1 Dec 2016 Corina Pelloni HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM THE USGTF NATIONAL OFFICE As another golf season comes to a close for our northern friends, it is just starting in earnest for some of us in the southern climes. Readmore
1 Dec 2016 Corina Pelloni EDITORIAL – IT HAS BEEN QUITE A YEAR IN GOLF As the Association of Golf Professionals celebrated 100 years of existence, 2016 saw many firsts, beginning with the major championships all Readmore
1 Dec 2016 Corina Pelloni “PRO” FILE – TOURING PROFESSIONAL HORTON SMITH The Masters is the tournament most associated with the late Arnold Palmer, but in the beginning, another man dominated the first three Readmore
1 Dec 2016 Corina Pelloni CHRISTMAS SAVINGS AVAILABLE IN DECEMBER Golf instruction is the name of the game at the USGTF, and we have many fine instructional publications and DVDs available for Readmore
1 Dec 2016 Corina Pelloni JONES NAMED COACH OF THE YEAR USGTF Master Golf Teaching Professional Bert Jones from Loomis, CA, has been named Delta League Girls Golf Coach of Readmore
1 Dec 2016 Corina Pelloni WINTER 2017 ISSUE OF GOLF TEACHING PRO – COMING SOON! The Winter 2017 edition of Golf Teaching Pro magazine, the official publication of the World Golf Teachers Federation, is being finalized Readmore
1 Dec 2016 Corina Pelloni DUES REMINDER FOR 2017 If you’re a current member in good standing with the USGTF, we want to say “thank you” for being a part of our family of golf Readmore