1 Sep 2015 Corina Pelloni USGTF PARTNERS WITH AVIS, BUDGET FOR RENTAL CAR DEALS The USGTF has partnered with Avis Rent A Car to bring its members Readmore
1 Sep 2015 Corina Pelloni GARVIN NAMED GENERAL MANAGER AT MARLTON USGTF Hall of Fame professional Jimmy Garvin has been named the general manager of Readmore
1 Sep 2015 Corina Pelloni COMPANIES CONFIRMED FOR WORLD CUP DEMO DAY; HOLE-IN-ONE PRIZE OFFERED Various USGTF industry partners and invited companies have confirmed their participation in this year’s United States Readmore
1 Sep 2015 Corina Pelloni EDITORIAL – MEMBER PARTICIPATION STRENGTHENS USGTF I’ve been fortunate to attend every playing of the United States Golf Teachers Cup since its inception Readmore
1 Sep 2015 Corina Pelloni LONGTIME USGTF MEMBER JAMES PASSES AWAY USGTF Master Golf Teaching Professional D. Gale James from Readmore
1 Aug 2015 Corina Pelloni THE INNOVATION FACTOR The Winter 2016 edition of Golf Teaching Pro magazine will feature an article titled “The Innovation Factor.” Here is an excerpt: Readmore
1 Aug 2015 Corina Pelloni NEW GOLF TOUR RELIVES HISTORY The Professional Hickory Golf Association, based in Tampa, Florida, announces the formation of the Tartan Tour on the Florida Historic Readmore
1 Aug 2015 Corina Pelloni PROMOTION – FAST SUCCESS FOR NEW TEACHING CARD Immediately after the new summer issue reached USGTF members, we started getting reaction to our new SWING THOUGHTS teaching diary ( ZCard). Readmore