The annual Australian Golf Teachers Cup will be held at the Forest Resort Creswick in the state of Victoria near Ballarat on Monday, November 21, and Tuesday, November 22, just after the Presidents Cup. Readmore
Each October the USGTF conducts two Level IV courses. One is conducted in Phoenix, Arizona and one in Port St. Lucie, Florida. These courses are the highest level of certification in the golf teaching industry. Readmore
USGTF veteran teaching professional Keith Dunkelbarger, from Pekin, Illinois, won the 4th annual Central Region Championship on August 21st at Renwood Golf Course in Readmore
Although a bit hot, you could not ask for better weather for this year’s version of the USGTF Southeast Region Championship. The Wildwood Country Club Readmore
CGTF Master Teaching Professional Tommy Tam is shown in the accompanying photo promoting the United States Golf Managers Association to interested persons at Peking University in China. Readmore
USGTF sport psychology consultant Dr. Gregg Steinberg’s expertise is on display in a new instructional DVD titled Golf Psychology for Golf Teaching Professionals, the latest in the USGTF instructional series. In the DVD, Dr. Steinberg gives golf teaching professionals insights Readmore
When you are trying to get your students to learn how to read putting greens better I use a method that I have discovered that works great!
Try to get your students to imagine the putting green like the face of a clock with the hole as the center of the clock. Readmore
By Trummie Hudson, Level III member, Berea, Ohio
I was born in Homestead, Florida, where my passions were boating and fishing. I moved to Ohio in 1966, and was 27 years old before I set foot on a golf course. Readmore