Shorter Driver

There is a new trend in the world of professional golf:  shorter drivers.  I’m not referencing the actual driving distance, but rather the length of the actual club.  Ricky Fowler and Jimmy Walker are two players who have reduced the length of their driver.  If the some of the best players in the world are doing this, should your students do this as well?

As golf teaching professionals, one of the most common requests from a student is the desire to hit the ball farther.  From an amateur to members of the PGA Tour, everyone wants the distance.  So why is shortening the length of the driver shaft a good thing?

A few things occur when you shorten the driver shaft.  It’s easier to hit the ball more solidly; with a shorter shaft, the actual strike should improve.  Hitting the golf ball in the middle of the clubface, in the sweet spot, will improve the ball speed, plus give the correct spin rate.  However, striking the ball off the toe or heel of the club decreases the ball speed and adds too much side spin.  Lastly, one additional benefit for some players is that the arc of their swing shortens and they actually increase their clubhead speed.  This isn’t something that happens for everyone, but it will for some players.

If you can help your students strike the ball more solidly, they will gain distance.  Hopefully with a more solid strike, their accuracy might improve, hitting more fairways.  We all know a drive will roll out further in the fairway than in the rough.  Cutting down a driver shaft from a half inch up to two inches will help a majority of your students.  If they complain about losing distance, test the differences on a launch monitor.  Good luck and happy teaching!

Memories From A Lifetime In Golf

Observing my 11-year old son grow up in the game of golf is such a wonderful gift. As I watch him traverse the golf course, it brings back my own childhood memories. My son is lucky; his poppa plays golf and is a golf professional. I did not have such a luxury as a kid. While my son has been playing golf since he could walk, I started relatively late – the ripe old age of 13.

It started when I found a broken club in a trash bin. A little duct tape and voila, my journey began. I grew up in a large athletic family; however, nobody in my family really played golf. Later, I found out that my grand poppa had been a scratch golfer in the 1920s. He had also played college baseball and once played against Ty Cobb. I never knew him as he died years before I was born. My journey was solo. I learned it on my own.

I first learned to swing a club by hacking old golf balls in the neighborhood. I went to the public library and checked out many golf books, one being by the legendary Tony Jacklin (1969 Open and 1970 U.S. Open champion). I did everything he said to do in that book. Later in life, I had the pleasure to meet T.J., and now I call Mr. Jacklin my friend. I recently had the chance to introduce Mr. Jacklin to my son Gabriel. The torch has been passed!

After I read all the golf books in the library, I decided I was ready. My pop dropped me off at the local muni golf course. I played about 45 holes that day! I was so enthralled that I went to the local private country club and cut a deal with the old pro. If I caddied, picked up balls and worked around the shop, I could hit all the range balls I wanted. Paradise! I shined shoes to make money to gamble with the older boys. I began to beat the older boys. Thus, I was off to my 30+ years of golf obsession.

Like many who spent their youth around a golf course, I have a plethora of golf anecdotes, so many that I have decided to start to write them down before I forget. I think my golf stories have to start with one of my best friends, Bo. His full name will not be revealed to protect the innocent. I have known Bo since birth. I started golf before him, but he soon followed my lead. Before we discovered golf, we were formidable tennis players in the public park. No matter what sport he played, Bo had the uncanny ability to play well when he was angry. He was also good at every sport he played. The madder he got, the better he played. This naturally carried over to golf.

Bo was frequently my teammate and caddie. He was also one of my first students and test subjects. I taught him the flop shot. He learned fast and soon possessed a Seve-like short game, which he exploited too frequently. We often amused ourselves by trying to hit flop shots over a 15-foot tall tennis court fence. We constantly tried to break the “world record” of who could get the closest to the fence and still carry the ball over the top without hitting the chain link fence. I will swear to this day that one night, Bo managed to set a high mark. He placed a ball about two inches away from the fence and somehow hit his old Ping Eye 2 sand wedge right over the 15-foot fence without touching a thing. (I later officially tied the record after many attempts.) Phil Mickelson would have been jealous.

Bo had perfected another feat. He could hit a balata ball with his putter over 260 yards. This was done “baseball” style with a flick of the ball in the air and whack, into the greenskeeper’s shed. He frequently did this when he had a bad hole. Of course, he would then make three birdies in a row. To boot, Bo had probably one of the ugliest golf swings I ever saw. But he was a scratch golfer and fierce competitor. Later in life when I turned pro, he would caddie for me on the European Tour. What a team! So many laughs, so much mischief, so much joy (and a little heartbreak) the game of golf has brought me… and taught me.

So, for my first installment of reminiscing, here’s to you, Mr. Jacklin and Bo! A library book inspired an adventure. Two kids from a small Louisiana town traveled the world golfing, laughing, arguing, crying, and chasing a dream. One kid turned out to be an engineer, the other a professional golfer. Both kids are still best friends. Both still dream of green-grassed fairways with the early morning dew still sparkling in the morning sun. Hey Bo, if we get up early tomorrow, we still might have a chance to make it on the Tour! (To be continued…)

Progress Report

In school we normally received a progress report every semester. It showed where your grades were and would give you a good idea of where you were doing well or where you needed to improve. In golf, we need to do this also, but it comes in two different forms.

As a player, we need to assess where we are, both good and bad. It can be like a report card with A, B, C, D or F grades. Beyond the grade, we need to add notes that get specific on what needs to be worked on. Once we have our progress report, then we can design our practice routine to help our improvement. This is called self-evaluation, something a lot of us are already doing.

Our students need help in this area, too. While they might perform self-evaluations, their judgment can be biased a bit. If you visit with your students about their progress, it will help their “report card” become better defined and more accurate. Plus, it gives them a great chance to develop their practice routine with their professional golf instructor.

From PGA Tour players to the weekend warriors, everyone needs to assess where their game is, with both strengths and weaknesses. Developing a plan is the only way to get better. Your students are lucky to have someone who is professionally trained to help them with through this process.

Forget Trying To Play Like A Pro Unless You’re Willing To Put In The Time

From 1977 to 2013, there were six rounds of 59 scored on the PGA tour. That is a span of 36 years. Already this year there have been two rounds under 60. There was even a 58 shot on the tour. Professional golfers are overpowering courses of late. Justin Thomas just shot 27 under par to win the Sony Open with the lowest 72-hole total in history. At the recent Tournament of Champions, seven golfers hit drives over 400 yards with Dustin Johnson topping the charts at 427. I would need a driver and 3-iron to get where Dustin did in one shot. I guess this is the future of golf.

The question I pose: Is all this good for golf? For the pros, maybe, but for the average guy, it is hard to say. I can’t tell you how many students come to me and ask why they only hit their driver 240 yards. They want me to teach them how to hit it 300. When I ask them why, they say because that’s how far the professionals hit it. Okay I tell them, here’s the plan. First you should lose about 40 pounds and start going to the gym every day. Then you must hit about 300 balls after. And guess what the answer is – “Well, I don’t have time for all of that.” So, my advice to all you tour wannabes is fuhgeddaboudit. You’re not playing to put bread on the table, so play like you have a day job. You’ll have a lot more fun.

Spring Trip

As I glance out the window, snow is falling along with the temperature.  Playing golf is a ways off in our neck of the woods, just like it is for many of my fellow golf teaching professionals. So, what can we do to bide the time until we can play outdoors?  This is the time to plan indoor teaching, maybe even rebrand our teaching business.  It is also a chance to take a little trip with some students.

Students are just like us, they get stir crazy this time of year.  They want to play golf and enjoy some sunshine.  Now is a great time to offer your students a chance to go on a golf vacation with personalized instruction from you.  Done properly, you won’t have to pay much for your trip!

Places like southern Florida, California, Arizona, and of course Las Vegas, are great for winter birds this time of year.  Plan the trip as an “all-inclusive.” Build in the flight, hotel and golf cost; add in some money for your expenses and fees, and you have a great trip to offer students. For example, the trip could include their flight, hotel, 18-holes per day and two hours of instruction.  We typically take our trip in February when the weather is brutal and the sunshine at our destination gives us respite until spring.  An easy schedule to follow is fly out Thursday, golf Friday and Saturday, and fly back Sunday.

Most golf course head professionals or directors of golf want your business; a phone call to them will help set up your tee times and request a separate place on the driving range for you.  Make sure and ask for any connections the course might have with a local hotel to cut down costs and decrease time in the car.

You will be surprised how many students love these kinds of trips.  When I first began offering destination training, I started with three students. This year I have twelve students going, plus spouses!  The relationships you build will only strengthen your teaching business.  Branch out and give it a try, you won’t be disappointed.

Rule Changes I’d Like to See for Faster Play

Every so often, the USGA will review and make changes to the rule book. I have been less than impressed with the last few efforts on their part. Since slow play is a major source of complaints about golf these days, maybe they should turn their efforts to changes that would speed up the game. I have three suggestions that would help. First would be to change the search rule from 5 minutes to 1 minute. I know that people hate to lose golf balls, especially Pro-V1s that most people should not even be using. But come on, if you can’t afford to lose one, then play a cheaper ball. If you don’t see it within a minute, then move on with your life.

That brings me to the second rule I would adopt – no more stroke-and-distance penalties. Lost ball, remember the first rule change. After a minute, just drop a ball at the point of entry and play away. One-stroke penalty. Same for out of bounds. Just drop at point of entry, or should I say exit. This would eliminate provisional balls. If the stroke-and-distance penalties are no longer in effect, then there is no need to waste time hitting additional balls. My last suggestion would be a continuous putting rule. You could only mark your ball once. After that, you would have to putt until holed out. What about standing in someone’s line? Well, that would be part of the game. With soft spikes, there is not much effect any longer. Besides, if you can’t fix a spike mark, then why should a foot print be a problem?

Evaluating Technology’s for Your Instruction Program

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to evaluate your instruction program and find the keys to becoming more successful. Thousands of instructors over the last ten years have utilized technology to gain more students and improve the quality of their lessons. But you may have asked yourself what and how you can do the same?

Launch monitors, dynamic balance mats, high-tech swing apparatuses, dynamic putting analysis systems and body position feedback vests have vaulted golf instruction into the 21st century.

The two main concerns of these high-tech items for any instructor are the ease of use, and of course, the cost. Looking at ease of use, instructors need to be diligent and do their homework. The first step is finding out from the source of the technology who you can contact that is currently utilizing the particular technology. If the vendor is not open and willing to provide names and contact info, be very aware, because that is a red flag that you will later regret ignoring. Does the technology require a lot of time to set up? Is it easy to learn? Does the company support it after purchase? Will you need to change the location or the set up you currently have? These are just a few of the questions you need to honestly answer.

A common issue I have noticed over the years is what we may term the “shiny new car syndrome.” The technology seems amazing at first. As instructors and foremost golfers, we get excited over something that appears to cure or help cure a golfer’s issues. For many of us, we initially think about how much we ourselves could improve using it and not so much how it will help the average student. Follow some easy guidelines: do your research; do not buy on the spot – wait at least a week after you initially see it in use; talk to someone that owns the technology and is using it. Even better, try to find a way to demo the technology where you currently teach. Lastly, take stock of your competition. What are they using?

The cost of the latest technology can be the biggest hurdle for the average instructor. Completing a simple ROI (return on investment) worksheet is the first step. Being honest about how much you will be committed to using the technology is critical. Therefore, the questions we covered in the previous paragraphs have to be answered before the ROI can be completed. If you contact other instructors, ask them how many lessons they have gained from the item. Keep in mind that if your students benefit from the technology, you will continually gain lessons and students for years down the road. If the interest rate is not prohibitive, consider paying for the item over a period of time, and do not forget to ask your tax person how to write off the depreciation. Another consideration is not easy to quantify but important nonetheless: Does it improve my image and brand? Is it something people will talk about and identify with me? If the answer is yes, the investment is most likely worthwhile. Golfers notice instructors that are constantly attempting to improve their service.

For those new to such items, the big question is this: do the new technologies actually help golfers? I can honestly tell you two things. I have seen amazing improvements from many golfers that have used some of these high-tech items. I also personally know many instructors that have been wildly successful with technology. When well-thought-out and the technology fits the instruction program, you can make your investment back many times over. It is all about offering the best lessons and the best service you possibly can to your clients. Just like your game or swing, it is a journey with no destination. Always look to improve.
usgtf golf certification pga

High School Golf: The Beginning

This past fall I received a call from a local high school coach about helping their freshman team. While some high school programs have experienced players, most don’t, especially when it comes to girls’ golf. Some of the players have never played or even been on a golf course.

This particular golf coach wanted me to teach the players about golf course etiquette, rules and course strategy. The first day we all met in the clubhouse to go over Golf 101. Lots of diagrams and basic information. The girls did a great job asking questions.

For the next few practices we walked a couple of holes on the course. We discussed basic concepts: where to stand when someone is hitting, who plays their golf shot first, rules infractions, where to put their golf bags when on the green, and how to play ready golf. Remembering that many of the players have never been on the golf course, we kept it simple and fun.

The players really took to what we were showing them and you could see their excitement for the game growing; that is what is most important. By volunteering my time, the girls learned some basic skills that helped them become more comfortable on the course and during the tournaments. I had four players sign up for private lessons, also.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to the high school coaches to offer your expertise. You will help their program, the players, and also grow this wonderful game of golf. As golf teaching professionals, continuing to develop the future of the game is a very important responsibility.


When I started teaching golf twenty years ago, there wasn’t very much technology available to the average player.  If you were lucky, you might have had a video camera to film someone’s golf swing.  You would video your student, take the tape out of the camera, and then go inside to find a television to watch and break down their golf swing.  Times have changed! Today, technology is in every part of golf, from fitting clubs and teaching the golf swing to looking at the putting stroke.  While watching the game on TV, you see the ProTracer technology in use.  Launch monitors have changed the way golf is taught, because they provide instantaneous feedback.  No longer do you have to wait to see your golf swing; each shot can be analyzed on the range. Technology can be expensive.  Some of the launch monitors are over $20,000.  After adding additional high-tech video equipment, it can become overwhelming.  Some of you might use technology already, and that’s great.  If you are not, then you need to take a different approach and consider how students of today learn best. I’m not saying you need to invest in thousands of dollars in equipment.  However, you’d be amazed how much you can do with an iPad and downloading a teaching app.  Most apps can be purchased for under $20 and will allow you to break down your student’s swing on the driving range.  After reviewing at the tee, you have the ability to email them the file for future reference. Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself and your business!  The dividends you and your student will receive are worth it.


As winter enters most areas of the country, now is a great time to brainstorm with your students on things they can do to improve their golf games for the spring.  One area most players want to improve is gaining distance.  One of the quickest ways to improve distance is to increase your flexibility. As people get older, they lose their flexibility and have to make a conscious choice to work on it.  As golf teaching professionals, we can recommend programs to them to help improve in this area.  If they work on their flexibility all winter, come spring they will be ready to jump back into lessons and already be on the right track to improve their game. A few years ago, I partnered with a local fitness instructor to offer packages to my students.  Having a trained fitness professional design programs for your students is a great way to help them reach their goals.  I was pleasantly shocked on how my students eagerly jumped at this opportunity.  Working with the fitness instructor over the winter months gave most of the students increased flexibility and strength. Sometimes we need to think outside the box of normal golf teaching to help students improve.  Try this with some of your students over the winter and you will be amazed with their results!