Shawn Ramirez is a USGTF Level III teaching professional from Vero Beach, Florida. He is the father of seven and is also a licensed minister. His love for the game led him to the USGTF, Readmore
When discussing uniformity in golf instruction, we cannot ignore the now-famous, if not infamous, “Stack & Tilt” swing techniques introduced to the golf world by Mike Plummer and Andy Bennett with a huge splash on the June 2007 cover of Golf Digest. Readmore
Bill Kroen is a longtime USGTF member who resides in Stuart, Florida. He is the author of the national bestselling “The Golf Tip A Day Calendar,” which has sold over a million copies. Readmore
The Winter 2012 edition of Golf Teaching Pro will be mailed beginning December 9 to all USGTF members. Please also remember that if you move, please keep the USGTF National Office updated with your current contact information so you can receive the magazine on time.
Wilson Golf, a longtime industry partner and supporter of the USGTF, is now offering a new Wilson VIP program ( to allow USGTF members Readmore
The inaugural United States Match Play Championship will be held May 7-11, 2012, at Indian Hills Golf Course in Fort Pierce, Florida. The event is open to all professional and amateur golfers nationwide. Readmore
At the end of a long day of golf, Zack was caught in a three way tie for first place. In order to win the class 4A district tournament and advance to the regional level, Readmore
He lost some of his best years to the PGA of America’s “Caucasians only” clause. But, he did not let that stop him from making a historical mark in the golf world. Charlie Sifford became the first black player to compete as a member of the Readmore
USGTF Level IV member Michael Wolf has written a new book titled The Driven Golfer – Building Your Method for Scratch Golf. Michael is the head professional Readmore