2019 World Cup Set for February in Costa Rica

Taking the World Golf Teachers Cup outside the United States for the first time since 2013, the WGTF has announced that the 14th biennial competition will be held the week of February 11-15, 2019, at La Iguana Golf Club in Herradura, Costa Rica, a coastal resort town (www.GolfLaIguana.com). La Iguana is a Marriott property, and in addition, there are many other hotels nearby at all sorts of price points to meet any budget. Herradura is approximately a 90-minute drive from Costa Rica’s main airport in San Jose. Travel costs to and within Costa Rica are comparable to traveling within the United States.

USGTF member Alejandro Duque was instrumental in securing La Iguana for the tournament, and the WGTF would like to offer its heartfelt thanks. Entry and other event information will be available by the October e-newsletter. This promises to be a memorable event, so clear your calendar and make your plans to join us in the tropical paradise of Costa Rica.

Webinar Education Offered this Fall

The USGTF takes its position as the “leader in the field of golf instruction” seriously, and continues to offer cutting-edge education for its members. Join us for the USGTF Webinar series this fall. Twelve weeks, 12 webinars. Topics covered include:

– Teaching Mental Toughness for Coaches – Understanding Today’s Equipment and Proper Club Fitting – The New Rules of Golf and Effective Course Strategy

The cost for all 12 webinars is only $299, and this is an educational opportunity you won’t want to miss. For details and signup info, please visit http://www.USGTF.com/usgtf-university-webinar.

USGTF Looking for Teaching Photos

Nothing is more powerful than visual images, and the field of teaching golf is no exception. The USGTF is looking for teaching photographs that embody what the profession is all about. If you believe you can capture the right image, we’d love to see your photos. Please send them to info@usgtf.com and the member who submits the winning photo will receive a $500 cash award from the USGTF. Please submit them by September 30.

USGTF Active in Social Media

Social media has become a huge presence in our society, providing more people with information than ever before. The USGTF is active on these fronts in several venues. Included are Facebook; Twitter and Instagram. In addition, there is a LinkedIn Company Page and a LinkedIn Group. Finally, the USGTF members board can be found at www.USGTFMembers.com.

In whatever avenue you wish to connect with your organization, you have the ability to do so. Please visit the site of interest to you and we look forward to your participation.

One Hundred Tips Book on Sale

This indispensable teachers guide is a manifesto of no-nonsense golf teaching advice. One Hundred Tips for Golf Teaching Professionals goes beyond teaching basics. The information herein reflects experience that can only be gained from years on the lesson tee.

Sale price – $15.95. To order, please call the USGTF National Office at 1-888-346-3290.

usgtf harvey penick golf teacher certified golf instructor pga

September Deadline for Penick Nominations

Nominations for the 6th annual Harvey Penick Trophy for Excellence in Golf Teaching are now being accepted. Harvey Penick was one of America’s earliest great teachers, and his influence lives today.

The award is based on teaching accomplishments, service to the golf community and to the game in general. All USGTF Certified Golf Teaching Professionals and Master Golf Teaching Professionals, except past winners, are eligible. Nominations (including self-nominations) may be made through email at info@usgtf.com or through regular mail to the USGTF National Office at 1295 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. Lucie, FL 34952. The deadline for nominations is Friday, September 7, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

Littler Wins USGTF Junior National Title

The first annual USGTF Junior National Tournament this past August was a success. In the finals, three boys and three girls squared off at Beekman Golf Course in Hopewell, New York. Devin Littler won the boys division with a score of 78, while Kaylie Klemme shot an identical 78 to win the girls division. Afterwards, the two champions squared off in sudden-death for the overall championship.

Playing in front of a large gallery of family and friends, plus a number of Beekman members, the two champions matched pars and birdies, with each golfer -2 through the first four holes. On the fifth hole, Klemme’s birdie putt came up just short while Littler managed to sink his 15-footer for the win.

USGTF member Bob Myers organized the event and served as the tournament host. Plans for the 2019 championship will be announced in the coming months

Tour Players Reed and Stone Discover a New Golf Passion

While in the quaint town of Gullane, Scotland, Patrick Reed and Brandon Stone wandered into the Jack White Golf Shop. Proprietor Boris Lietzow, a good friend of USGTF Southeast Region director Mike Stevens, sells golf memorabilia, including hickory golf clubs. It began when players participating in the Scottish Open were presented with a hickory challenge on one of the par-3s during a practice round.

Reed and Stone enjoyed it so much that it sent them scurrying to Boris’s shop to find out more. Reed was so impressed with Lietzow’s knowledge of the clubs and their history that he bought two sets, one for himself and another for his brother-in-law. Stone enjoyed it so much that after the first round of the Open Championship at Carnoustie, he drove down to St. Andrews and played the Old Course with his new set of hickories. It remains to be seen whether other tour fellows pick up the auld game, but one never knows.

By Mike Stevens, USGTF Member

Is Distance Really A Problem?

By Mike Stevens

So, the USGA and the R&A have decided to study all aspects concerning the effect of golf ball distance in golf. It includes amateur and professional golfers worldwide, golf course owners and operators, golf equipment manufacturers, golf course architects and golf course superintendents.

It wasn’t that long ago that they concluded that distance was not an issue. I wonder what changed. I have no idea how much they are going to spend on this research, but in the end, I’ll bet it comes down to something simple. In fact, I can save them a lot of time and effort. The only issues concerning distance is the added cost of maintenance due to lengthening and toughening up golf courses, plus the hour or so longer it takes to play them. Think about it. Fifty years ago, I paid an average of $20 to play the local municipal courses I grew up around. Today in Florida, I pay an average of about $30. Yet, maintenance costs have significantly increased over those same years,

Other than maintenance costs, distance has been extremely lucrative for the other aspects of the game. The professional tours are doing very well. People love the long ball. Average players all want more. As the Geico commercials say, there’s a lot to be said about more. Manufacturers get top dollar for clubs and balls that go farther. Is pulling back really what people are going to want? Doubtful! Here is my bottom line: Roll back the playing surface to a reasonable length and make them easier to maintain. Distance just changes strategy. Instead of laying up, the new norm will be going for it. So what if I can drive a par-four? It is always about who shoots the lowest score. Does it really matter how it is done? The quest for distance has been a staple of golf since its origin. Why stop now?
Frequency Of Lessons

Frequency Of Lessons

By Cole Golden, USGTF Member, Wichita, Kansas

I was recently asked by a student how often he should take a lesson. I usually let the student take the lead on this type of conversation to get a feel for where their head is at, and how serious they are about improving their game. I carefully considered the student’s question to provide him with the best possible answer. While I would love for a student to take a lesson every week so that I could carefully watch and help them, is that what is right for the student?

I told this particular student that I would like him to practice at least twice between lessons. There is a “method to my madness.” It gives a student time to work on the recommended adjustments and comprehend any positives or negatives from the previous lesson. Maybe we are working on containing a good spine angle, and after a couple of practice rounds they feel like they can’t get through the ball.

Or maybe we have been working on a certain shot shape and they get it down, ready to move onto the next.

Giving a student a chance to work on drills outside of a paid lesson is a more efficient and effective use of your time and theirs. If a student doesn’t practice, it doesn’t matter how many lessons they take. While you want to help them along, they must have time to work on things prior to moving on to the next lesson. Some instructors offer ten-minute lessons that are good for students who don’t practice a lot. This is a “quick look” type of lesson and it serves a purpose.

Having a well-thought out, personalized game plan with your students shows them that you care about their progress as a player. It also helps you manage your schedule more efficiently.