PART 1: Tiger’s Modern Swing Setup

PART 1: Tiger’s Modern Swing Setup

PART 1: Tiger’s Modern Swing Setup By John Andrisani USGTF Level III Member, Vero Beach, Florida tiger woodsTiger Woods Photo by Keith Allison I consider myself a golf historian, though admittedly my interest leans mostly toward the realm of golf instruction. In fact, in my library I’ve got over one hundred how-to books, my at home office walls are covered with swing sequence photographs of golf greats, and my desk drawers contain golf videotapes and electronic media of all types, plus binders containing instruction articles cut out of major golf magazines. On top of that, I’ve attended approximately 25 golf schools around the world, and when not attending a golf tournament, constantly watch golf on television. I live golf instruction! In searching all these years for the answers to the perfect swing, I’ve tested out all kinds of swing methods, including the most popular and the most obscure, and observed closely the swings of top tour pros from past and present eras. In tracking the actions of Tour professionals, the players I pay the closest attention to simply because they have proven themselves to be the best golf club swingers and golf scorers in the world, I’ve noticed that over the last ten years gradual changes have been occurring in the techniques of more and more top players. These changes have all been quite subtle in nature and, again, so gradual that the leading golf magazines have not reported on them. Furthermore, until the 2007 PGA championship, no one player had employed all of the elements of what was being built before your eyes without you knowing it: The Modern Golf Swing. In all fairness, the chief reason this modern golf creation was virtually impossible to see was because players were modernizing their setup, backswing, and downswing piecemeal, and by feel or instinct alone. Moreover, one player would change only one address key, another player only one backswing key, another one downswing key, and so on. Therefore, these changes went unnoticeable. No one golfer had it all together, a handle on the complete Modern Swing package, but that was all to change. My trained eye and my constant tracking of what goes on in the world of golf instruction is what allowed me to discover the one player who was smart enough to figure out the entire puzzle and piece each piece together into one super-efficient package. Furthermore, this player operated according to a plan, making conscious decisions to risk everything he had accomplished to try and bring his technique to the highest possible level. This shows the genius and the courage of that one player. Who is this one player who has assembled the Modern Swing that will now be our model for the future and allow him to play golf even better than before and likely overtake Jack Nicklaus’s major championship record of 18 major championships? Why, of course, it’s Tiger Woods, the world’s greatest golfer, who just so happens to be the most determined golfer, who just so happens to be the golfer who most thinks outside the box when meditating on golf technique. What’s even more ironic is Tiger Woods is setting the trend, but he’s such a phenomenon and gone through so many teachers and methods that the press and golf swing aficionados have failed to notice the changes Tiger has made to his setup and swing. That’s why you have not heard any golf commentator mention Tiger’s accomplishment or, up until now, ever read about Tiger discovering and employing The  Modern Swing. I spoke about this at length in one of my books, Tiger’s New Swing. However, since its publication in 2005, Tiger has modernized his swing. And as one golf insider told me, Tiger did the work himself (mostly after failing to win the first three major championships of 2007), and that makes sense, considering he knows more about golf technique than anyone in the world. THE MODERN SWING SETUP * Teach Your Students to Follow These Instructions When setting up to drive, position the ball an inch behind your left heel, tee the ball lower than normal, so that the leading edge of the driver’s face is even or just a tad below the top of the ball. Just recently, Tiger changed the position of the ball, moving it back slightly. Tiger also started teeing the ball lower to discourage an exaggerated upswing hit and, instead, encourage what renowned teacher Jim McLean calls a more streamlined “flat spot” in the hitting area, and as a result, a more level strike. By level strike, I mean that the club moves low along the target line through impact and stays on the ball for a split second longer. The result: more solid, clubface-to-ball contact, less backspin imparted on the ball, and a lower, more piercing ball flight. I’ve also noticed that rather than set his hands a couple of inches behind the ball, a la Ben Hogan, in order to promote a low and long takeaway, Tiger sets them slightly ahead. This new “modernized” position promotes a more upright swing plane, very different than the flat swing Tiger learned under Butch Harmon. So, I suppose Tiger now believes what his idol Jack Nicklaus always believed, and what we should all accept as fact: “An upright plane gives the golfer his best chance of swinging the club along the target line at impact.” Two other setup changes to Tiger’s swing that are both tied to one another involve the left hip and the distribution of weight. Whereas Tiger used to set slightly more weight on his right foot and tilt his left hip up, to promote an upswing hit, he now sets up with his weight evenly balanced and his hips dead level. These modernized changes of Tiger, plus setting his head more in line with the ball than well behind it, point to the modern-day golfer looking for added distance via a lower flying tee shot that will roll out farther upon landing, rather than a tee ball hit with plenty of carry. Last, but certainly not least, Tiger’s grip is neutral to strong, instead of on the weak side, and his stance square rather than open, proving that he is trying to gram a straight ball or slight draw into his shotmaking repertoire rather than his old bread-and-butter high flying fade that, unfortunately, sometimes turned into a slice. Sometimes, too, when fearing hitting a shot right of target, Tiger would try to flip the club back to square at impact, end up closing the clubface, and hitting a duck-hook. Have your students work on the aforementioned address keys until they become second nature. At that point, they will be ready to learn and groove Tiger’s backswing and downswing keys.
PART 2: Tiger’s Modern Backswing and Downsizing

PART 2: Tiger’s Modern Backswing and Downsizing

Tiger Woods Photo by Keith Allison By John Andrisani USGTF Level III Member, Vero Beach, Florida Previously, I brought to your attention something that had previously gone unnoticed by golf experts, yet it is something so groundbreaking for the world of golf instruction and how the game is likely to be taught in  the future. It was the discovery that Tiger Woods changed his swing once again, likely this time forever, since the new Modern Swing he employed helped him hit the ball so powerfully, so accurately and, moreover, on such a super-controlled consistent trajectory, that he re-entered the winner’s circle at the 2007 PGA championship, his 13th time in a major championship. I had heard from good sources, prior to the PGA, that Tiger was working on modernizing his swing, only this time all alone, without the help of any of his former teachers and without the aid of present coach Hank Haney. Apparently, Tiger had programmed so much swing data into his brain over years and years that he just wanted to let all this technical information filter through, with only the best swing technique emerging. All of you teachers, and your students, too, should be excited and ecstatic that in your lifetime you not only get to see this great champion hit such wonderful tee shots, but that you now will learn, based on my observations, the backswing and downswing keys that Tiger uses to compliment his new Modern address, described previously. On that note, let me take you to the lesson tee, where I will use Tiger as the ultimate Modern Swing model. You, me, your students, and our generation of teachers and amateur golfers should all realize that Tiger’s new Modern Swing just may be the future of golf instruction. THE MODERN BACKSWING ACTION Once comfortably and correctly establishing the Modern Swing Setup, Tiger swings the club low to the ground for about six inches, just long enough to start creating width, and thus stored power. Tiger controls the swinging action by nudging his weight away from the target and gently pulling the club away with his hands, simply because it is the most natural thing to do. The club moves directly along the target line early in the takeaway, then slightly to the inside once Tiger’s shoulders begin turning slightly clockwise. As soon as the club’s shaft parallels the target line at waist level and weight shifts to Tiger’s right foot, right leg, and braced right knee, Tiger allows his right wrist to hinge slightly, with the club moving up quite quickly. This upward movement of the club is helped by Tiger’s modernized shoulder action. Rather than turn the shoulders on a flat plane, he kind of rocks them, albeit being cautious not to dip them. Make sure you advise your students to be careful of wrongly dipping the shoulders, since this fault will cause a reverse pivot. Let the player simply feel the correct movement – left shoulder points down slightly, right shoulder points up slightly – in a see-saw fashion. Tiger continues swinging back, with the momentum of the turn and the slight tug on the club with his right hand carrying the club to the top, where it now finishes square to the target line rather than laid off, as was the case before his switch to a Modern Swing. Tiger’s early set and turn action allow him to make a free and fluid backswing action that is more natural-feeling, and therefore easier for him and all golfers to repeat. Tiger’s footwork has changed, too. Rather than keep his left heel planted on the ground, he allows it to lift slightly, and this move promotes a bigger, more relaxed turn, though the turning action of the shoulders, again, is more upright than flat. It’s obvious that Tiger figured out that this modernized turning action allows the club to stay closer to the target line on the backswing, so that he can rely less on timing for delivering it squarely to the ball on the downswing. THE MODERN DOWNSWING ACTION Because Tiger now sets the club sooner on the backswing and arrives in the ideal parallel position at the top, all he does to trigger the downswing is replant his left heel and nudge or bump his body weight toward the target. These moves, in turn, cause the right elbow to drop down into his side and the club to fall into the perfect hitting slot. Because Tiger now swings the club back on an upright plane, the club does not have to travel as far on the downswing when returning to impact. Tiger sometimes used to swing the club on an overly flat plane and lay the club off at the top, which caused him problems coming down. Fearing the club would get stuck behind his body and cause him to have trouble returning it to square (from such an inside position), Tiger tended to sometimes clear his hips too early and too vigorously and ruin a good score by hitting a tee shot way off line into trouble. The beauty of Tiger’s new modernized downswing is that it is an ideal remedy for students who tend to swing the club back on an overly flat plane and push shots right of target. Tiger’s modern action is both freefeeling and natural-feeling, and thus easier to repeat. Simply have the student trigger the downswing by practically simultaneously nudging their lower body toward the target and replanting the left heel on the teeing ground’s grass surface. In doing thus, the right elbow and club will drop down into the perfect hitting position. from there, all your student should do is rotate his or her left hip counterclockwise, just as Tiger does. A split second later, the student should release the right foot and hip and begin straightening the right arm. Finally, once the student’s left hip clears and the club nears impact, he or she should straighten the right wrist. Do that yourself and you will feel the club catapult into the back of the ball. Bam! You have just experienced Tiger Woods’ hot new swing with a Modern Twist.
Swing Changes

Swing Changes

Swing and a... Photo by mhofstrandRequired Commitment By John Savage USGTF Level IV Member and Examiner – Langhorne, Pennsylvania Maybe I’m a little old fashioned, but I find “crash courses” a little mind-boggling. We are a society which demands pills to fix just about everything, and now we are into crash courses that attempt to teach us a great deal in a minimal amount of time. There are crash courses on how to start an exercise program, how to lose weight quickly, how to use your newly purchased computer in two easy lessons, and the list goes on. Have we become a lazy society? Do we think everything can be solved quickly? Has instant breakfast and online banking had that much effect on us? People today don’t want it now – they want it yesterday. Where do some of your students fit into this? Are they people who are proactive or reactive? Do they wait for someone to fix it for them (“Gee, I always hit it good when you’re standing there with me on the lesson tee, but when I’m on my own, I just don’t do as well”), or will they actually do something to fix the problem? Did they have a crash course mentality when they came to you for a lesson? Do they want to play better by next Tuesday, or are they committed to working on improving? It is a fallacy to think that one can become thin and keep the weight off after a crash diet, or become fit, learn how to fix a car, or become a gourmet cook in two weeks or less. In golf, is there such a thing as a quick fix for a beginner? Let’s face it – it’s never just one thing with a high handicapper’s golf swing. Effective transformation is going to require a commitment , which in turn requires time. A golf student has to want to make a change. Then they must understand the amount of time that is needed to make a difference. They have to be realistic about their athletic ability and how much effort is necessary to achieve improvement. Real change means working on it diligently for more than a week or two. It takes time to learn which exercises work best for each individual. It takes time to get results from a new diet. It takes time for a golfer to become comfortable with a swing adjustment. Players need to be patient if they are looking for the improvement to be permanent. We recently made a backswing change in a 2-handicap golfer. The change moved his position at the top of his swing to the inside about four inches, and the left palm position from parallel to pointing slightly down. He hit 100 balls a day for five months before he was comfortable with the fact that he would not regress to his old swing during competition with his improved ballstriking. Obviously, not many players have that type of dedication. Getting them to understand how to practice properly, and link their perspiration to their inspiration, might help them get past their counting on a quick fix. Crash course expectations give false hope to many. To others, they can be the beginner’s course to real improvement if a person’s thoughts are used to prime the engines of change. Then, they are beneficial. However, if they are used instead as a quick fix, they can actually be harmful. They can become an excuse to quit. For students to improve, they must understand what they need to change (and you and they must understand what not to change) to accomplish it. As teachers, we can only make it clear, and by making it clear we can make it easier for the student to comprehend. The motivation must come from within the person who wants to make progress. Then, they must work on it. A student should understand that it is not the speed in getting there, it’s the arriving. Remind them to slow down. There will be good days, bad days, and regressive days. All players have what is called “game slippage.” This means, no matter how well they do on the lesson tee and afterwards on the practice range, they will not perform as well during a round of golf until they have mastered what you have corrected in the swing. A student must be willing to continue the effort so that the change you make today won’t disappear by next week. If not, then the crash course mentality will continue to cause failure. Make sure they understand that by staying with the program the improvement they are seeking is much more possible.
You May Not Be Tiger Woods, But You Are A Golfing Brand!

You May Not Be Tiger Woods, But You Are A Golfing Brand!

Tiger Woods Photo by Keith Allison By Jack Sims USGTF Level III Member – Miami, Florida It sounds too good to be true, right? But, I can assure you that while you may not be a big brand like Tiger, Ernie, Jack, or Arnie, you still are a brand! You see, if you give one golf lesson to one student, you are a brand. And, your brand is probably the single biggest financial asset that you have! The result of this one lesson can range from as far as “It was a terrible lesson,” to “It was a good lesson,” to “Wow, that was awesome. I have never hit the ball like that before.” But, the net result can be totally different because the whole process of branding is based around the total experience that your students have – it’s not only the lesson! It’s everything that you do before they show up, the way you talk to them before that first lesson, finding out who they are and what their expectations are, the care, support and enthusiasm that you share during the lesson, and the follow- up after the lesson. At the end of the day, you have to be good at what you do in giving golf lessons. That is your product, and you have to make it the very best that it can be. You cannot cut corners on this one! On the assumption that you have managed to become a good golf teacher (product) and that you accept that you are a brand; you are ready to take your brand to the next level, and to do that you need to have a clear understanding of exactly what a brand is: It’s your unique promise of value that results in a positive collection of perceptions in the minds of your students. Each one of these words is incredibly important if you want to grow your golf teaching business into a big brand, and it starts with the following: BE UNIQUE: What is it that makes you, as a golf teacher, unique? Why will people go out of their way to pay a premium price and get a golf lesson or series of lessons from you? If you can’t answer that question, I humbly suggest that you figure out a way that you can. You have to find uniqueness as a golf teacher that will make you stand out in the marketplace that, frankly, is a sea of sameness. It can be the way you communicate, the way you follow up with an e-mail of the things you went over on the lesson, keeping a case history on every student (I got that one from my wife who is a doctor), or whatever you can come up with that will differentiate you from everyone else that they do business with. This applies to not only other golf teachers, but businesses or products that they might use, because you have to understand it’s all about getting an incremental share of their wallet, and they only have one wallet. KEEP YOUR PROMISES: When you advertise or promote your golf lessons in whatever media that might be, you are basically promising the target something – a promise of a good experience, the fundamentals of golf, taking their game to the next level, or whatever…it doesn’t matter. The thing is that you are making a promise. And, I can tell you from 30 years of being in the marketing and branding business that many companies do not keep their promises. I don’t know about you, but my mother taught me to keep my promises. Why is it that we forget this when we go into business? You must remember you are in a business. DELIVER VALUE: Value is what your students want, as much as they want great results. And, the one thing that you have to know is that it’s not about price, despite what people might tell you. Think about this: you have probably paid $4.50 for a latte from Starbucks and felt really good about it. In fact, when you are walking down the street with that cup of Starbucks in your hand, you say to yourself, I am special, I am worth it, I deserve this cup of Starbucks coffee. You could have gone to your deli and paid $1.50 for a cup, but you didn’t. You see, it’s not about price, because price is what you pay and value is what you get. Make your students feel special by coming to you, and make sure everything you do before, during, and after the lesson make them feel special. Give them a good reason to perceive that the value that they get when they come for a lesson far exceeds what they are paying for it. DELIVER A POSITIVE COLLECTION OF PERCEPTIONS: Every time you put an ad in the local paper or the yellow pages, answer the phone or your answering machine kicks on, greet students at your facility, etc., it helps add to the perception of who you are and what your brand is! Yes folks, “perception is reality,” and you have to make sure that every “touch point” with your students reinforces your brand position. Consistency is an absolute must when it comes to building your brand, and you have to make sure that your communications are delivered with “consistent and multiple quality impressions”. YOU HAVE TO GET A PIECE OF THEIR MINDS: This is exactly what products like the Apple iPod have done. Let’s face it, you can go to eBbay and buy an MP3 player for $120, but no, we go and buy an iPod for $300, because they have a bigger share of our mental real estate. You can do the same with your golf teaching if you deliver your communications with memorable and outstanding words, and with promotional marketing that features the benefits that the recipient will get by taking lessons from you. Be sure to deliver these messages consistently! That’s it. Please again remember the following, and start growing into a brand: It’s your unique promise of value that results in a positive collection of perceptions in the minds of your students. Jack Sims is not only a five-year member of the USGTF, but is also an expert who speaks on marketing and branding. You can visit him at and e-mail him if you have any questions at
Why an 8,000-Yard Course Will Soon be a Standard

Why an 8,000-Yard Course Will Soon be a Standard

stone ball Photo by SideLongBy Mike Stevens USGTF Level III Member, Tampa, Florida It was a simple enough game, requiring a sturdy four-and-a-half foot tree branch, with six inches bent at about a 45 degree angle on one end. The branch, when swung in a downward motion from shoulder height, would propel a round stone along the ground to a target in the distance. The person reaching the target in the fewest number of strikes was Photo by SideLongthe winner. At first, the target was a tree or large boulder, until one day, after considerable searching, Lord William McPark found his stone at the bottom of a rabbit hole. From then on, the object became to intentionally knock the stone into a pre-selected hole, meticulously dug to a depth from which the stone could be easily retrieved. The hole could be no larger than that made by the average rabbit. After all, what challenge is there in aiming one’s stone at a hole made by a sheep or goat? Soon after, marker sticks became necessary and were placed in the target hole when, in a particularly close match, two shots played from about the same distance vanished into separate holes. The bewildered participants, unable to agree on who was entitled to the wager of two gold nuggets, went off to consult with the local magistrate. The official, being astute and wary of an uprising from those supporting the loser of his decision, disqualifies both and kept the nuggets as payment for calling the court into a special administrative session. From that point forward, sticks were placed in each hole to mark the official target at which to take aim. As the community prospered, more people took up the gowf, and soon the abundance of appropriate tree branches started to dwindle. Also, the stone balls were especially hard on the wood, as evidenced by the many splinters strewn across the fair meadow. About this time, one of the town’s carpenters began getting regular visits by locals requesting repairs to their favorite gowf sticks. Not knowing much about the game, the carpenter, a curious sort, learned that the nicks and gouges were caused by the stone balls, and sometimes clubs actually broke into pieces when one really struck a mighty blow. Well, one fine day, in walked Andrew McMorris with a rather nasty gouge in his only club, and right before a big match with James Dunn. Now, McMorris had never beaten Dunn, who always seemed to hit his stone further and more accurate… but, with a defective club, any hope of victory was certainly dashed. The carpenter, having given considerable thought to the subject, knew that wood against stone was no match, but wood against wood made logical sense. He told McMorris that he could repair the club, but one good whack would probably result in its demise. McMorris was beside himself; however, the carpenter told him he might get through the match with his newly invented wood ball. Knowing it was his only chance to play, McMorris reluctantly agreed and headed to his match, resigned to the fact he would be thrashed and probably be the fodder of the gowfing community. On the first tee, Dunn hit a wonderfully rolling shot straight down the middle, some 40 yards. McMorris stepped to the teeing ground, quickly placed the wood ball down, and before Dunn could protest, swung with his usual gusto. Not only did the ball travel twice as far at Dunn’s, it actually rose off the ground some three feet and floated across the meadow to a resting spot within reachable distance to the hole. Stunned silence engulfed the two men. Nary a word was exchanged the remainder of the day. Even though he shot his best score ever, Dunn was crushed. It might be the first time a gowfer lost every hole. It was the best day of McMorris’ life. Needless to say, Dunn’s first destination was to the carpenter’s shop, and the game of gowf was elevated to a new level. Shortly thereafter, demand for wooden golf balls was so great that the carpenter had to hire apprentices to keep up the supply. To compensate for the dwindling number of tree branches, and having good knowledge of wood joints and splices, the shop began making clubs in addition to balls, and soon the golf club business was booming. The new availability of clubs and balls meant more gowfers and competitions. The desire to beat one’s opponent had players constantly modifying equipment, searching for ways to make the ball go farther and more accurate. In addition to equipment, someone was always trying to improve the ball, believing the lighter it was the farther it would fly. Stuffing feathers inside of a leather pouch, as the Romans did in one of their games, would prove to be a great discovery. Molding rubber into a round sphere made the game even cheaper to play, and created a ball so durable that iron clubs could be forged by the local blacksmith to get over those nasty walls and out of the ruts left by carriage tires, something wood clubs would not do easily. With each new innovation, more players jumped in and play improved. It was narcotic. The ball was traveling farther and farther. They made courses longer to compensate, but still the hunger for distance became ravenous. It certainly has become the opium of the golf masses. And, all this because one William McMorris outdrove his opponent by some 40 yards. Mike Stevens is Southeast Director of the USGTF and golf teaching pro at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. He was the 2005 National Hickory Champion and the 2004 US Golf Teachers Senior Champion. In 2008 he finished second in the National Hickory and teamed with Mark Harman to win the Southern Hickory Four Ball. He also owns and operates the Mike Stevens On Target Golf School in Tampa and Sarasota.
Moore Takes Less Strokes Than Anyone, Wins Cup

Moore Takes Less Strokes Than Anyone, Wins Cup

They say some things get better with age. You can now add Jerry Moore to that list. Golf with Steve Photo by jhaveMoore, from Raritan, New Jersey, fired rounds of 71-67 for a 138 total that set a new tournament record for lowest 36-hole score. His final round 67 bettered his age by one and also established a new 18-hole record. He earned $2,600 for his efforts. Jim Perez from Fresno, California, won the Senior division with scores of 74-71 – 145 and finished second overall. Mark Harman won the Open division and finished third overall with 74-73 – 147. 2004 US Cup champion David Belling finished fourth at 78-71 – 149, while newcomers Mike Henry and Robert Green finished fifth, both with 76-74 – 150. Melody Robinson captured the Ladies title in her first attempt with 84-80 – 164. For Moore, it seemed like a question of not if, but when, he would finally take the overall title. Coming in as the two-time defending Senior division champion, and winner of four consecutive division titles, Moore ran that streak to five by also winning this year’s Super Senior championship. He has also twice played for Team USA at the World Golf Teachers Cup, in 2003 and 2007. Formerly a high school football coach in New Jersey, Moore is used to winning. His teams at Elizabeth High School and Somerville High School won 11 state championships, and Moore is known as a legend in New Jersey coaching circles. He had numerous players receive scholarships to play major college football. “I’ve been a competitor all my life,” said Moore, “and I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by good players and good situations.” Not only did Moore find great success in coaching football, he also coached other sports, including in his home state of West Virginia. Currently, Moore teaches golf in the summer and spends his winters in Florida. He also enjoys spending time with his grandchildren. He owes his longevity and prowess in golf to “working out every day and trying to stay as young as I can for as long as I can.” He called his time in Albuquerque as “the best week of my life.” Regarding the USGTF, he said, “My association with the USGTF has been nothing but positive. I’ve met a lot of great people.” For Perez, this year’s US Cup also culminated a long journey to capture a title. He was runner-up for the overall and Open division title in 2002, and last year finished as runner-up in the Senior division. Like Moore, Perez also gets better with age as his game continues to improve. Harman, a five-time winner of the US Cup, could not match the pace set by Moore or Perez, but did come home with his sixth Open division championship. Belling fired the low round in the Open division with a second-round 71, but could not overcome his opening 78. The weather for both days of the championship was sunny and warm. Moore took the first day’s lead with a 71, followed by Daniel Jarvie and Bruce Sims at 72, and Perez and Harman with 74. Jarvie was in contention the final day when, on the ninth hole, he took a drop for an unplayable lie, ultimately taking a triple-bogey 7. Several holes later, Jarvie disqualified himself from the tournament, saying that he was bothered that he might have taken an improper drop on the ninth. Certainly, such sportsmanship cannot go unnoted. Sims dropped back with a second round 80 but still finished second in the Senior division. Perez and the others were simply unable to match Moore’s torrid pace at any time during the final round. “Even though this was the United States Golf Teachers Cup, it was nice to see teachers from over a dozen nations in attendance,” said USGTF president Geoff Bryant. “I always look forward to this tournament, because it brings together teaching professionals from all over the world with a common interest, and certainly bonds those that we would never otherwise have had an opportunity to meet.” The location of the 14th annual United States Golf Teachers Cup will be announced in the next edition of Golf Teaching Pro.
What to Expect From Golf Lessons

What to Expect From Golf Lessons

Natalie Gulbis and Rich Lerner Photo by dnkbdotcomWhile Kessler is not a golf professional, he has a valid point. One of the worst things we can do as golf teachers is to pass out too much information. A common refrain that new teachers hear from their students is, “I have so much to remember.” Hopefully, as time goes on, this teacher realizes that when he or she hears this phrase, the student has been given too much information. A trend in modern teaching is the use of high-tech video and training aids. Use of these items can be of great benefit to some students. The one drawback to training aids, specifically, is that the student is not likely to have such a training aid to use in between lessons. If a lesson is based solely upon the use of a particular training aid that the student does not possess, such a lesson may not be of much use. Training aids should be used only to supplement the lesson, and not be the sole focus of the lesson. Of more use potentially to a student are drills, since they can be done without the presence of a teacher. Drills should be pertinent to the student’s problem, and they should be of such a nature that the student can easily do the drill. In other words, a student is likely to not do a drill correctly on his own that is complicated to execute or to set up. Are there times that complicated drills, “excessive” instruction, or training aids that the student does not possess should be used? Yes, but these times are not common. Usually, these types of lessons should be reserved for those in the low single-digit handicap range. These better players will likely have the ability to process several things at once, be able to remember how to set up and execute a complicated drill, and remember the feel of a training aid. However, since the vast majority of our students do not fit this mold, we should return to very basic teaching for most of them. They simply do not have the capability to think about more than one swing change at a time. At the most, they might be able to think about one thing on the backswing and one thing either in the transition move or downswing. A “problem” not necessarily exclusive to new teachers is the giving of information that seems too simple. Such teachers might shy away from giving a student something very simple because they feel that the student deserves more “expert” advice. There is some validity to this, because a student receiving such simple instruction might question the instruction’s very simplicity. For example, a veteran USGTF teacher tells of a student who kept popping up the driver. The teacher saw that the student’s swing was somewhat sound and that there was no reason the swing itself should be making the ball pop up. However, the teacher did note that the student teed the ball too high (this was back in the days of persimmon drivers); thus, the student often only hit the bottom half of the ball with the clubface. The teacher advised the student to tee the ball lower, which the student did. After a couple of well-struck drives, the student said, “It can’t be that simple,” and asked for more instruction to “fix” the problem. The teacher stuck to his guns and eventually convinced the student that the correct, albeit extremely simple, instruction was given. Fortunately, most students won’t complain about instruction that is seemingly too simple if it truly works. Kessler’s 10-minute idea has merit. Challenge yourself to see if you can’t find and solve a problem within this time frame. If you can, it doesn’t mean the rest of the lesson time is unnecessary. Use it to reinforce the good behavior, and, like all good salesman, be sure to obtain a commitment for the next lesson.
Honored Master

Honored Master

Photo by O’BrienDigitalBy Jim Perez USGTF Level IV Member and Examiner, Fresno, California I received a letter from a retiree, and every sentence started with, “If it wasn’t for you, I would not have played golf,” “If it wasn’t for you, I would not have had the courage to tee it up with the ladies group,” “If it wasn’t for you, I would never have been able to travel and play with my husband.” The letter continued like this, “If it wasn’t,” “If it wasn’t,” and on and on. I was so pleased that I could make a difference in someone’s life like this, so I am passionate when I teach the USGTF certification courses, imparting the knowledge that has been imparted to me, and imparting information that I have come up with by trial and error. We are more than just golf coaches. I received a letter from a gentleman from Belgium, asking me for tutelage of his 14-year-old son, who loves golf. His final sentence in our contract was, “I hope that you can be a good influence for his future.” I take my job very seriously, but I build friendships along the way. I am so pleased with not only my teaching, but the people I have met in my journey, students and teachers alike. I have just completed another championship year of coaching girls high school golf. I have written a few books. Three have been edited, and one of those, Kindergarten Golf, is out there in publishing land, ready to be picked up and also endorsed by famous writer, author and agent John Andrisani. It was he who gave me the motivation to write my own manual, The Perez Principle, and a book called Charlie, The Boy Who Inspired His Family and Friends to Play Golf. I am currently writing two books, The Power of the Inner Circle, and The Dream Of Shooting Under Par. This was something I have accomplished, and for which I am so grateful. I can teach anyone, at any age. I taught a 7-year-old, and now I coach every one this way. Once you learn how to do it, golf is a lot more fun. Winning the USGTF Senior Division championship in 2008 was a great accomplishment in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for me. I am preparing for Champions Tour Q-school at the end of year. I have sought the help of Wire to Win author David Breslow, the peek performance consultant, and also in my corner is Canadian Melody Robinson, a Level III instructor, to strengthen, train, and condition me. She will also caddie at the US Senior Open qualifier for me. I have always pursued the best and I am living the dream. I know that I still have a lot to accomplish, and I’m just getting started. I would love to thank my parents for their compassion that they bestowed on me and my older brother Joe, who started me in the pursuit and quest in this beautiful journey, and Melody for her love. I also am thankful for the dedication of Geoff Bryant, because without his struggle I may never have had the opportunity to enjoy this great success. Thank you to all.
The Worst Shot in Golf

The Worst Shot in Golf

By Andrew Penner USGTF Level III Member, Calgary, Alberta, CanadaFlubbed Photo by judemat Skull, slice, yip, yank, top, pop, tug, chunk, whiff, shank, clank, hook, smother, flub, duff. Indeed, as teachers, our student’s mess-ups come in all shapes and sizes. If only we could smite them from the earth (and, along with them, the gimmicky pop schlock recordings of Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Jessica Simpson). Chances are, when Flanders is breathing down your neck in your tension-filled grudge match, one of these saboteurs will be your nemesis shot. Our downfall. Our demise. The reason why we’re not making millions on the pro tour. (Of course, life as a teaching pro isn’t half bad, is it?) But, which do you think of the aforementioned villains is the worst? Like beauty, it’s in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I’ve always been partial to the clenched-teeth, smother- hook shot that leaves behind a vapour trail as it darts straight left and burrows deep into the thistles fifty-feet in front of the tee. This, partially, is due to the superior acoustics of this shot (I particularly love the machine gun-like sound when the ball ricochets off certain buildings, tin siding, or cars in the parking lot), but also because I’m just really good at intentionally hitting this aeronautical marvel. It’s definitely a fan favorite, too. Of course, one of the things I pride myself in is the fact that this heat-seeking smoker is actually a “good player’s” miss. That’s right, even some of the best players in the world are prone to big, nasty hooks when the pressure gets high. I think of Severiano Ballesteros’ shot coming down the stretch in the 1986 Masters (when Jack won). So full of passion whenever he played, Seve sniped a beautiful left-to-left snapper that dive-bombed into the pond fronting the 15th green with such conviction it probably ripped through the lining at the bottom of the pond, as well. By his own admission, it was the shot that signalled he was no longer one of the greatest in the world. However, a lot of our students out there could certainly relate. Of course, people who curve it right have, I must admit, a few things going for them when it comes to their off-centeredness. For starters, the cutting swipe is, aerodynamically speaking, far superior to the hard-left slinger any day. The ball simply yearns to stay airborne. And, in the case of a poorly placed water hazard, there’s always the possibility of skipping it across… that is, if you’ve got enough heat on it. Unquestionably, the headhigh, three-skipper onto dry land is a perennial crowd pleaser. A real rabble-rouser. Unfortunately, however, in many circles the banana ball is considered inferior and weak. Unlike the hook, which can run forever, the cutter doesn’t seem to go anywhere. Like Napoleon Dynamite’s stud-muffin brother, it’s a bit flabby and feeble. But is the slice the worst shot out there? Absolutely not. Not even close. Johnny Miller says you can win the US Open with a cut, but not with a hook. And Lee Trevino famously quipped, “You can talk to a fade, but a hook won’t listen.” I couldn’t agree more. But to get to the worst of the lot we’ve got to delve deeper. If we wince in pain at the very mention of the word, then we know we’re getting close. Surely the flat out whiff is about as shameful and appalling as they come. I mean, there can be nothing redemptive about complete, utter, and absolute failure in administering a blow. Or is there? Typically, when a student “whiffs,” there are anomalous variables at work. The ball might be six feet below the feet in a gutter, lodged twelve feet high in a sycamore tree, or you can’t actually see the ball at address because it’s plugged in a pile of dirt, or something like that, in which case a fearless swat at the ball, even if all that strikes the clubface is air or excrement, is to be wholeheartedly admired, appreciated, and applauded. So the whiff is clearly out of the running. AND THE WINNER IS….. Drum roll please. My vote is for the humbling, out of the blue, awful shank. And I know I’m not alone in this. Not only is this dysfunctional little surprise an embarrassment to anyone who has ever known it, but its contagious and downright deplorable nature is one that, one can only surmise, was forged in the fires of hell. And to take a quote from Forest Gump, “That’s all I’ve got to say about that!”
The Four Stages of Learning

The Four Stages of Learning

About 500m from the summit Photo by Brett L.By Robert W. Erickson USGTF Level III Member, Oakmont, Pennsylvania You’ve probably had the occasional student protest after a few lessons with a statement like, “I seem to hit the ball a lot better when I don’t think about the things you are teaching me!” I’ve had this happen many times, and at that point I usually take a few minutes to explain about the process of learning a new technique. It doesn’t seem to matter whether it is a sport, a new job function, or virtually any new activity. Change or learning can be difficult. The first thing I typically point out is that change, especially positive change, doesn’t happen without some thought! And, they probably wouldn’t be taking lessons unless they recognized they needed to make some changes. if their learning is successful, when they’re done they won’t have to think too much! here’s why: STAGE 1: UNCONSCIOUS INCOMPETENCE one day, you watch someone doing something, like golf, and think to yourself, “That sure looks like fun, i think i’ll give it a try.” at that point, you are in Stage one of learning the activity, which is called unconsciously incompetent. what happens? you typically discover that the activity is more difficult than it looks, and you fail to do it as well as you would like. you’ve found out that you’re not good at the activity, you just didn’t know it at that time! STAGE 2: CONSCIOUS INCOMPETENCE So, now you’ve given it a try, maybe several times, and you’ve become very aware that you aren’t all that good at it. This is the consciously incompetent stage, when you start to turn down invitations to participate in the activity to avoid embarrassment. For most people, this is the time they start to buy instruction books, tapes, and sign up for lessons. This is the “thinking” time, when you start to learn techniques that will help you master the activity, and move you to the next stage. STAGE 3: CONSCIOUS COMPETENCE This is the stage of learning that is the toughest, because you have to be very aware of how you are executing the activity. it’s the time when practice is extremely important, as you train your body and mind to work together in new ways to produce the results you want. it’s also the stage where feedback, both positive and negative, is required to fine-tune the new techniques you are learning. With lots of work, thinking, and refinement, you can reach Stage Three, being consciously competent in the new activity. as long as you take your time and think about it, you start feeling like, “I’m pretty good at this.” In golf, this is when we feel like we have to concentrate on 50 swing thoughts to execute an acceptable golf shot. however, our real goal is to get to Stage Four. STAGE 4: UNCONSCIOUS COMPETENCE Stage Three can be satisfying, but it can also be quite tiring, since we always seem to be “working on our game” instead of just enjoying it. people that are truly good at an activity spend most of their time in Stage Four, the unconsciously competent stage. This is especially true when they are competing, such as in a golf tournament. This ultimate stage of learning is when you can concentrate on the results of the activity, instead of the process of the activity. For example, in golf, when you are playing well, you might focus on the target and selection of the proper club to reach the target, but you don’t think through the mechanics of the swing to produce the result. you’ve done that during practice in Stage Three, and now it “just happens” when you need it, without thinking it through in detail. So, where do the better players spend their time? moving back and forth between Stage Three and Stage Four. when the pros are playing tournament golf, in what the commentators often refer to as “being in the zone,” they’re not thinking much about technique or mechanics. They’re just playing the game as unconsciously competent professionals. however, almost all the touring pros have a “swing coach” that they trust, and may spend time with between tournaments. when they spend time with their coach working on their game, they are living in the consciously competent stage. They focus on implementing improvements or eliminating flaws, and practice with feedback from their coach so they can move back to Stage Four to compete. you’ve often heard the comment that they now “trust their new swing” when they are playing successfully with the changes they’ve implemented in Stage Three. Learning a new activity or changing old habits is difficult. From my experience, golf is one of the toughest sports at which to become good. But, if you and your student are aware of where he or she is in the process of learning, you can help ease the frustration, and in turn increase the enjoyment of this great game. and, when you think about it, that’s the primary reason we all participate in this great profession.