Education Of A Golf Teacher

Education Of A Golf Teacher

By Mark Harman USGTF Course Director, Ridgeland, South Carolina

What does it take to become an excellent golf teaching professional? Certainly, there are a number of aspects that come into play, among them playing skill, a desire to learn and help others, and a motivation to become the best one can be at this craft.

USGTF Master Teaching Professional David Vaught from Vista, California, one of the most respected members in our organization, has stated that one of his main motivations for being the best he can be is the desire to never give a bad lesson. In talking with David, you get the sense that he takes what he does for a living very seriously, and it comes through in his interactions with his students. He is undoubtedly one of the most knowledgeable people in regard to golf and the teaching of the game that I have come across.

Another professional who I have always been highly impressed with is CGTF professional David Hill from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. When I hear him speak about the mechanics of the game and its techniques, it’s clear that he has a knowledge well above and beyond that of a large majority of teaching pros whom I’ve encountered. I know how rigorously he has studied the game over the years, which is probably the key to his success.

For me, I started teaching the game in my mid-20s, and although I had a good grasp on the mechanics and some basic cause and effect, I had no practical knowledge teaching the game, save for helping out acquaintances and my college team-mates. I was tasked with instructing beginners, an excellent way for someone to get their feet wet in teaching if they have no formal training. In addition, I had a whole stable of talented and experienced golf teaching professionals from whom I could ask advice, and I wasn’t shy with my myriad of questions.

Still, it took me a couple of years to become what I would consider competent on the lesson tee. I still use a lot of the knowledge today that these fine teachers imparted to me many years ago, but learning to teach golf in this manner is somewhat of a random crapshoot. Had my fellow teachers not been competent, or had they unconventional ideas that didn’t stand up to logical scrutiny, I might have been forced out of the profession long ago.

After these couple of years I mentioned earlier, it became clear to me that there were several basic teaching concepts that presented themselves over and over in every lesson, which is where the USGTF comes into the picture. At the time, the USGTF was rapidly growing beyond what had been initially foreseen, and more golf teachers were needed for the examining staff. Fortunately, I was recommended and my career with the USGTF started in April 1991 at Lehigh Acres, Florida.

The USGTF was unique in that it welcomed all who were competent and confident enough in themselves, instead of requiring an apprenticeship of several years that had little, if anything, to do with teaching. It also for the first time put together a structured program that featured these teaching concepts that took me several years and hundreds of hours of lessons to learn on my own, but in fact could be taught in a matter of days.

As my journey as a USGTF professional continued, I realized I had an obligation to learn as much as I could about various teaching techniques and the methodologies of leading instructors. Nothing was off the table: From full-swing mechanics to short-game skills, from the mental game to motor learning, I knew I had to make an effort to become not just competent, but as good as I could become. It also required me to closely study new schools of thought and not to get entrenched in long-held beliefs that may or may not have been valid.

It also required me to learn something from each and every lesson. Sometimes these takeaways were, and still are, harsh. There are times where I have been utterly unable to help a student, de-spite my best efforts. It is after these lessons that I often wonder what I could have done to better get through to them, to get them to understand how to translate my words, pictures and drills into a feel they could kinesthetically comprehend. I wonder where I went wrong and if there was something I could have done to save the lesson.

Then I remember that no less than David Lead-better and USGTF member Bob Toski, two of the most revered names in teaching history, have ad-mitted publicly that there are times that they, too, have been unable to help certain students for what-ever reason. So I figure if it happens to the best of us, it probably happens to all of us, regardless of our skill or experience.

I remember the late Julius Richardson, the US-GTF’s Teacher of the 20th Century, giving a lady a brief lesson. I mentally went through her mechanical faults as I was watching this and wondered what he would address first. Much to my surprise, he told the lady to relax her shoulders at address. What? That’s it? Certainly that can’t be right, Julius, come on! What about her grip, her backswing and forward swing?

But you know what happened? That lady smacked the heck out of that next ball she hit, and she was so excited. She repeatedly hit shot after shot in a similar manner, and afterwards gave Julius a big hug.

What exactly he saw, I’m still not sure to this day. But it certainly taught me that a rigid way of thinking when it comes to teaching golf is a good way to find little success. And that might be the most valuable lesson I’ve ever learned as a teacher myself.
The Wisdom of Johnny O

The Wisdom of Johnny O

Over the years, as in all walks of life, a wonderful cast of characters has inhabited the USGTF, from both the examining side and the candidate side. These people make indelible impressions on all of us with their uniqueness which makes the fabric of our lives all the more colorful.

One such great character was the late USGTF examiner John Nichols, or “Johnny O” to his friends. He always had a positive outlook on life, upbeat even when adversity might defeat a lesser person. His passion for the game of golf was second to none, and he sought to influence each person he met with that same passion.

John passed away much too young in October 1994 at the age of 47, but for those of us at the USGTF, he will always be remembered. He was an excellent player, having played the Tour in the early 1980s, and had some insightful bits of wisdom that are being shared in writing here for the first time.

Course management – “Make your mistake on the green”

John liked to say this to anyone who failed to get a pitch shot or chip shot on the green. What he meant by this is that if you have a tough up-and-down and your chances of getting up-and-down aren’t that great, make sure the second shot that might not go in is a missed putt (a mistake on the green) and not another missed chip or pitch shot. In other words, get that pitch shot or chip on the green and make sure you have a putt, even if it’s a lengthy one.

John reasoned that it’s easier to make a longer putt than a shorter pitch or chip, so it’s imperative that the second shot for the up-and-down be a putt. How many times have we seen golfers – whether the general public, our students or even ourselves – get too “cute” and try to get a tough pitch shot close to the hole? More often than we care to speculate, such a shot attempt leaves us with another pitch or chip, and sometimes in a worse situation than the original shot left us.

Hit shots with the right hand only

Every now and then, just for fun, John played one-handed using his right hand only. John was remarkably proficient with this method, often making pars and still able to shoot in the 40s for nine holes.

He pointed out that people who come over-the-top are only able to do so because both hands are on the club. If you swing with the right-hand only (for right-handed players), coming over-the-top is virtually impossible. It also teaches the golfer the proper wrist action and late release that so many golfers struggle with.

Swinging with the right hand only produces other benefits. In order to strike the ball cleanly, the golfer must complete his swing to the follow-through. It also teaches the proper clubhead-to-ball relationship at impact. Finally, it helps people learn the proper downswing sequence of lower body, upper body, and arms and hands, because it’s very difficult to swing this way with the arm and hand leading the downswing, as people are able to do with both hands on the club.

Toe the club in for pitch shots from thick rough

Thick rough around the green is a difficult challenge for most players, especially for those who play out of Bermuda grass in the South or in tropical climates. John was okay with the traditional methods of playing this shot, either like a sand explosion shot (where the clubface was opened) or with a square face and a steep angle of descent, but he had a different way of handling this situation. John recommended toeing the club in so that the clubface was closed at a 45° angle, and then taking a normal chip shot swing. By having the toe lead the clubhead into the ball, it would cut through the grass with less resistance. The grass would also open the clubface up to a certain degree, so the golfer doesn’t need to aim farther right to compensate. This shot does take practice, but once you get the hang of it, you might find it ridiculously easy to get the ball fairly close to the hole.

Johnny O’s legacy lives on within the halls of the USGTF and the golfing world. In fact, it’s safe to say that it also lives on in the games of today’s students, because long-timers on the USGTF examining staff are still using his inspiration – and instruction – to influence and teach our current generation of teachers and golfers alike.

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2018! Twenty-nine years ago, the USGTF was founded as an alternative to give those who wanted to teach the game of golf the opportunity to earn certification through a teaching-only curriculum. Throughout our history, the USGTF has been instrumental in giving thousands of people their entrance into the golf teaching profession, and we are proud to have played a part in our members’ success.

As we ring in the new year, all of us at the USGTF National Office wish you a Happy New Year and continued success. If there is anything we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact our Membership Services division at (888) 346-3290 or (772) 335-3216. You can also reference our website contact page at

U.S. Pro Hickory Set for Tampa in February

The 8th annual USGTF-sponsored United States Professional Hickory Championship will take place on Monday, February 26, 2018, at historic Temple Terrace Golf & Country Club in Tampa, Florida. The championship is open to male and female golf professionals and hosted by Mike Stevens, USGTF Southeast Region director. This tournament is a testament to the history and heritage of our game as it was first played with hickory-shafted golf clubs. It honors the memory of John Shippen, America’s first golf professional, and the 1925 Florida Open in which all the prominent pros of the day played.

Information and entry forms can be obtained at Clubs, if needed, are provided for participants by the tournament committee.

U.S. Cup Makes Historic Journey North of the Border

Setting precedents has been a hallmark of the USGTF, and in 2018, a historic first will be realized. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, will be the host city for the 23rd annual United States Golf Teachers Cup, and will be played Tuesday and Wednesday, October 2-3, at Ussher’s Creek Golf Course at Legends on the Niagara golf facility. The Canadian Golf Teachers Cup will also be played concurrently at the same facility, making this the first joint venture between the USGTF and CGTF in terms of competition.

The early-bird entry fee has been set at $350 Canadian (currently $280 American) if entries are received prior to May 15. More information will be made available shortly. We hope to see you at this truly historic happening.

“PRO” File – Touring Professional Sang Moon Bae

Imagine being a world-class athlete at the top of your game, and then imagine having to spend two of your prime years serving in the military. For Americans and others during World War II, this wasn’t unusual, but in the 21st century, it’s quite an anomaly. However, this was the situation facing Korea’s Sang Moon Bae in 2015, when he entered the Korean military after winning an event on the PGA Tour and securing four other top-10 finishes, and winding up 26th on the FedEx Cup points list. Bae returns as a fully-exempt player for 2017-18, but so far his results haven’t been to his normal standard, having made just one cut in his first four appearances in his return to the game. Obviously, his competitive game has some rust as he played very little golf the past two years, but the talented Korean should be able to find his game before the year is out. “Even though I didn’t get to play much, I grew to love golf even more,” Bae said. He was able to stay in shape with cardiovascular and weightlifting workouts. Although, he wasn’t too fond of military service, saying, “From the day when I was a private second class, a private first class and even the last day of the service, I wanted to be discharged from the military.”
usgtf logo golf teacher certified golf instructor pga

Reminder on USGTF Identification Policy

Here is a brief reminder of how USGTF members may be allowed to identify themselves in conjunction with their USGTF membership status:

Associate Member – Must always use the term “Associate Member” when identifying themselves as a USGTF member in a professional capacity. Terms such as “USGTF Member,” “USGTF Professional,” “USGTF Teaching Professional,” etc., are not allowed as they do not use the term “Associate Member.”

Certified Golf Teaching Professional® – May identify themselves with a wide array of terms such as “USGTF Professional” and “USGTF Certified Golf Teaching Professional.” May not identify themselves as a “Master Golf Teaching Professional®” or any other term with the word “Master” in it.

Master Golf Teaching Professional® – May use virtually any term in identifying themselves as a USGTF member.

For more information, please contact the USGTF National Office.

Editorial – Honesty and the Golf Teacher

By: Mark Harman, USGTF National Course Director It’s a dilemma I’ve faced countless times in my golf teaching career, and it’s one that, 28 years later, I still have no good way of handling. I’m referring to how honest I can or should be with some of my students. One of the things that breaks my heart – although only in a teaching sense as this is far from a tragedy – is when a student of mine wants to accomplish something and comes to me for my help, and I can clearly see that they have no hope of doing so. A good example is a former low-handicap older golfer with physical ailments wanting to increase distance and regain their glory days, when it is obvious to me that they cannot do so without undergoing some intense physical therapy and a lot of work away from the driving range. They come to me, hopeful that I can give them the magic move that will instantly create 10-20 more yards off the tee. I collect their clubhead data on my GC Quad (a TrackMan-type device) and look at their video, and see that, well, they pretty much have a decent-enough move that really cannot be improved all that much, especially in their currently-compromised physical state. I ask them if they are in a conditioning program, and the usual response is “no.” When I advise them to see their doctor and start one, they tell me “I will” but I know they probably won’t. I know from firsthand experience that getting motivated at an older age to work hard on a physical regimen to achieve better golf is difficult. A couple of years ago, I suffered a fall from about eight feet off the ground, landing right on my back and rear end. The fall permanently damaged my hip and lower back, and I have great soreness in my hip and tightness in my back virtually every day. So I can’t really get on my older students too much if they don’t do what is necessary to reach their goals. Sometimes I see people who lack coordination to the extent that they frankly will never be able to play anywhere near the level they desire. In these cases, I remain encouraging and help them as much as I can, but again, it breaks my heart (in a golf sense) that I know they cannot reach their goals. Now, some teachers might say that no one is unteachable, and that’s not what I’m saying. Yes, I can give them a plan that will improve their games, and that’s my job and I gladly do it. My dilemma is in how honest can I be. To my fellow teachers, how do you handle such situations? Please write me at, and I will discuss your answers in another editorial later on.

Does Tiger Need A Coach?

By Cole Golden, USGTF Master Golf Teaching Professional

Tiger Woods recently announced that, after three years, he is no longer working with his golf instructor Chris Como.  Of course, with this type of decision, the public is ready to critique both the pros and cons.  Tiger has been playing golf at a high level for a long time.  He has had some of the top teachers in the world like Butch Harmon, Hank Haney, Sean Foley and Como.  His longest lasting coach/student relationship was with Harmon, for almost seven years.

Between all of the instruction Tiger has had over the course of his lifetime, one would assume his knowledge and understanding of the golf swing in general – not to mention his golf swing – is very high.  Tiger should be able to break down his swing, spot out areas to work on or tighten up.  And if such is the case, then does he really need a coach telling him what he already knows?

I think this is a good move for Tiger.  He can focus on scoring, working on shotmaking, scrambling and his short game.  Tiger has always been the best scrambler the world has ever seen.  Getting back to focusing on scoring, and not overthinking mechanics, could be just the thing he needs.

The great Ben Hogan always talked about “digging your swing out of the dirt.”  You have to hit balls on the driving range to figure out what alterations you need to make.  You need to play the shot shape you bring to the course and know your game.  Only time will tell if Tiger is making the best move for his game. In my opinion, he is making a smart decision about his game.
Making The Most Of Taking Golf Lessons An Open Letter To Our Students

Making The Most Of Taking Golf Lessons An Open Letter To Our Students

By David Vaught USGTF Master Golf Teaching Professional®, Vista, California

We hear very often how difficult golf is. There is no doubt that hitting a 1.68-inch ball with a flat surface on the end of a stick seems crazy. Add trees, water, weather, and worst of all, the human brain, and it can seem almost impossible. But there is something about golf that is even more difficult sometimes than the game itself, and that is the experience of taking instruction from another person on how to perform the difficult task of hitting a golf ball. So, how do you get the most out of golf instruction? There are several keys to maximizing the instruction you receive. First of all, let’s assume you are taking the lesson from a qualified, knowledgeable instructor. That is another subject; therefore, sticking with our objective, we will assume the person giving you the lesson is qualified to help you improve.

Let’s begin with the most important key to improving through lessons: start the lesson with an open mind. A common refrain for swinging a golf club, and this can apply to any sport, is the phrase “feel is not real.” What does that mean? Basically, what we think we are doing and our perception of the motion we are performing is far different than what we are actually doing. Therefore, understand your perception of reality is different than what the instructor is seeing. Allow the instructor to explain your issues and develop a plan of attack.

Understand that your current motion will feel “natural,” no matter how detrimental it may be to your success. Human beings are amazingly adaptable. We are built to learn, good or bad. Even the worst swings you see on the driving range feel great to that person performing it.

Communication. Instructors want to understand your goals, how you feel about any previous instruction, what you think about when you swing the club, or what you are trying to do when you practice. Some golfers are embarrassed, to be honest. Your instructor has most likely seen and heard it all, so there is no reason to hold back. If you have been working on a tip that you found on the Internet or something your friend told you, let the instructor know.

Ask questions. If you do not understand something, do not be shy or proud to tell the instructor. If you do not, they will assume you understand. Believe me, we love it when you ask questions. If nothing else, it gives us a chance to show how smart we are!

Video can be a great teaching tool. When an instructor shows you a video of your swing, pay close attention to what they are talking about and focus on their observations. Often, golfers are looking at what catches their eye and not what the instructor is pointing out. The untrained eye will see the symptoms; the trained eye will see the disease, or in other words, the systemic problem you have. Don’t get caught up in things the instructor doesn’t want you to think about. One thing I have learned after 45 years in golf, 33 professionally, is that no one likes the way their swing appears visually. We are all hyper-critical when watching ourselves on video – even tour players.

Do not forget to ask the instructor for a practice plan. Any good instructor is going to give you specifics on how they want you to practice. Just like a fitness routine or diet plan, follow the plan they give you. Do not, I repeat, do not stray off into the never-never land of golf tips. That will only slowdown your progress or even make you worse. At the same time, you wasted your money and time on the lesson by “chasing the secret.” Guess what? There is no secret.

Lastly, be patient. Unlearning and learning a physical motion takes time. Band-aids can produce temporary good shots, but you will be sacrificing long-term improvement. I have seen many examples of students that were ready to give up just before making a leap in their shot making and ball striking. The golf swing is a journey with no destination. Look at your lessons as another small step in the right direction. It just takes time.

Most of all, have fun and try to enjoy the learning process. Embrace and enjoy the practice and the challenge of improving. For many of us, the difficulty of golf is what made us fall in love with the game to begin with. Good luck!