Training Aids Are Only Good When They Are Used

By Mike Stevens,USGTF contributing Writer

I just got back from the World Golf Teachers Cup gathering in Las Vegas. On the driving range, we were treated to demonstrations of several training aids. Some to increase swing speed, some to improve impact position and some to improve the overall swing motion. Over the years, I have used or recommended certain training aids to students based on their specific needs. I believe there is value in using them if one is committed to getting better. The key word is committed. That takes effort, and effort is not easy because it takes time. No truer words than “Rome was not built in a day” can be applied to learning golf techniques. It takes time and commitment.

One of the problems I see when aids are advertised on TV is that they would have one believe that there is almost instant success. Often, I see a fellow working with a training aid, and then maybe a few weeks later, there he is on the range without it. When I ask why he is not using the aid, often the reply is, “It didn’t work.”

Unfortunately, we live in a world where people want instant gratification, the worst thing when it comes to learning golf. That is why I emphasize in all my lessons that getting good at golf is a long-term process that takes patience, commitment and effort. When I recommend a training aid, I let the student know that using it will help ingrain good habits over time, and those habits will stay in place with continued use.
Teaching in A Simulator Vs. Teaching Outdoors

Teaching in A Simulator Vs. Teaching Outdoors

By Mark Harman USGTF Course Director, Ridgeland, South Carolina

In addition to my duties as national course director for the USGTF, I also teach at two facilities near where I live, one outdoors at a golf course and another in an indoor simulator at a major golf store. The latter is a recent addition to my teaching, and it has been extremely illuminating seeing the contrasts to teaching on an outdoor range. If you’ve been teaching with a simulator or with a launch monitor like TrackMan or FlightScope, some of what I’m about to write won’t come as any great surprise to you. Still, it’s been interesting to see how people learn and perform in the different environments.

The launch monitor I use in the simulator is a new state-of-the-art GC Quad from Foresight Sports. It measures all the data you would expect, including ball speed, launch angle, RPMs, spin axis, direction and curve, and carry and total distance. It also measures clubhead data such as clubhead speed, angle of attack and clubhead path when you put a round metallic sticker on the top of the clubface. You can also measure additional clubhead action that includes lie angle at impact, clubface in relation to clubhead path at impact, and squareness of the strike when you position four metallic stickers on the clubface. The launch monitor and simulator aren’t cheap, and I’m grateful I didn’t have to shell out the money for them! The first thing I notice is people tend to overestimate how far they hit the ball in the “real world” of outdoor golf – one of those things I said would come as no surprise to those of you already using launch monitors. People will tell me they average 260 on the course, and yet the GC Quad is saying their total distance is 230. I use those two numbers specifically because the aver-age overestimation I’ve experienced so far is right around 30 yards. So of course, the first reaction is skepticism to the launch monitor’s numbers. I then point out that their clubhead speed of 88 mph is right about in line with a golfer who hits it 230. Of course, that 260 they got on the course came from a downwind drive on a firm fairway, but since perception is reality to most people, in their minds they hit it 260. The second thing is how disappointed people are when they learn that their clubhead path through impact is anywhere from 5° to 10° left of the target line. This won’t surprise anyone to learn a majority of golfers’ swing paths are in this direction. But these numbers are important because it gives me an advantage that I don’t have outdoors, and that is we can work toward some tangible numbers that are impossible to know precisely without a launch monitor. The third thing I learned, even though I already knew this but not to the degree I know now, is that a ball that starts well right of the tar-get line can be produced by a swing path that is well to the left, and vice versa. When I see a ball that starts well to the right outdoors and curves even farther right, I simply cannot tell with any degree of reasonable certainty what the clubhead path did, especially if the shot came from a driver off the tee. With an iron shot, at least we have a divot that can give us a clue, but one that is often not 100 percent reliable. So having accurate club-head path data is a real benefit to the teacher. Finally, I have learned that many male golfers have a serious case of too-flat lie angles at impact, some regularly hitting shots with toe angles at 7° downwards! I have access to some clubfitting equipment featuring iron lie angles 3° upright from standard, but even with these, it’s not nearly enough to get some golfers to have flat lie angles at impact. Of course the problem is in their swings, but there’s only so much you can do during the course of one lesson. The other feature we have in the indoor simulator is two simultaneous working cameras, one for the face-on view and one for the target-line view. The video software allows me to draw the usual lines, circles, etc., and compare a student’s swing to dozens of touring pros’. With few exceptions, students’ swings change perceptibly during the course of one lesson, and I’m able to email the students their before and after comparisons. I want to be clear: It’s still possible to teach very effectively outdoors with no technology (See “No TrackMan? No Problem,” Winter 2017 edition, Golf Teaching Pro). Even with all my hi-tech tools in the simulator, I find myself working mainly on the same basic fundamentals with students that I would outdoors. But I would be less than honest if I said having some advanced technology wasn’t a great help, and it’s helped me learn some things that have improved my abilities as a teacher. As golf technology becomes less expensive and more available, I believe it’s only a matter of time before the vast majority of teachers will rely on some form to aid in their instruction programs. But without a competent teacher schooled in the art and science of golf instruction, these gadgets are virtually worthless, and in fact could prove detrimental to the golfer who doesn’t understand what’s important and what’s not. There will al-ways be a place for knowledgeable golf teaching professionals, regardless how much teaching technology may advance.
Anthony Netto Stands Up And Plays

Anthony Netto Stands Up And Plays

USGTF member Anthony Netto lives a more active life than most people, even though he cannot walk, much less run. Netto was on his way to play in a professional golf tournament in his native South Africa in 1994 when his car was hit by a drunk driver, leaving Netto paralyzed from the waist down. And all of this happened just several months after attending a USGTF certification course in the United States.

Netto was a first lieutenant in the South African army and was a veteran of Desert Storm in the early 1990s. After his discharge, he returned to golf and earned his USGTF certification. But the accident put his plans on hold. It is understand-able if Netto felt the normal reactions after such a horrific accident of despair and anger, but if he did, he quickly put them aside and went to work. Attempting to return to the game of golf in a traditional wheelchair, Netto found it too restraining and difficult to play the game in a proper way. He set about inventing a device that would allow him to basically stand while playing, just like able-bodied golfers. Thus, the Paragolfer came about, which rides like a normal wheelchair with the exception that the seat and seatback lift up and puts a person in a standing position.

The Paragolfer was later renamed the Para- mobile because it can be used for more than just golf. Sports like shooting, archery, hunting and fishing are made easier for people from the Para-mobile.

As the Paramobile puts less pressure per square inch on the ground as compared to a normal foot-print, the device lends itself well to golf and doesn’t damage the golf course, including the greens. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Paramobile is welcome at facilities all across the country.

Netto travels the United States these days, promoting the Paramobile and seeking funding for those in need to buy them through his Stand Up And Play Foundation. Manufactured by the German company Ottobock, the Paramobile is available for a purchase price of $22,500.

The Invictus Games, which brings together veterans from 17 countries who compete in adaptive sports, will feature golf for the first time in 2017 in Toronto, Canada. Netto is proud that the Paramobile will be used in order to allow some of the golfers to compete.

Netto has also met former U.S. presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the latter while he was still in office. Obama, an avid golfer himself, took an interest in Netto and the Para- mobile.

In regard to Bush, Netto met him several years ago at the 4th annual Warrior Open, where Netto smashed a drive 270 yards down the middle of the fairway. He still drives the ball farther and plays the game better than most able-bodied golfers, a testament to his grit and determination.

Netto is currently based out of Las Vegas, Nevada, and travels to support and promote the Stand Up And Play Foundation. The fundraising road has been a difficult one, but Netto has succeeded in getting a number of Paramobiles into circulation for use by those who are paralyzed.

Compliments Complement Our Teaching

Compliments Complement Our Teaching

According to, “The term rein-force means to strengthen, and is used in psychology to refer to any stimulus which strengthens or in-creases the probability of a specific response.” Psychologists recognize four types of reinforcement: positive, negative, punishment and extinction.

In general, positive reinforcement has proven to be the most effective means of behavior modification or to get a certain behavior to be performed. This involves giving a reward upon completion of a goal or speaking in a positive and encouraging manner in an attempt to achieve the desired outcome. Negative reinforcement involves an unpleasantness of some sort if the task is not completed, such as parental nagging of a child. Once the child per-forms the task, for example, the negative reinforcement of nagging is eliminated. Punishment is a term that we are all familiar with, and extinction is, according to, “The disappearance of a previously learned behavior when the behavior is not reinforced.”

The USGTF has long recognized the good that comes from positive reinforcement, and since its inception in 1989 has said that encouragement (positive reinforcement) rather than criticism (negative reinforcement) is far more desirable. Hopefully there aren’t any teachers out there engaging in punishing their students! But then again, we do hear sad stories of parents punishing their children for not succeeding in athletics. Perhaps they make the child run, or take away some privileges, but as those of us who are knowledgeable know, punishing a child for athletic failure is a sure way to have an ex-athlete for a child.

In athletics today, there is a great emphasis on “players’ coaches,” which means that the coach is sensitive to the needs and emotions of the members on theteam. Gone are the days of the coach who yelled constantly at his players, berating them for each and every mistake, and being tone-deaf to the squad’s desire to be guided with a gentler hand. While today’s sports coaches can still be demanding in terms of performance and effort, they are expected to develop personal relationships with each player and to have an empathy for those players. One of the great truths to coaching is that a coach needs to know when to give someone a figurative kick in the butt and when to give a pat on the back. Coaches who only know how to kick derrieres probably won’t last long in today’s world. They need to be able to give positive reinforcement as part of their coaching repertoire.

In line with giving positive reinforcement, compliments are an important way of achieving this. When was the last time you felt badly when someone gave you a genuine compliment? You may have felt not worthy or de-serving, but deep down we all enjoy a compliment that some-one gives us. It boosts our self-esteem and gives us confidence that we are on the right track.

As golf coaches and teachers, we see that the majority of our clientele want nothing more than to enjoy the game. Many of our students are already self-conscious about their golf games; they don’t want to be embarrassed on the course. It’s also not rare for some students to not want to see themselves on video, thinking that their swing is one of the worst there is and looks silly to outside observers. A few compliments during a video review session most certainly will help with a student’s attitude and perhaps give them some newly found encouragement and excitement.

Compliments must be sincere. Telling a student that their swing is one step away from being tour caliber – when they are a30-handicapper – is false flattery that we must avoid. Fortunately, most of us know that. But even30-handicappers have elements in their game that are worthy of complimenting.

Compliments can also help to mitigate the negative feelings associated with giving necessary negative information to a student. USGTF member Ben Bryant has written about the “compliment sandwich,” in which the negative information is preceded and followed by a compliment. An example: “Tom, I really like the way you’re swinging in balance, but we need to improve your release through impact because you have a tendency to flip your trail hand underneath. The good news is you’re already off to a good start because you have a good grip.”

Compliments are also beneficial to the giver of the compliment, because most of us enjoy making people feel good. So complement your teaching with compliments – it gets results!

The Importance of the First Move Away from the Ball

By Thomas T Wartelle, USGTF contributing Writer

A good backswing sets the body into a coiled position ready to return to the clubhead squarely and powerfully at impact. The backswing is a series of motions that set the club in position for a proper downswing. Golfers do not hit the ball with their backswing, but a good backswing is a simple, repeatable movement that starts the sequence of the swing to the moment of truth – impact.

Most good players have a starting “trigger move” that signals the start of the backswing. Common backswing starting trigger moves are:

• A gentle waggle movement back and forward with the club, hands and wrists, which can ease any tensions in the set-up, and encourage a smooth, rhythmic beginning of the backswing.

• A forward press by gently pushing the hands forward or kicking the non-target knee in slightly towards target direction. The recoiling movement that this creates making a smooth takeaway.

Some movement should be encouraged so as the swing does not begin from a static position. The goal of the move away is to get the golf club swing properly. This in turn will begin a chain reaction where the club will swing itself and the body into the proper positions.

After a slight “trigger move”, the backswing is initiated with a slight shifting of the pressure away from the target towards the trailing leg. This shifting or “pivot” away from the target includes the head and shoulders. Thus, the head is not kept perfectly still but actually pivots to a point somewhere over a line drawn following the inside of the back leg.

The body begins to shift and the clubhead swings back along the target line. Some people refer to this as the “one piece takeaway”. Many players initiate this with the hands. However, the feeling is as if the hands, arms and shoulders are moving away as a unit. No matter what the feeling is, the goal is to get the club initially moving on the target line with the pressure loading toward the inside of the trailing leg. All of this happens within a few inches of the club moving away from the ball.

After the fundamentals of a good setup, the first move away from the ball can be a major factor in helping the golfer achieve their goal of a proper impact position. The golf swing is a sequence of events leading to the moment of truth at impact. Poor impact postions are often a product of a chain reaction caused by setup and backswing flaws. The importance of proper setup fundamentals and first move away cannot be overstated. Both build the foundation of the dynamic motion of the golf swing.
Moving From A To B

Moving From A To B

By Bert Jones USGTF Master Golf Teaching Professional Loomis, California

Have you ever wondered why some people can move from their current situation to a stated goal and some people can’t? Is it a matter of applied will, or just having enough knowledge?

If we reflect on the last 40 years, we have little to no improvement in the average golf score. In fact, professional averages are relatively stagnant, also! How can this be, even with the advent of new equipment, better agronomy, and the state of instruction using space-age technology for analysis?

Perhaps we can start by looking at how goals are developed. When developing a goal, it should follow the acronym SMART. The SMART acronym stands for specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time-based. Every goal will be based on one of three words: desire, want, and need. Each of these words is different and requires thoughtful consideration. Clarity around need, want and desire will provide you a vision of the goal.

Achieving goal specificity can be an elusive proposition. How many times have you had a student tell you that they “want” to improve their putting? Sounds pretty vague to me! To putt “better” requires analysis of where the student is with their knowledge, skill and ability. I normally put my students through an array of tests such as the Titleist Performance Institute LORD’s test or the Eyeline Skill Test (both of which can be found online) to determine a benchmark. Once the evidenced-based benchmark is achieved, I can then begin to assist the student’s specific goal.

An example of a specific goal could be to reduce the number of three-putts from four per round to two per round over a period of 45 days. The goal is measureable because we have created a starting and ending point over a period of time. It is critical that the goal be agreed upon, as the goal should be intrinsic by nature. The goal should be realistic as it is based upon a benchmark analysis of the player.

Sounds pretty simple, right? If it was, then we would have a nation of high achievers, and we know that is not the case. So why do so many good intentions fall short? Is it bad goal setting or just lack of will?

Perhaps the answer can be found in instruction and motor programming! Most students that I have encountered do not fully understand putting or their equipment. Their skill, knowledge and ability have to be built or reformed. In addition, I have found that many students don’t know how to practice. They think they do, but they don’t.

Explanation, demonstration, observation and correction on identified sub-elements help students understand how to practice. I like to have students use guidance devices to provide feedback when I am not able to stand and observe the player between lessons. A limited amount of drills are prescribed to ensure that students are working on changing their habits.

It is important to understand that habits are changed through ritual. Creating rituals in the pre- and post-routine are the means to integrating new neural pathways in the brain to create better performance. Visit the “Human Performance Institute” online for a deeper understanding of rituals and habit development.

No more three-putts!

Gifts From Golf

By Cole Golden, WGTF Master Golf Teaching Professional

Friendship can develop in many different areas of your life: family, church, school, work, hobbies and even competitors. I’d like to focus on the latter. In 2010, I played in the United States Golf Teachers Cup at Primm Valley, just outside of Las Vegas. One of my playing partners in the first round was Matt Smith, who hails from Ohio. To say I had a rough start to my game is an understatement. A cart came flying over a hill to our tee box to see me teeing off, and then proceeded to lock up their brakes, squealing across the cart path. Then my 3-wood went about 40 yards to the left into a pond. That triple bogey, plus another three bogeys in a row, mind you, made the blood boil to an extremely high level.

Not knowing Matt at all, he came over and patted me on the back, giving me a genuine smile. He didn’t have to do that; we were competitors playing against each other. It was an authentic gesture by a great person, which created a turning point for my game. Six birdies later, I signed for an even-par round. However, more important than a nice comeback, I made a true friend.

A few weeks ago, my Oklahoma Sooners (Boomer!) were traveling to play Matt’s Ohio State Buckeyes in Columbus, Ohio. With some luck getting tickets for the game, Matt and I planned a great weekend together. He is the head teaching professional at the Pinnacle Golf Club, one of the most prestigious private golf clubs in Ohio. We played a few rounds at his club, met some of his students, and then went to the football game together.

Being able to build wonderful friendships through the great game of golf is one of its many perks. Through playing golf with people, you can develop bonds that last a lifetime. I cherish these rare friendships, which the game has provided me, and for that I will always be grateful.

2018 Membership Renewal Now Available Online

Online membership renewal is available for those who want a quick and convenient way to remain a USGTF member in good standing. USGTF membership offers many benefits, including continuing education opportunities, member communication via our monthly e-newsletter and Golf Teaching Pro magazine, as well as our online community at Equipment and other discounts, liability insurance, networking opportunities at our regional and national events are also features of USGTF membership, as well as the right to continue to call yourself a USGTF member.

To renew your membership for 2018, please click here.

US, World Cup Deadline Fast Approaching

Wednesday, October 4, marks the deadline for entries into the 22nd annual United States Golf Teachers Cup and the 13th biennial World Golf Teachers Cup at Boulder Creek Golf Club in Boulder City, Nevada, October 16-19. These premier events bring teaching professionals from around the world together to enjoy a week of competition and camaraderie.

Teaching professionals Bruce Sims, Matt Smith, Michael Wolf and David Belling will be on hand to conduct a teaching seminar during the week. In addition, vendors will be onsite on Sunday, October 15, to showcase teaching aids and products. Although the deadline is near, if you haven’t yet made plans to attend, there is still time to enter. For more information and to enter, please visit You may also call the USGTF National Office at (888) 346-3290.

Refresher Course Opportunity For All Members

Has it been several years since you achieved your teaching certification Since the art of learning is an ongoing process, a refresher course could be just what you need to “freshen up” those skills.

We are pleased to now offer a refresher course on the core training topics covered during your USGTF certification process. The online refresher course includes the following:

Teaching the Full Swing video

• Teaching Faults & Cures video

• Teaching the Short Game video

• Clubfitting for Teaching Professionals video

• How to Teach Golf – The American Golf Teaching Method – 2nd edition

The course is available to current USGTF members only and membership must be verified before course access is permitted. You may go to click here to enroll in the course.