July 4 is Independence Day in the United States, but it also has a deeper meaning to USGTF member Ed Koepp – that’s the day that he first played golf. Back on that day in 1947, at the age of 10, Koepp Readmore
No edge is too small for a competitive golfer, and that includes keeping the body in peak form. This means staying in top physical form and getting proper nourishment. Readmore
Golf at the professional level continues to become more international, and perhaps no one exemplifies this as well at Thailand’s Kiradech Aphibarnrat. Readmore
You may have noticed in this e-newsletter that we have news from all five USGTF regions. That’s great, because involved members mean a stronger organization, Readmore
USGTF Northeast Region director John Savage has announced his retirement as region director effective April 1. Savage has been instrumental in the growth Readmore