A Panel of Our Teachers Share Their Views
By Mark Harman USGTF Level IV Member and Course Examiner, Ridgeland, South Carolina
One of the biggest reasons a golfer may not take lessons is one that many golf teachers may not have thought of. That reason is intimidation. Yes, many people, especially women, are intimidated at the thought of taking lessons and putting their game in front of someone to judge. Part of the problem is the old stereotype of the grumpy old pro who has little patience for beginners and novices who seemingly (to him) can’t walk and talk at the same time. Unfortunately, there is some ring of truth to this, as golf traditionally has more than its fair share of course employees and “professionals” who are condescending, sour, and ready to rip your head off. Now for the good news: these bad actors can work to your advantage. By contrasting your behavior, attitude, and actions to theirs, it makes you look that much better to the golfing public. It’s not enough to just smile and be friendly. It’s been researched that body language is perhaps the most important means of communication in personal contact. This means using welcoming gestures, such as open arms, instead of standoffish ones like folded arms and hands in the pockets. Do you provide any literature, brochures, or a website for potential students to peruse? If so, you undoubtedly want a picture of yourself on the material. Believe it or not, there are some teachers whose picture on such materials looks like a mug shot. Now, what kind of welcome is that? Not a real good one. You can also find teachers who, while they may be smiling, are wearing dark sunglasses because the picture was taken outside. Again, not a good idea, because it goes back to the old adage, “He must have something to hide.” Once on the lesson tee, take a genuine interest in their games. Ask a lot of questions. Involve the students in the learning process. Ask them if what you’ve asked them to do is uncomfortable or too difficult. If so, you must find something that they can accomplish. If it’s appropriate, self-deprecating humor can be great at putting people at ease. It lets them know you aren’t perfect and that you empathize with them. Don’t hit balls to just show off your superior skills, but only when necessary to legitimately demonstrate a point. A teacher who starts bombing 300-yard drives in front of his female student who can only hit it 120 might get her to start thinking, “What’s the point if I can’t do what he’s doing?” You should also take the personality of your student into account. If they are a quiet type, they will feel ill-at-ease if you are a boisterous backslapper. Say fewer words and talk in a quieter voice to these people. Although it’s hard for a naturally gregarious person to tone it down, it must be done unless you want that person’s first lesson with you to also be the last. Putting people at ease isn’t rocket science. A lot of it is common sense – treat the person with respect, treat them as an equal, and be humble. You can separate yourself from others – not just in golf but in all walks of life – by acting accordingly.
By Dr. Tom Kubisant, CSP
USGTF Contibuting Writer
Connecting with each student is the most important thing you can do. If you can develop an individual relationship with each student, you will be more efficient in your teaching. And, students will learn more, better enjoy the experience, and come back to you.
Students I talk to say they like to feel like an individual. Even though they may have the same issues as
dozens of other golfers, they like to be treated as if their problems and goals are unique.
Taking the time to personalize a lesson plan is one of the best things you can do to develop an ongoing
relationship. This implies two things: asking questions and listening.
I have presented speeches and seminars to teaching pros for over twenty years. Here is a secret: no matter the topic, I always survey the audience as to how many regularly use a pre-teaching questionnaire. Typically, only about 25 percent raise their hands. I believe having new students fill out such a questionnaire establishes both the framework for the lessons as well as develops a relationship.
Typically, questionnaires survey students’ backgrounds, golf experiences, and especially physical limitations. Some others might include neurological orientations; meaning dominant hand, foot, and eye. Most forms include space for the golfer to detail specific goals for the lessons. Such a questionnaire is not only an assessment, but also becomes as contract.
One key category is having students describe their best learning styles. I still like the Neurolingistic Programming (NLP) model of being predominantly either a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner. Such information is valuable in tailoring and communicating lesson content.
If the student does not know which they are, have them become aware of the words they say and think. Visuals will say, “Picture this,” or “Imagine that.” Auditories will say, “It sounds right,” or “It rings true for me.” And kinesthetics will say, “My sense is something does not fit,” or “My gut tells me this is correct.” Which style is Johnny Miller?
One of the challenges of working with each student is to develop creative ways to connect with the person’s learning style. For example, if the student is a visual learner, the teaching pro should demonstrate positions and motions both in slow motion as well as in real time. Visual learners also benefit from statically seeing their own positions. Full length mirrors can be great aids in having students see their own bodies. Finally, video sessions are valuable in having visual students see their own swings from angles they cannot see on their own.
If the student is an auditory learner, the teaching pro should always anchor positive sounds of the desired action. Have the student grasp the club by the hosel and swing the club to hear the swooshing sound of the shaft as it goes through the slot. Have auditory learners listen to the desired click of contact with the ball. This is especially important on putts. Auditories greatly benefit from knowing the sound of a square face at impact. Finally, have them hear the desired thump of the sand on explosion shots.
If the student is a kinesthetic learner, the teaching pro should always emphasize how the swing relates to the person’s senses, balance, and tempo. Sensitize them to the feelings of correct posture during setup – feet pressure, hip position, spine angle, shoulder position, grip pressure, and so on. During the swing, have kinesthetics feel extension, rotation, coiling, and release. Dynamic training aids are useful in helping them isolate the correct feeling, such as a ball under the outside of the rear foot, a headcover under the leading arm, swinging on a balance board, or your hand on their head to restrict an improper movement. Most importantly for kinesthetics, emphasize how tempo and timing feel for them.
Honoring each student’s predominant learning style not only personalizes the instruction, it makes your content emphases more easily implemented.
One of the best comments a student can make about the teaching pro is, “She made it seem so clear.” This is one of the best compliments you can ever receive. This means you have taken the time and effort to customize your content into the student’s learning style.
It is also the hallmark of your professionalism.
Dr. Tom Kubistant is one of the original golf psychologists. He has written three books and over 300 articles on the mental game of golf. He also maintains “The Complete Bibliography On The Psychology Of Golf.” He loves talking with USGTF members and can be reached directly online at Kubistant@aol.com or in Reno, Nevada, at (775) 345-0340.