Division winners included Brown (60-69) and Dorfmann (50-59); Nick Verdes (49 and under); Jim Peters (70+) and Hyounkyoung Kim (women’s). After the tournament, Northeast Region director Bob Corbo said, “It was great to see everyone. This year, we had six new participants, and players came from Wisconsin, Kentucky, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. I hope everyone had a safe trip home.”
Central – The USGTF Central Region Championship, originally planned for Walden Ponds Golf Course in suburban Cincinnati on July 21-22, will be rescheduled due to a scheduling conflict. At this time, the date and location are uncertain. Region director Tony McMullin will have an update shortly, and we will have that information in future USGTF monthly e-newsletters as well as on the USGTF’s website at
Southwest – The USGTF Southwest Region Championship will be held Friday-Sunday, September 20-22, at Twin Creeks Golf Club in Allen, Texas. The entry fee is $250. For more information and to enter, please contact region director Bruce Sims at