In an email to WGTF-Netherlands president Bjorn Beekman, the Netherlands Golf Federation (NGF) has officially recognized WGTF-Netherlands to be on equal footing with the PGA of Holland as an association of golf professionals. This means all WGTF-Netherlands Level 3 and Level 4 professionals can now compete in NGF professional events, as previously this was only reserved for members the PGA of Holland.
This matters a great deal, according to Beekman. “It is indicative of the continued growth and improvement of WGTF Netherlands and the entire WGTF,” he stated. “It is a sign that golf governing bodies worldwide are beginning to respect the strength and legitimacy of the WGTF.”
Beekman went on to say, “I think customers always have to have a choice. When you like fast food, you can choose McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King, etc. I think it’s good to see the difference between both education organizations, We as the WGTF are more for the adults with life experience and a life before golf, so we help them in a career change. Everybody is welcome to join the WGTF who has a passion for golf.”