Positive Body Language: Five Tips To Attract And Retain New Clients

By Ben Bryant WGCA contributing writer
The first week of school is an important week for all high school coaches.  For me, it’s not only the first opportunity to meet the students I’ll teach all year, but it’s also the beginning of the golf season, with new players and parents showing up at the golf course.  How first meetings go are vital to laying a foundation for a positive relationship between you (the teacher) and your players.  Using positive body language can be a vital component in that foundation.

Columbia University did a recent study where participants were placed in a variety of situations where positive body language techniques were used, but the participants discussed negative and depressing topics.  They also created scenarios where participants used negative body language techniques but discussed uplifting topics. Overwhelmingly, students gave favorable impressions of their colleagues based on their positive body language rather than the discussion that took place. The study suggests that people are more often influenced by how they feel about you than by what you’re saying.

Positive body language can have a tremendous impact as a golf coach. Here are some tips to help you develop positive body language:

Always look like you’re listening to your client

The key to active listening of your clients is to engage with what your client is saying.  Body language is a major component of listening.  Leaning forward, nodding, tilting your head, and keeping your feet pointed in the direction of the person speaking are excellent non-verbal ways to show you’re engaged and paying attention.   Don’t look at the ground when your client is talking.  Active listening also involves repeating back or paraphrasing what your client has said.  This is an excellent way to demonstrate that you are genuinely paying attention.

Shake hands before every lesson

Touch is the most powerful non-verbal clue.  Physical touch – even a fraction of a second – can create a powerful human bond.  It’s in instinctual capability that all humans are born with.  It’s for these reasons that a proper handshake is so important.  A firm, friendly handshake that conveys a sense of friendship and warmth helps make a person feel closer to us.  It is also makes a person far more likely to remember your name and you theirs.

Cultivate a genuine, friendly smile

Smiling not only influences how we feel in a situation, it signals that we are approachable.   Additionally, most people have a keen sense of when a person is faking smile.  It’s important to convey a sense of happiness when meeting or greeting someone.

Uncross your arms and legs On the flip side, using defensive postures can immediately make someone feel off-put.  Defensive body language can impact how your client responds to you.  Crossing your arms and legs sends a subtle message to whomever you are speaking with that you’re upset or not enjoying the interaction.  Be mindful of it.

Put away the device

Cellphones are easily becoming one of the biggest problems in human interaction. Certainly as a  teacher, it’s a daily struggle to keep my students focused on me and not their devices.  They may help keep us in contact with each other, but when face to face, there is no greater barrier to a positive interaction than one person (or both!) checking their cellphones.  As the coach, you need to set an example by putting it away and keeping it away.

How To Get More Distance In The Golf Swing

By Arlen Bento Jr.

If you play golf and love the game, at some point you will notice a loss in distance. Usually, this is due to age, just getting older, losing flexibility and strength.

Over years, many golfers just don’t realize how much distance they have been losing, because over time, they have been making adjustments to their equipment, changing shafts, finding better club technologies and switching golf balls designs. Ultimately, the loss of distance reaches a point where the golfer gets discouraged and starts to seek answers.

For over 20 years I have been helping people with their golf games, and the number one reason people come to see me is that they want more distance. Here is a plan that can help any player that is looking for more distance:

Get your swing analyzed with computer video and fix your flaws. Sometimes, players just have bad technique and are giving away distance. A lot of recreational players that don’t have good golf fundamentals will notice a larger drop in their distance as they get older, because they have learned to use non-fundamental power sources to create speed. Look at older players like Tom Watson, who still generates lots of club speed even at age 68 and is still competitive on the PGA Tour. Watson obviously has a good golf swing, but he swings with tempo, uses his legs and hips as well as his arms to create speed. Most recreational players never learned to use their hips and legs properly in the golf swing, and this flaw becomes very noticeable with age.

TIP: Learn to use your hips and legs properly in your golf swing to create more speed and distance.

Get your club speed, ball speed and launch data analyzed on a launch monitor to make sure your clubs are correct for your speed. One of the best things you can do as a golfer is to get your club speed, ball speed and launch data analyzed at least once a year if you play golf on a regular basis. Ultimately, it all comes down to physics, and if you don’t have the correct equipment, you are at a huge disadvantage as it relates to distance. Based on how fast you swing, the ball speed you create and how you launch the ball, you need equipment that matches your abilities to get more distance.

TIP: Check your club speed, ball speed and launch data at least once a year if you play golf on a regular basis.

Start a golf-specific fitness and stretching program to help your body swing faster. Your body is an incredible thing. You will be surprised how just a little effort in working on your body will have amazing results in your golf swing and the ability to generate more distance. Many people don’t understand that your legs have a critical role in the golf swing, much like jumping. When you jump, you use the big muscles of your legs, your core and parts of your body that need to be strong and flexible. I have a great little drill that I offer to clients that anyone can do. Just sit in a sturdy chair, cross your arms across your chest. Using your core and your legs, just stand up, sit back down and repeat 8-10 times. Try to sit down slowly to keep your legs engaged. This exercise really helps use your legs and core, which will help your golf swing.

TIP: Start a golf fitness and stretching program. If you have medical conditions, please speak with your doctor first before starting any fitness program.

If you are one of the millions of golfers that are struggling with losing distance, make sure to get your swing analyzed, have your equipment checked and start a simple golf fitness program. You will be on your way to more distance in no time.

Arlen Bento Jr. is an award-winning golf coach, “Top 100” world-recognized golf instructor and club fitting expert living in Jensen Beach, Florida. He operates his own indoor golf academy in Stuart and is the co-host of Golf Talk Radio on WSTU 1450 AM. You can listen to his radio show on Wednesday evenings from 6-7 pm, or watch online at www.golftalkflorida.com. Arlen can be reached for instruction at (772) 485 8030, by email at arlenbentojr@gmail.com, or on his website www.arlenbentojrgolflessons.com.

Preparing For Your Tee Time

Thomas T Wartelle USGTF contributing writer

We all have been in the situation of preparing for an important round of golf. Many times, I have seen good golfers poorly prepare for the opening tee shot of the day. Getting off to a good start can set the tone for the whole day. Below are some tips to help a golfer get the day started off on a positive note and a successful round of golf:

Before You Tee Off

How to Prepare Before the Round: Try to make the time before your tee-off stress free. Feel as if you do everything in slow motion without rushing or stress before an important round of golf.

The great player Cary Middlecoff was known for a long, slow swing. His play was deliberate and he rarely cracked under pressure. He had a set routine like all great players and would never rush or vary his routine before a round. His routine included driving extra slow to the golf course and listening to relaxing music.

Have a Set Warm Up Routine: Fitness research has shown that proper warm-up technique does not start with stretching.

The correct technique is to warm up slowly before stretching. This could include a slow jog, but more realistically for the golfer, simply striking a few short shots with an easy swing. The best way is to make short 20- to 30-yard pitch shots, then slowly working into ¾ pitch shots. After a few minutes, begin stretching out the muscles, focusing on the major muscle groups for golf.

Remember, never “bounce” when stretching, but hold the position for a few seconds and return to the relaxed position.

Prepare for Your Opening Tee Shot: After going through your warm-up routine, mentally prepare for your opening tee shot.

The last shot on the practice range when warming up should be the same shot as your opening tee shot. For example, if you plan on hitting a driver on the first hole, hit a good solid drive for your last practice shot. This way, there is a positive image in your mind.

Practice Short Putts Before You Tee Off: Before you tee off, practice putts of one yard or less. Be prepared to hole out over 15 short putts during the round! Holing shorts putts can make or break your day.

The Tee Box

Choose the Correct side of the Tee Box: Don’t just plop the tee and ball anywhere between the markers. Remember that you have the right to tee the ball up anywhere between the markers and up to two club lengths behind the markers.

The smart player uses this to his advantage. If a right-hander tends to fade the ball, he hits from the right side of the tee box; if he tends to hook the ball, he hits from the left side of the tee box. This can also help if there is trouble on one side of the fairway. Always tee the ball on the side of the tee box that has the trouble and shoot away from the danger.

Tee the Ball High for a Hook and Low for a Fade: A ball teed high will tend to promote a sweeping swing, making it easier to draw the ball. Teeing the ball low will promote a steeper swing, promoting a fade.

Use a Tee on Par Threes: When playing a par-3, too often I see a player simply drop the ball between the markers. Use a tee to your advantage by creating a perfect lie.

A ball teed low just slightly above the ground level will mimic a perfect lie in the fairway. This will increase the chances of a solid strike.

For Your Target, Have Tunnel Vision: As you prepare to hit a shot, choose a target and try to hit the ball only at that target.

Many players immediately look for all the danger and spend more thought on what can go wrong rather than positive images. A good player has “tunnel vision” and simply aims at a single small target. The subconscious mind does not understand negative words; therefore, when you tell yourself, “Don’t go O.B.,” you are just telling your subconscious mind to “go O.B.,” therefore reinforcing negative images!

Plan Your Strategy for Each Hole: Use the correct club to tee off. It is not necessary to hit driver on every hole. If you watch the pros, they hit driver as little as 3-4 times a round. A good strategy is to figure out what distance off the tee will give you a comfortable approach shot to the green. For example, a 345-yard par-4 may require as little as only 200 yards off the tee to leave a “comfortable” wedge shot. Often this strategy applies to par-5s, as well.

A Parent’s Perspective On Golf Summer Camp

Ben Bryant USGTF contributing writer

It’s that time of the year again when the school year has finished up and parents need to find something for their kids to do during the long summer days. As a golf coach, my first instinct is to brainstorm all the things necessary to organize a successful summer camp; all the nuts and bolts and logistics that go into keeping 30 grade school-age children entertained. Instead, I’d like to put on a different hat for a minute: that of the parent of an energetic six-year-old boy. From this perspective, what would be the important things to look for in a successful golf camp?

Building Friendships One of the groomsmen in my wedding was a friend I made at a summer camp when I was eight years old. You never know when you might meet a lifelong friend, and a good summer camp can provide the opportunity to do so. Golf is, by its nature, a solitary sport. As a parent, I would want to ensure that there is plenty of socialization time built into the daily schedule.

Safety and Etiquette Although he’s six years sold, I still have not taken my son to a course for a full round of golf. He’s very energetic and would likely spend most of his time wanting to run on the greens, playing in the sand traps and making lots of noise. Most of this is basic six-year-old stuff, but on the golf course it’s generally frowned upon and can even be dangerous if he’s interfering with other golfers. I’ve wanted to avoid the headache and frustration of teaching him the etiquette of the sport. They will likely be much easier for him to learn in a camp setting surrounded by kids his own age who behave the same way.

Enrichment Beyond Golf Of course, learning the basics of golf would be my number one priority for a summer camp. But if I’m going to pay good money for my kid to be in a camp, I’m going to want there to be more than just golf. What other activities does the camp offer? Do they get to go swimming or to the movies one day? Would there be any type of academic enrichment to help offset the summer regression? A camp that can provide such activities would stand out from the competition.

It Had Better Be Fun The last thing I want is for my son to associate golf with being bored in the sun. Last summer, he attended a variety of summer camps, including gymnastics and skateboarding. I asked him for his thoughts on what makes a good summer camp, and which were his favorites. It turns out he liked gymnastics camp the best, and when I asked why, he said, “The coaches were really awesome!” As it turns out, the things he wants most in a golf camp are caring coaches who help him have a good time.

Summer Edition of Golf Teaching Pro is in the Mail

The Summer 2018 edition of Golf Teaching Pro magazine, the official member publication of the United States Golf Teachers Federation, is now in the mail. The hot topic of distance is a focal point, with viewpoints that study the ramifications and possibilities of USGA and R&A action. Featured writers include Dr. Michelle Cleere, Dr. Gregg Steinberg and USGTF member Bert Jones, among others. Look for your copy soon!

WGTF Releases Top 100 List

The latest iteration of the World Golf Teachers Federation Top 100 Teachers list has been released. Each WGTF president was polled for their input, and nominations from WGTF members were also considered. The updated list can be found in the Summer 2018 edition of Golf Teaching Pro magazine, which will be out shortly.

Petry Captures Northeast Region Title

Frank Petry of Somerset, New Jersey, won the USGTF Northeast Region Championship played this past June 15 at Mountain View Golf Course in West Windsor, New Jersey, shooting an 18-hole score of 76 while playing in the 49-and-under division. Chris Upham and Taiki Miyavaki tied for division runner-up honors at 80.

Ingrid Narken took home a two-stroke victory in the Ladies division with an 82, while Richard Perine won the 50-59 division with a 79. In the 60-69 division, Bruce Barnett eked out a one-stroke victory with an 85, while James Peters, who has won multiple USGTF region championships in the past, captured the 70+ division with a 78.

Northwest, Southeast Region Championships Up Next; Central Championship In August

The USGTF Northwest Region Championship is the next USGTF region championship to be contested, and it will be held Thursday and Friday, July 26-27, at Haggin Oaks golf complex’s MacKenzie Course in Sacramento, California, with region director Bert Jones serving as the host. The entry deadline was July 1, so be sure to follow the results in the next USGTF monthly e-newsletter.

The USGTF Southeast Region Championship will be played Saturday and Sunday, July 28-29 at Shingle Creek Golf Club in Orlando, Florida, one of the city’s premier courses. Shingle Creek, and Arnold Palmer design, is always in excellent shape and will provide an enjoyable test for all participants. All WGTF members in good standing, regardless of residence, are eligible to play. A prize fund of $1,000 and the Southeast Trophy is assured with a field of 12 players, and divisions by age will be offered. It is also a good opportunity to catch up with fellow members and plan future events for the section. The entry deadline is July 15. If you have any questions, contact Mike Stevens at ams1127@msn.com. The entry fee is $185 and entries should be sent to the USGTF National Office at USGTF, 1295 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. Lucie FL, 34952, or you may call the office at (888) 346-3290.

The USGTF Central Region Championship will be held at Pine Knob Golf Club in Clarkston, Michigan, on Saturday and Sunday, August 4-5, with region director Brent Davies serving as the host. The first tee time Saturday will be at 12:00 noon and 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. The entry fee of $199 is for two days of golf, cart, range, prize money, and lunch after the Sunday round, with monies paid out on the gross and net two-day totals. Practice rounds will be available after 1:00 p.m. on Friday, August 3, for $40. To enter, please send your $199 entry fee to: Brent Davies, 5223 Parview Dr., Clarkston, MI 48346.

Pine Knob is an upscale public course with 27 holes, tree-lined fairways, water, bunkers, great greens, and is an outstanding place to play. Hotel deals will be available at the Olde Mill Inn of Clarkston (some may remember this location from the 2015 Kelly Cup), a rustic lakefront look with an up-north feel. These rooms will go very, very fast! Participants will need to call (248) 623-0300 or go online at www.oldemillinnofclarkston.com to book. One-person rooms start at $65, two-person rooms at $85, and it is not too early to book. Clarkston is located 45 miles northwest of Detroit right off I-75; a 75-minute drive from the Blue Water Bridge; 60 minutes from Windsor, and 90 minutes from Toledo.

Marketing Yourself In The Summer

By Ben Bryant USGTF contributing writer

For those of us in the golf business, the summer season can be a challenge. In Florida, the summer months are so unbearably hot that many people can’t imagine being outside at all, much less playing a round of golf for four hours. As a golf teacher, how do I make the most of one of the slower times of the year? Even if you live up north where the summer might be the only time to play and practice, these tips could still make a difference in growing your clientele:

Capitalize on the major tournaments

If you check out Google search trends for “golf” on a yearly basis, you can see how interest in the sport spikes right around the beginning of April, which just happens to coincide with the Masters tournament. The dates of last year’s U.S. Open, British Open and PGA Championship also reveal similar spikes in attraction. As a golf teacher, it would be most prudent to time any advertising or special discounts with the weekends of these tournaments as further incentive to get those new potential clients out on the course or the range for a lesson or two.

Organize children’s summer camps

We’ve all heard in recent years about how golf participation is down from the highs of the early 2000s. And it’s true, except for one demographic: youth participation is at an all-time high. As the summer approaches, working parents will be looking for ways to occupy Little Johnny or Little Sally for the two months school is not in session. Offering half-day or full-day summer camp programs give you an opportunity to make inroads with that ever-growing golf demographic.

Give demos to schools and local businesses

Speaking of schools, offering free demonstrations toward the end of the school year can be a great way to make sure your planned summer camp program is full of participants. Check your local school district calendar to find out when high-stakes testing is completed, and schools may be more willing to allow you on campus to distribute materials or ask for sign-ups. Offering to provide breakfast for a school faculty or local businesses workers can also be a great way to make connections, which will result in more clients.

Tap into the tourism of your area

Changes in the weather mean changes in who travels to your area. To use Florida as an example once again, the summer months tend to see an overall slowing of tourism, but also a change in the types of tourists. Elderly tourists, for example, tend to head back up north. But there’s a corresponding increase in Europeans due to the reduced hotel and resort rates during the summer months. Any advertising specials you offer on golf lessons should take these changes into account.

The summer might be a slow time of year for golf, but the rules of a good business still apply. Continue marketing yourself and working to get new clients, and the summer won’t have to be the doldrums of the years.

USGTF-Logoed Polos On Sale

The USGTF has USGTF-logoed polo shirts now on sale. They are 100% Polyester, featuring Tri-Mountain UltraCool® Moisture-wicking technology, available in Black, Blue or Cranberry. To order, please call the USGTF National Office at 772-888-7483.