Sara Qian from Maple Grove, Minnesota, has a special calling: She is a full-time emergency room nurse. But golf is not far from her mind, as she completed the USGTF certification course in 2021 under the tutelage of USGTF Master Golf Teaching Professional Bill Rice in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Qian began her journey in golf when her son was 4 1/2 years old, and she was looking for a fun sport that they both could do. Golf fit the bill, and soon her son was an accomplished golfer. This forced Qian to learn about the mechanics and the game in general. Although her son wound up going to college for academics rather than golf, Qian’s enjoyment of the game led her to the USGTF, so much so that her husband earned his certification the following year.
Today, Qian teaches part-time at Eagle Lake Golf Course in Minnesota, where her emphasis is developing women golfers. As a Korean person born in China, she speaks both of those languages fluently and finds that people from those countries feel more comfortable with someone who speaks their own language. With her duties as a nurse, combined with her efforts to grow the women’s game, it can certainly be said that Qian is a very special USGTF member, and the organization is fortunate to have her in our ranks.
200 S. Indian River Drive, Suite #206, Fort Pierce, FL 34950
772-88-USGTF or 772-595-6490 - www.usgtf.com