohl did win twice on the Tour, both times in 1986, and won the Vardon Trophy for low stroke average in 1987. Pohl suffered a series of injuries beginning shortly thereafter, and his playing career never again reached such heights. He played on the Champions Tour beginning in 2005, but today is retired from professional golf and lives in Phoenix, Arizona. Pohl also hosts a radio show there. While today’s game with modern equipment may produce impressive missiles off the tee, galleries in 1980 were undoubtedly equally impressed by Pohl’s long-distance prowess back then, too. p>

USGTF Looking For Golf Teaching Photos

Nothing is more powerful than visual images, and the field of teaching golf is no exception. The USGTF is looking for teaching photographs that embody what the profession is all about. If you believe you can capture the right image, we’d love to see your photos.

All photos submitted should be original and specifically be actual golf teaching-related photographs, with well-dressed candidates, a well-dressed teaching professional, and a clean background. Example: No cars, roads, buildings, golf carts, etc. By submitting your picture, you consent to allow the USGTF the rights to use your image for promotional purposes.

Please e-mail your photos to info@usgtf.com or send them to the National Office via regular mail.