Have you noticed the registered trademark symbol after the phrase “Master Golf Teaching Professional”? This is because it is indeed a federally registered trademark, and only those who have successfully completed all requirements of the USGTF’s master-level certification process are legally allowed to use the term.
Many who have reached the level of Master Golf Teaching Professional have said the certification course itself is one of the best learning opportunities available. David Buise said, “Jerry (Ellstrom) was very kind, we had conversations about golf, about life and how I got into golf. He made it very comfortable for me taking the test. His knowledge alone helped me feel more comfortable with a lot of aspects that I can add to my teaching repertoire. I highly recommend the course to all who qualify.” Jason Miller added, “I really liked all the other students in the program, an awesome group of golfers and golf instructors. I want to emphasize how tremendous I think Bill Rice is. He’s delightful and extremely smart, extremely funny and kind, accommodating yet strict, personable. I definitely recommend the course, and if you’re looking to get a golf instruction job, the USGTF Masters certification is the cream of the crop.”
Candidates are required to present a written thesis to the rest of the class, affording a great learning environment for all. In addition, a shotmaking demonstration and passing a written teaching test are required. Those who have been a Certified Golf Teaching Professional® for a minimum of 12 months are eligible to attend the master-level certification class. The next class will be held June 12-14 in Las Vegas, Nevada. For more information, please visit https://www.usgtf.com/master-golf-teaching-professional.
Copyright © 2023 United States Golf Teachers Federation, All Rights Reserved
200 S. Indian River Drive, Suite #206, Fort Pierce, FL 34950
772-88-USGTF or 772-595-6490 - www.usgtf.com
200 S. Indian River Drive, Suite #206, Fort Pierce, FL 34950
772-88-USGTF or 772-595-6490 - www.usgtf.com