Spring Trip

As I glance out the window, snow is falling along with the temperature.  Playing golf is a ways off in our neck of the woods, just like it is for many of my fellow golf teaching professionals. So, what can we do to bide the time until we can play outdoors?  This is the time to plan indoor teaching, maybe even rebrand our teaching business.  It is also a chance to take a little trip with some students.

Students are just like us, they get stir crazy this time of year.  They want to play golf and enjoy some sunshine.  Now is a great time to offer your students a chance to go on a golf vacation with personalized instruction from you.  Done properly, you won’t have to pay much for your trip!

Places like southern Florida, California, Arizona, and of course Las Vegas, are great for winter birds this time of year.  Plan the trip as an “all-inclusive.” Build in the flight, hotel and golf cost; add in some money for your expenses and fees, and you have a great trip to offer students. For example, the trip could include their flight, hotel, 18-holes per day and two hours of instruction.  We typically take our trip in February when the weather is brutal and the sunshine at our destination gives us respite until spring.  An easy schedule to follow is fly out Thursday, golf Friday and Saturday, and fly back Sunday.

Most golf course head professionals or directors of golf want your business; a phone call to them will help set up your tee times and request a separate place on the driving range for you.  Make sure and ask for any connections the course might have with a local hotel to cut down costs and decrease time in the car.

You will be surprised how many students love these kinds of trips.  When I first began offering destination training, I started with three students. This year I have twelve students going, plus spouses!  The relationships you build will only strengthen your teaching business.  Branch out and give it a try, you won’t be disappointed.

Rule Changes I’d Like to See for Faster Play

Every so often, the USGA will review and make changes to the rule book. I have been less than impressed with the last few efforts on their part. Since slow play is a major source of complaints about golf these days, maybe they should turn their efforts to changes that would speed up the game. I have three suggestions that would help. First would be to change the search rule from 5 minutes to 1 minute. I know that people hate to lose golf balls, especially Pro-V1s that most people should not even be using. But come on, if you can’t afford to lose one, then play a cheaper ball. If you don’t see it within a minute, then move on with your life.

That brings me to the second rule I would adopt – no more stroke-and-distance penalties. Lost ball, remember the first rule change. After a minute, just drop a ball at the point of entry and play away. One-stroke penalty. Same for out of bounds. Just drop at point of entry, or should I say exit. This would eliminate provisional balls. If the stroke-and-distance penalties are no longer in effect, then there is no need to waste time hitting additional balls. My last suggestion would be a continuous putting rule. You could only mark your ball once. After that, you would have to putt until holed out. What about standing in someone’s line? Well, that would be part of the game. With soft spikes, there is not much effect any longer. Besides, if you can’t fix a spike mark, then why should a foot print be a problem?

Evaluating Technology’s for Your Instruction Program

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to evaluate your instruction program and find the keys to becoming more successful. Thousands of instructors over the last ten years have utilized technology to gain more students and improve the quality of their lessons. But you may have asked yourself what and how you can do the same?

Launch monitors, dynamic balance mats, high-tech swing apparatuses, dynamic putting analysis systems and body position feedback vests have vaulted golf instruction into the 21st century.

The two main concerns of these high-tech items for any instructor are the ease of use, and of course, the cost. Looking at ease of use, instructors need to be diligent and do their homework. The first step is finding out from the source of the technology who you can contact that is currently utilizing the particular technology. If the vendor is not open and willing to provide names and contact info, be very aware, because that is a red flag that you will later regret ignoring. Does the technology require a lot of time to set up? Is it easy to learn? Does the company support it after purchase? Will you need to change the location or the set up you currently have? These are just a few of the questions you need to honestly answer.

A common issue I have noticed over the years is what we may term the “shiny new car syndrome.” The technology seems amazing at first. As instructors and foremost golfers, we get excited over something that appears to cure or help cure a golfer’s issues. For many of us, we initially think about how much we ourselves could improve using it and not so much how it will help the average student. Follow some easy guidelines: do your research; do not buy on the spot – wait at least a week after you initially see it in use; talk to someone that owns the technology and is using it. Even better, try to find a way to demo the technology where you currently teach. Lastly, take stock of your competition. What are they using?

The cost of the latest technology can be the biggest hurdle for the average instructor. Completing a simple ROI (return on investment) worksheet is the first step. Being honest about how much you will be committed to using the technology is critical. Therefore, the questions we covered in the previous paragraphs have to be answered before the ROI can be completed. If you contact other instructors, ask them how many lessons they have gained from the item. Keep in mind that if your students benefit from the technology, you will continually gain lessons and students for years down the road. If the interest rate is not prohibitive, consider paying for the item over a period of time, and do not forget to ask your tax person how to write off the depreciation. Another consideration is not easy to quantify but important nonetheless: Does it improve my image and brand? Is it something people will talk about and identify with me? If the answer is yes, the investment is most likely worthwhile. Golfers notice instructors that are constantly attempting to improve their service.

For those new to such items, the big question is this: do the new technologies actually help golfers? I can honestly tell you two things. I have seen amazing improvements from many golfers that have used some of these high-tech items. I also personally know many instructors that have been wildly successful with technology. When well-thought-out and the technology fits the instruction program, you can make your investment back many times over. It is all about offering the best lessons and the best service you possibly can to your clients. Just like your game or swing, it is a journey with no destination. Always look to improve.